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== Pirates of the Beanbean: The Curse of the Black Doomship ==
'''Rated PG-13 for Violence and Minor CENSORED Language'''
(A mustached pirate, wearing a red cap with an M on it, wearing overalls and red shirt walks by some peaceful gardens carrying his sword. While he walks, he sees a sign reading “Beanbean Castle Town Ahead – Pirates Do Not Enter”. The pirate enters the town, however two Beanbean Guards run to him.)
Beanbean Guard #1: Your face looks very familiar. You obviously are a pirate.
(The other Beanbean Guard notices the pirate’s cap.)
Beanbean Guard #2: Why of course, you’re Captain Mario Mario!
Pirate (Mario): Why yes I am got a problem with that?
Beanbean Guard #1: A rope will be tied around your neck and you will choke to death, you nasty pirate!
(Suddenly, they all hear a splash.)
Beanbean Guards: Huh?
(Mario runs in the direction the splash came from, to find the ocean and a princess inside the water unconscious! Mario jumps in the water, grabs her, and gets her out. Queen Bean (queen of the kingdom where they are on right now) and some Advisors (helpers of Queen Bean) run to where the unconscious princess is.)
Queen Bean: What did you do to her!?
Mario: I saved her that’s what.
(The princess slowly gets up.)
Queen Bean: What happened Peach?
Princess (Peach): The heat was so hot that I fainted and fell in the water. The red fat dude saved me.
Mario: Hey!
Advisor: Even if he saved you or not princess, he still must be killed because he’s a pirate and we hate pirates!
Mario: Wait no!
Peach: But he saved my life!
Queen Bean: Peach, you stay out of this.
Peach: But…
(Mario takes out his sword and raises it up in the air as if he was going to cut Peach.)
Mario: I’ll kill her if you don’t let me go free. 
(Everyone is speechless, and no one talked for about two minutes.)
Mario: Well? Heehee…
(Mario puts his sword away and starts running.)
(The Beanbean Guards chase Mario around the town. Mario hides inside an old house.)
Mario: No one will find me here…
(Mario looks around the place.)
Mario: Yuck, this place is nasty!
(Mario turns around and sees a person very similar to him, except he doesn’t have a cap.)
Mario: Luigi! My brother!
Luigi: Mario…you….you…you…turned into a pirate?
Mario: Yes, got a problem with that?
(Luigi takes out a sword.)
Luigi: I dislike pirates.
Mario: Well if you want it like that…
(Mario takes out his sword. They both start fighting with their swords. However, it’s only a few seconds before the door of the house swings open and the Beanbean Guards finds Mario.)
Mario: Oh great…
(Mario is later seen trapped inside a jail inside the Beanbean Castle Sewers. He is trapped with some other pirates.)
Mario: Sigh…
(Mario sees that the pirates all have bones and are saying “Wake up little one and come here!”)
Mario: What are you dumb pirates doing? 
(One of the pirates points to a sleeping Chainless Chain Chomp near the jail. The Chain Chomp has a key on his mouth.)
Pirate: That Chain Chomp has the key to get us out of here!
Mario: Trust me; no matter how many bones you’re trying to give him, he’ll never come close enough so you can get the key.
Pirate: We’ll see about that.
Mario: Sigh…
(Meanwhile outside, a Beanbean resident spots a pirate ship in the water.)
Beanbean: PIRATE SHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Everyone starts running as some Koopas get of the ship. Then, the captain of the ship, Captain Bowser gets off.)
Bowser: Bwahahahahahahaha!  Come on my Koopas, destroy the place and find the ring!
(Meanwhile in Queen Bean’s castle, Peach is hearing some screams outside.)
Peach: What’s happening…
(Just when she opens the castle door to see what’s happening, she is shocked to find a weird Koopa (Iggy) and ANOTHER weird Koopa (Lemmy) looking at her.)
Peach: AAAAHHH!!!!
Iggy: Hello pretty!
(Iggy and Lemmy tie Peach and start walking up to the ship of Captain Bowser, while the whole Beanbean Castle Town is being attacked by Koopas. Luigi takes out his sword and starts defeating all the Koopas he sees. However when he notices Peach being kidnapped by Iggy and Lemmy, he tries to save her, however is then hit in the head by a Koopa. Iggy and Lemmy bring Peach to the ship (called the Black Doomship) and all the Koopas attacking the castle town return to the ship.)
