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*It is possible to go to the roof of the cottage to save Luigi without going in the orange pipe.
*It is possible to go to the roof of the cottage to save Luigi without going in the orange pipe.
*There is a completely black planet that cannot be reached without using a cheat code. The only thing on it is a pipe that leads into a black hole, possible to teach curious players with cheat codes a lesson.
*There is a completely black planet that cannot be reached without using a cheat code. The only thing on it is a pipe that leads into a black hole, possible to teach curious players with cheat codes a lesson.
*Good Egg Galaxy will appear as a Dream Stage in [[Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games]]''

==Names in Other Languages==
==Names in Other Languages==

Revision as of 21:45, September 24, 2009

This article is under construction. Therefore, please excuse its informal appearance while it is being worked on. We hope to have it completed as soon as possible.


The Good Egg Galaxy is the second galaxy Mario must venture to in Super Mario Galaxy. It is the first galaxy within the Terrace dome. It is a galaxy which, unlike many of the others in the game, does not have a set theme such as ice or fire. Rather, it mainly consists of multiple small planetoids and a variety of different themes that usually contradict each other. Because of this, it is arguably the most 'true' galaxy with a pure space theme. The galaxy starts on a planet with a garden and a house on top and a castle at the bottom. Dino Piranha and King Kaliente are fought in this galaxy.


Starting Planet

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Mario on the Starting Planet.

The Starting Planet has two sides. One is green with a house on it and two groups of flowers where the player can get Star Bits. This side has some Electrogoombas, with Coins and Star Bits in the little bushes. It also an orange pipe on the roof of the house, which will lead the player inside of it. In here, the player will find four yellow circles which will make a coin come out of it if a Star Bit is shot at the yellow circle. In the center of these four circles, a ? Coin that will make Rainbow Notes appear will be here. The underground theme from Super Mario Bros. will play if the player collects these Rainbow Notes. A 1-Up Mushroom will be awarded to the player if they collect all the notes on time. The other side is dark and has a tower on it, with an orange pipe that will lead the player into the house on the brighter side, a green pipe which will also lead the player to the other side, aswell as many Star Bits and coins scattered everywhere on the dark side of the planet, and the dry trees which are also on the darker side too. This is arguably the best place to get Star Bits in A Snack of Cosmic Proportion.

Boulder Planet

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Watch out for the boulders.

This is a yellow planet that resembles a peanut with little grooves where the boulders have been rolling. It has about 6 boulders that Mario must dodge and/or break using his Spin. To access a Launch Star, Mario must get five Star Chips here. It has a different color appearance when it is first seen, but it ends up appearing with a recolor in the final version of the game. It was originally supposed to be blue.

Flatland Planet

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The bean-like Flatland Planet.

The Flatland Planet has a Piranha Plant which will sprout a vine when defeated. It will also have some Swoopin' Poinks that will try and suck the player's health. Also, on the other side of this planet is a ? Coin., which will make Star Bits appear in a trail leading to the Piranha Plant, and will be in the shape of the vine that will come out once the Piranha Plant is defeated.

Bitten Apple Planet

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Bitten Apple Planet.

This planet, as its name states, resembles a green bitten apple. There are Boulders rolling all over the planet, and a large purple Piranha Plant on the top. There is a black hole in the middle of this planet. If the player chooses to go right, they can access the Flip Switch Planet. Coins will be placed at area where the boulders won't roll to, and some Swoopin' Poinks will be around this planet. The purple Piranha Plant can be defeated by either Jumping or Ground-Pounding it's head, or by using a Spin on the Rubber Ball to make it stretch out and hit the Piranha Plant.

Flip Switch Planet

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Mario getting for the 1-Up Mushroom.

A planet covered in Flipswitches. It can be accesed when the player goes to the right of the Bitten Apple planet, and defeats the Piranha Plant inside the pipe. The player will have to activate all the Flip Switches to move on to the next part of the planet. If the player falls off of a Flip Switch, they will be sucked into the black hole. If the player completes the planet by activating all the switches, they will get a 1-Up Mushroom.

Block-Climb Planet

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Block-Climb Planet

After the player launches off the Bitten Apple planet, they will be in the Block-Climb planet. This planet will have some Electrogoombas, a Luma, and a Starbag. There is nothing on this planet except for the enemies, and coins scattered ontop of blocks and platforms. A Launch Star is at the bottom of it, which will take the player to the Geo Planet.

Geo Planet

The Geo Planet with the Dino Piranha's egg hatching.

The Geo Planet is a small planet where the Dino Piranha boss is fought. It is made of gravel and rock with patches of grass sticking out, much like a simple ball of earth mixed up together. There are Item Crystals on it with a few Coins and Star Bits inside of them. Once Dino Piranha is defeated, the player will be awarded with a Power Star.

Pear Planet

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A pear-looking planetoid.

