User:Dry dry bones
Hey this is Dry dry bones! As you probably already know,Mario rocks!(same with Dry Bones) I am a user in the wiki. You can leave me a message on my talk page.
Who's onlineWho's online: Bloober, Memelord2020, Sparks, KingOllie8, Blackops Yoshi, BowserDukes38, Rendumguy, Sandwich Golf Express, Setta3434, Sorbetti, Daisy4Days, Doublem, VideoGamePhenomHD, Power Flotzo, MarioFan333, Spencer PK, Mariuigi Khed, Pixiuchu, Salmancer, Thejbird, Potato3003, GuyWithAToothpick, CarlosYoshiBoi, Pseudo, Mario's biggest fan, PopitTart, Nintendo101, TheRaoul1992, Camwoodstock, Tylerhelt13, Mr. Cowbrown, Tatanga69420, Waluigi Time, SweetieToadette, LinkTheLefty, Technetium, LadySophie17 MY FAVORITE MARIO CHARACTERS
I made this image myself
About me
Classic galleryif you look closely you can see star SMB Marios watching Dry Bones get beat up by Birdo, you can also see they're standing behind a block so no egg misses and hits THEM.
Dry bones and Koopa comparisons!File:Gargantua koopa.PNG File:Ani smb3drybones.gif Pretty much overall: My sighalloween: Christmas:
Dry dry bones' journalThis is my journal! I will try to add more every Sunday. Hope you like! Entry 1 OK, first off let me say, it was SUPER embarrassing to be defeated by a PRINCESS in Super Princess Peach. Every Dry Bones gets stomped on by Mario or Luigi, but never PEACH! now you know why I was crying in some parts of that adventure...File:Sad Dry Bones.PNG I want to make a user box tower, but every time I try, it's just too hard. So I gave up, but that does NOT mean I'm a quiter! I never gave up on Mario or Luigi... well sure I gave up on Peach, but I cant attack a girl!
Entry 3 On Saturday it was Bowser's Luma's B-day! Hope he had a good one! Also anyone from the USA, happy 4th of july! Mine was awesome! There was fire, and bangs, and sparks! Then our neighbor blooper came and fired off his fireworks, it was fun!!! Entry 4 My bro. ShyMysteryGuy joined the wiki! Check out his page! And he started a thing called the spy guy squad, you can join if you want, and you dont have to be a Shy Guy! you can become his friend too. Wait, duh anyone can be anyones friend! anyways look at his page! P.S. I started my userbox tower! YAY!!! Entry 5 I shall end my small journal here, cause this stupid thing only has five pages! So thank you for reading and I hoped you enjoyed it! Entry 6 I said I was going to end it cause my other one only had five pages and I didnt have any room, but Iv bought a new journal and am now starting it again. So next Sunday come see my next entry! Entry 7 Im sooo mad right now! Mario stomped on me again, and this time I was just sitting on my patio! He must have been on one of his dinky little adventures again and saw me as a threat. Im so sick and tired of being stomped on!!! File:Drybonessmg.jpg Entry 8 My bro. went off to camp today so know one will be able to talk to him for a week. Yesturday we had a festival we have every year up here in Dry dry dezzert, the Rabbit Hood festival! Were we celebrate Rabbit Hood, and set up carnival games, food(Dont worry, not rabbit!),and even Bouncy blow up thinga mijigs(Most of the pokeys popped those!) So yah it was fun. P.S. Read my big bro's page, at the top he has a very important message! Youtube videosBowser's stinky and old! But still, no offense to bowser in this video. <Youtube>mLTAfOJ9ztE</Youtube> OTHER VERSES!!! I dont think I spell verses right. <Youtube>5FJ0_ZeKPUE</Youtube> Best Nintendo commercial ever!!! I love this old commercial! <Youtube>K783SDTBKmg</Youtube> MarioHes the man, hes everyone's hero, hes the plumber, hes the Luigi's older brother, hes...MARIO!!! congrats Bowser's Luma!Lets all celebrat Bowser's Luma's wiki anniversery!!!
YAY!Im in Mario Party 9!!! Gallery