Captain Bowser: We got what we are looking for. Now lets just say a “Good bye” to this place…
(Bowser shoots giant cannonballs at the town. The castle is destroyed, various houses are broken and the whole place is almost destroyed. The Black Doomship leaves, with Peach on it. The next day in the sewers, Mario is seen still trapped in the jail.)
Mario: Bored, bored, bored…
(Mario then sees Luigi with a key.)
Mario: Luigi! You came to save me?
Luigi: Listen, I’ll only get you out if you help me save Peach. She’s been kidnapped by the Koopas.
Mario: Very well then. I’ll help you save your princess. Now get me out of here.
(Luigi helps Mario get out of the jail. Mario and Luigi then go to the Castle Town.)
Luigi: Well…we need a ship.
(Mario takes out his sword.)
Mario: If you want to get a ship, then you have no choice but to be a pirate.
Luigi: What do you mean?
Mario: You’ll see…
(A group of Beanbean people are on the ship ready to sail. However Mario and Luigi get on the ship.)
Mario: Get out of the ship!
(They all get scared and jump off the ship into the water.)
Luigi: That was easier than what I thought.
(Mario and Luigi sail and hope to find the princess. But Mario stops the ship without a warning.)
Luigi: Wha-what happened you crazy pirate!
Mario: We need more pirates on this ship.
(The ship sails again and arrives at an island.)
Mario: You stay here crazy plumber.
(Mario gets off the ship. After half an hour, Mario returns with a lot of pirates.)
Mario: Luigi, meet my buddies.
Luigi: Hi…
Mario: Luigi, this is Daisy.
(Daisy slaps Mario.)
Mario: Ow…don’t worry Luigi she’s always like that.
(Daisy slaps Mario again.)
Luigi: Err…Mario…
Mario: Ok, ok! I stole it because I needed it! Happy?
Daisy: No.
Mario: Well anyway this is Wario.
Mario: This is Waluigi.
Waluigi: I’m scared of Waluigis!
Mario: This is Toad.
Toad: $)%(@$*#*!!
Mario: This is so getting the PG-13 rating.
Luigi: Uhh…yeah…
Mario: This is Toadette.
(Toadette punches Mario in the stomach.)
Luigi: Did that hurt?
Mario: No…not really….
Luigi: Yeah it did.
Mario: And finally…these are just Shy Guy pirates I’ve never met.
Shy Guy #1: I was once a captain…sniff…until that green dinosaur came…he ate my ship…and I became regular pirate…and Mario became the captain…WHY!?
Shy Guy #4: Poor captain.
Mario: That green dino he is speaking of, he’s my friend.
Luigi: Can we just save Peach?
Mario: Sure…
(Meanwhile in the Black Doomship, Peach is trying to escape.)
Bowser: Oh princess. If you jump off the ship the sharks will eat you.
Peach: LUIGI! Save me!
Bowser: Heeheehee…
(Peach looks up at the sky, as night falls. When she turns around she screams. Bowser is now a bunch of bones!)
Dry Bowser: Welcome aboard the Black Airship!
Peach: Wha-what happened!?
Dry Bowser: Look around-everyone is a bunch of bones!
(All the Koopas have also turned into Dry Bones.)
Peach: Wha-how-why…
Dry Bowser: Ahh…the deadly Davy Blooper put a curse on me. That curse was that I was invincible. Nothing will kill me. Thought you may say this curse is good-I’m really annoyed by it. Because every night, we all turn into these very scary skin-less creatures. And I really hate having to loose my skin every day.
(Peach is left speechless.)
Dry Bowser: And your ring…the ring on your finger…that is the way to make me live again.
Peach: …?
Dry Bowser: Davy Blooper decided to not be so mean. He told me that if I got all 50 Golden Rings, I could get out of the curse. Those rings aren’t any normal rings-they have a picture of a Blooper with two tentacles.
(Peach looks closely at her ring. Its true-she can barely see a Blooper with two tentacles.)
Peach: Well-
Dry Bowser: And I have 49 rings. Yours is the last one I must get. However, unfortunately, all my rings are not here, so even if I get your ring, I won’t get out of this curse. But I shouldn’t be too sad-because I know where the rest of my rings are. They’re in my secret cave.
(Peach looks at her finger.)
Dry Bowser: Want an apple?
(Peach shakes her head as in “no”. Back with Mario…)