This Pear-shaped Planet has a few Goombas on it and a Launch Star that will take the player to the Rock Planet. There are also some spikes on the Pear Planet, and a few Item Crystals. Using several methods (spikes, item crystal, launch-throughs) the player can obtain 100 Star Bits on just the Starting Planet and Pear Planet.

Rock Planet

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The Rock Planet.

This planet is a rock with boulders moving all around it. The rock planet also has more crystals, a ? block, and a Launch Star that will take Mario to the Egg Planet. There are no enemies here. There is also a Sling Star here that Mario can use to reach a coin.

Egg Planet

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The Egg Planet from a bird's eye view.

This planet resembles a Yoshi Egg. This planet can only be found in two levels, which are "A Snack of Cosmic Proportions", and "Purple Coin Omelet". The Egg Planet will have Item Crystals which will contain Star Bits. Also, many Goombas will wander the planet too.

Tower Planet

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Tower Planet.

This planet requires jumping up cliffs to reach the top. It is full of Spiny and Round Bushes and only appears after the Hungry Luma is fed 100 Star Bits.

Pill Planet

An obstacle-filled section of the Pill Planet.

The Pill Planet is shaped like a giant, transparent pill. It contains many obstacles and items, mainly Coins and Item Crystals. Atop the towering planet is a Launch Star that Mario can use to break out of the Pill Planet's glassy surface. This planet contains a 2D platforming area with variable gravity.

Star Planet

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Trying to get the Star.

The last planet of the second star, Which resembles a Sling Star. To get to the star, the player must collect Blue Star Chips to create some Pull Stars. Then Mario must use Pull Stars to get to the Power Star in the center of the Star Planet. Or, Mario can simply Long Jump to the Star.

Tropic Planets

A pair of planets in Star 3, both involving coconuts. The first planet has some spiky plants, and Mario has to destroy the larger one to get to the next planet. A Sling Star appears and takes Mario to the second, which has a Pokey on the top. When it surfaces, Mario kicks a coconut at it and finds a Launch Star. Both planets have Goombas, crates and palm trees.

Water Planets

These are small planet that surround the tropic planets. They are either completely water or have a small sand core. They are unaccessable and the player only sees them when Mario soars past them. But, through hacking the player can visit them. These act like a regular planet because they have their own gravity field.

Saucer Planet

The Saucer Planet has Yellow blocks on it, some Electrogoombas, Chomps, and Bill Blasters. To get the Launch Star, Mario must avoid the enemies and go to the top of the planet, right above the Bill Blasters, and destroy the Item Crystal. This takes him to the Airships.


There are two airships here, both commanded by King Kaliente. To get to the second one, Mario must wait until the enemies on the airship throw coconuts at him. Then, the player must Star-Spin the coconuts back at them to defeat them and to open the bridge. The second airship has many Electrogoombas and a Launch Star to the Magma Planet.

Asteroid Planet

A planet before the Magma Planet or the Airships. There are two Chomps going around it. The player can go inside the pipe here, which will lead them to a small circular room with several Goombas and a ? Coin which will make a Rainbow Star appear.

Magma Planet

Mario on the Magma Planet.

This is where the boss battle against King Kaliente takes place. It consists of a hot lava pool with a shiny tar-like ring of ground around it. The rest of the planet is just simple hot rock. The planet is quite big compared to others like the Tropic Planet, since it needs to have a decently large size for the fight to be held. Underneath the Magma Planet is a rocky area with yellow rings on it like a target. It resembles a chocolate donut.



Dino Piranha

Mario starts this level on a planet with a grassy scene and a house on one side and a dark tower on the other side. At the top of the tower is a Sling Star which propels Mario into a Launch Star. This sends him to the Boulder Planet, where five Star Chips are scattered. The player will have to dodge the boulders and collect the Star Chips to create a Launch Star. After jumping in the Launch Star and spinning, Mario lands on a small planet with a Piranha Plant. Mario must defeat the plant to make a sproutle grow. Mario must Spin up it. Mario will fly over to the Bitten Apple Planet, where he can go either two ways: Either they can go ahead and defeat the huge Piranha Plant ahead and Spin on the vine; or go to his right, defeat the regular Piranha Plant in the pipe and jump in it, causing him to go over to the Flip Switch Planet (where he can collect a 1-Up Mushroom and jump in the Launch Star that appears when all of the flipswitches are stepped on). Either way he goes, he will end up at the Block-Climb Planet. Mario must climb the stones, with Electro-Goombas on each step, to the Launch Star. Mario will launch and slam into a giant egg on the Geo Planet, which the egg will sprout a tail and will begin to move around. After Mario does a Spin on the ball on the end of its tail, it will hit the egg and break it, revealing Dino Piranha. It must be defeated to get the star.