Mario: What’s a good name for this ship?
Luigi: Insect. Ok, lets get on.
Mario: I was thinking something more like-
Toadette: Just get on!
(Mario does so. They all sail. After a few hours in the water, Mario spots an island.)
Mario: Lets stop at Island Turtle to get a drink of Koopa-Kola!
Luigi: No. Keep on going.
Mario: But I wanna stop at Island Turtle!
All: NO!
Mario: Fine.
(After a few more hours, the “Black Doomship” and the “Insect” meet.)
Dry Bowser: Oh so its that green guy coming to save his little princess eh?
Luigi: Yes, and I got help from a few people!
Mario: Hi!
Shy Guy #4: SHUT UP!
Mario: Sorry.
Daisy: Sigh…
Bowser: Well you can have your little princess. All I need is the ring.
(Bowser grabs Peach’s ring and then throws Peach in the water. Luigi jumps in the water to get her.)
Dry Bowser: With this ring, I’ll be able to get a life again!
(One of the Dry Bones laughs.)
Dry Bowser: Let’s just go to the cave.
(Everyone on the Black Doomship jumps in the water, just as Lugii comes out of the water with Peach.)
Luigi: Hey where are they all going?
Mario: To get a life. (laughs)
(Luigi brings Peach on the ship. Peach tells the story of the curse.)
Luigi: I wonder…
(Luigi goes back in the water.)
Mario: He goes, I go.
(Mario jumps in the water as well. Peach has no choice but to jump in as well. Mario’s crew jumps in as well. After they all swim for a bit, they all find a cave, which isn’t filled with water and instead has fresh air.)
Mario: Eeew, smells like Cheep Cheep in here!
(Luigi points to Dry Bowser and a lot of Dry Bones opening a treasure chest. Inside is a bunch of rings.)
Dry Bowser: And now the time has come! We will all be living creatures again!
(Before Dry Bowser can do anything, the ring he has in his hand is stolen.)
Dry Bowser: Wha-
(Mario stole the ring!)
Dry Bowser: Hey give that back! It’s the only way to break me out of this curse!
Mario: No thank you!
(Dry Bowser takes out a sword. Mario does as well.)
Mario: If you want a fight, you get a fight.
(Mario and Dry Bowser start sword fighting, while Luigi, Peach and Mario’s Crew fight all the Dry Bones. After a few minutes of fighting…)
(Everyone stops. Dry Bowser throws his sword on the floor.)
Dry Bowser: Here Mario! Stab me!
Mario: Umm…ok?
(Mario stabs Dry Bowser.)
Mario: Well of course you’re all bones…invincible that means.
Dry Bowser: In that case…
(Dry Bowser picks up his sword and is about to cut Mario when Mario stops him.)
Mario: WAIT! Can I try one more time to kill you?
Dry Bowser: Sigh…sure whatever.
(Without Dry Bowser noticing, Mario gives the ring to Luigi. Luigi runs over to the treasure chest and puts the ring in. Bowser’s curse is broken and he isn’t bones anymore! Same with the Dry Bones-they are all Koopas now!)
Bowser: Huh? What the? I’m not invincible anymore?
Mario:  You said I could try to kill you this time!
(Mario stabs Bowser, and Bowser falls back and lands on the ground. He then disappears.)
Mario: There! Mission ended!
Waluigi: No, not really.
(Mario turns around and sees all the scared Koopas. Mario, Luigi and Mario’s crew all grab their swords. After a few minutes of defeating Koopas, they all get back out. Mario and Mario’s crew get on the “Black Doomship”.)
Mario: Now that Captain Bowser is dead, this ship belongs to me!
(Mario turns around and sees Iggy and Lemmy on the ship. Alive.)
Mario: Eeeek!
Iggy: Don’t worry. We’ll join your team.
Mario: I hope.
(While Luigi and Peach get on the “Insect”.)
Luigi Now lets go back to the Beanbean Kingdom!
(When they all get back, just as Mario gets off the “Black Doomship” he is surrounded by Beanbean Guards.)
Beanbean Guards: You are a pirate. And because of that, you must be killed!
Luigi: Don’t kill him!
Beanbean Guard: Oh, are you another pirate?
Mario (whispering to Shy Guy #4): Escape!
(When the Beanbean Guards aren’t paying attention, Mario and all of Mario’s crew get on the “Black Doomship” and leave the Beanbean Kingdom.)
Mario: See ya later Beanbean dudes!
Beanbean Guard: Well that Mario left and there’s nothing we can do about it…
Luigi: Oh, Mario. You chose to be a pirate, and I can’t make you say no!
<center> THE END </center>