A Snack of Cosmic Proportions

This level involves feeding a Hungry Luma one hundred Star Bits, so the player should pick up as many as possible. When Mario is exploring this planet, he must hop up the stone stairs on the tower side of the planet and he should talk to the blue Luma. It'll transform into Pull Stars which lead to a Launch Star. This leads Mario to a set of three planets connected by Launch Stars. The planet that resembles a Yoshi Egg is the one that has the the hungry Luma. Mario can use the Launch Stars to travel around the three planets as much as he wants to fulfill the Luma's quota of Star Bits. The player must talk to the hungry Luma after getting 100 Star Bits, and it'll explode with snacky happiness and create a new planet and Launch Star. The player must climb up the structure on this new planet to reach the Launch Star at the top, which will launch Mario to the Pill Planet. One of the crystals on this planet covers the entrance, so the player must smash it to get inside. The player will enter a 2D platforming area, so Mario must head through it carefully noting the Blue Arrows move the player down by gravity, while Red Arrows move them up. Note that if the player crosses the moving platform, they can get two Coins and a 1-Up Mushroom. The top of the planet contains a Launch Star. Mario will finally end up on a star-shaped structure with blue Star Chips and the Power Star in the middle. The player has to collect the blue Star Chips to create Pull Stars, which will aid Mario in grabbing the Power Star. The player could also use a long jump to get the star without collecting the blue star chips.

King Kaliente's Battle Fleet

Mario starts on the same planet as he did on the previous two missions. The Launch Star is on the top of the house, and it is possible for the player to triple jump to the top of it, or else Mario can take the orange Warp Pipe on the underside of the planet and traverse the boxy room to reach the Launch Star. The Toad on this planet tells Mario that the spiky plants hate coconuts. Mario will have to kick the coconuts into the plants, and one will reveal a Sling Star. The next planet has a large Pokey, which can also be defeated by kicking a coconut at it, revealing a Launch Star. The next planet has a Sling Star which propels Mario to a planet full of electrical walls, but if the player decides to stay on the planet they can enter a pipe to an area with a Rainbow Star and lots of Goombas. The player must carefully avoid the walls of the next planet to reach the other side of the planet, where cannons shoot Bullet Bills. The Launch Star is in a crystal at the top of the structure on this planet. As Mario is launched onto a airship, two creatures will shoot coconuts at Mario from an adjacent airship. Mario will have to do a Spin to send the coconuts back at them to defeat them, which lowers the bridge between the two ships. The Launch Star on this airship that takes Mario to King Kaliente's planet. The player can defeat King Kaliente by repeatedly spinning back the coconuts he shoots at Mario.

Dino Piranha Speed Run (Speedy Comet)

Identical to 'Dino Piranha', but with a time limit of four minutes. Boulders have been replaced with Chomps.

Purple Coin Omelet (Purple Comet)

In this level, the player has to collect 100 purple coins to get the Power Star in the area of the three planets before the tablet-like planet in the 'Snack of Cosmic Portportions'with out the Hungry Luma planet. Mario must traverse through the galaxy and collect these coins using launch stars. Unlike most other Purple Comet missions (with the exception of Purple Coins in the Woods), the coins here follow a linear path - simply follow the trail of coins on the first planet, take the Launch Star, take the Launch Star in midair on the way, follow the path of coins on the second planet, etc. If the player repeats this process a few times, they will have collected every coin and will land right next to the Power Star.

Luigi on the Roof

Shortly after Mario rescues his brother Luigi in the first mission of the Ghostly Galaxy, Mailtoad will inform Mario that Luigi has sent him a letter saying he is lost, with an enclosed picture of his whereabouts. The player can work out that Luigi is in the Good Egg Galaxy. To clear this hidden Star mission, the player must enter the mission Dino Piranha (after receiving the aforementioned letter) and reach the top of the mushroom hut on the first planet. The easiest method of reaching the top is simply doing a Triple Jump and Spin on top of it, but another way is to walk around to the underside of the planet and enter the orange Warp Pipe there. After traversing the room, possibly gaining a 1-up from collecting Music Notes, the player can jump through another orange Pipe and emerge on the top of the Hut. Luigi will give Mario the Star and the mission will be completed.


  • Unlike most galaxies, it gets its name from a single planet.
  • It is notable that the original E3 demo and gameplay footage mostly featured segments from the Good Egg Galaxy, along with a mixed-in level from the Space Junk Galaxy.
  • Part of Good Egg Galaxy's music returns in Mario Kart Wii's Rainbow Road.
  • It is possible to go to the roof of the cottage to save Luigi without going in the orange pipe.
  • There is a completely black planet that cannot be reached without using a cheat code. The only thing on it is a pipe that leads into a black hole, possible to teach curious players with cheat codes a lesson.
  • Good Egg Galaxy will appear as a Dream Stage in Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games

Names in Other Languages