Revision as of 18:41, July 30, 2007

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I have Wi-Fi!! Mario Kart DS Friend Code: 515502338072

July 28, 2007: I'm busy right now creating a story called "Pirates of the Beanbean: The Curse of the Black Airship" (not Mariowiki related). Other than that, I've been doing nothing.

July 26, 2007: I'm a year older! Umm...anyway I returned a day earlier than expected. Oh well, who really cares? My birthday present was 1000 Wii Points. I bought NES Open Tournament Golf with it. Not much of a happy birthday present...but I got nother surprise! WI-FI!!! Play me!!

sunshinewaahce1.gif smiddlelolcj9.gif wariowinkjq6.gif

Pirates of the Beanbean: The Curse of the Black Doomship

Rated PG-13 for Violence and Minor CENSORED Language

(A mustached pirate, wearing a red cap with an M on it, wearing overalls and red shirt walks by some peaceful gardens carrying his sword. While he walks, he sees a sign reading “Beanbean Castle Town Ahead – Pirates Do Not Enter”. The pirate enters the town, however two Beanbean Guards run to him.)

Beanbean Guard #1: Your face looks very familiar. You obviously are a pirate.

(The other Beanbean Guard notices the pirate’s cap.)

Beanbean Guard #2: Why of course, you’re Captain Mario Mario!

Pirate (Mario): Why yes I am got a problem with that?

Beanbean Guard #1: A rope will be tied around your neck and you will choke to death, you nasty pirate!

(Suddenly, they all hear a splash.)

Beanbean Guards: Huh?

(Mario runs in the direction the splash came from, to find the ocean and a princess inside the water unconscious! Mario jumps in the water, grabs her, and gets her out. Queen Bean (queen of the kingdom where they are on right now) and some Advisors (helpers of Queen Bean) run to where the unconscious princess is.)

Queen Bean: What did you do to her!?

Mario: I saved her that’s what.

(The princess slowly gets up.)

Queen Bean: What happened Peach?

Princess (Peach): The heat was so hot that I fainted and fell in the water. The red fat dude saved me.

Mario: Hey!

Advisor: Even if he saved you or not princess, he still must be killed because he’s a pirate and we hate pirates!

Mario: Wait no!

Peach: But he saved my life!

Queen Bean: Peach, you stay out of this.

Peach: But…

(Mario takes out his sword and raises it up in the air as if he was going to cut Peach.)

Mario: I’ll kill her if you don’t let me go free.

(Everyone is speechless, and no one talked for about two minutes.)

Mario: Well? Heehee…

(Mario puts his sword away and starts running.)


(The Beanbean Guards chase Mario around the town. Mario hides inside an old house.)

Mario: No one will find me here…

(Mario looks around the place.)

Mario: Yuck, this place is nasty!

(Mario turns around and sees a person very similar to him, except he doesn’t have a cap.)

Mario: Luigi! My brother!

Luigi: Mario…you….you…you…turned into a pirate?

Mario: Yes, got a problem with that?

(Luigi takes out a sword.)

Luigi: I dislike pirates.

Mario: Well if you want it like that…

(Mario takes out his sword. They both start fighting with their swords. However, it’s only a few seconds before the door of the house swings open and the Beanbean Guards finds Mario.)

Mario: Oh great…

(Mario is later seen trapped inside a jail inside the Beanbean Castle Sewers. He is trapped with some other pirates.)

Mario: Sigh…

(Mario sees that the pirates all have bones and are saying “Wake up little one and come here!”)

Mario: What are you dumb pirates doing?

(One of the pirates points to a sleeping Chainless Chain Chomp near the jail. The Chain Chomp has a key on his mouth.)

Pirate: That Chain Chomp has the key to get us out of here!

Mario: Trust me; no matter how many bones you’re trying to give him, he’ll never come close enough so you can get the key.

Pirate: We’ll see about that.

Mario: Sigh…

(Meanwhile outside, a Beanbean resident spots a pirate ship in the water.)

Beanbean: PIRATE SHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Everyone starts running as some Koopas get of the ship. Then, the captain of the ship, Captain Bowser gets off.)

Bowser: Bwahahahahahahaha! Come on my Koopas, destroy the place and find the ring!

(Meanwhile in Queen Bean’s castle, Peach is hearing some screams outside.)

Peach: What’s happening…

(Just when she opens the castle door to see what’s happening, she is shocked to find a weird Koopa (Iggy) and ANOTHER weird Koopa (Lemmy) looking at her.)

Peach: AAAAHHH!!!!

Iggy: Hello pretty!

(Iggy and Lemmy tie Peach and start walking up to the ship of Captain Bowser, while the whole Beanbean Castle Town is being attacked by Koopas. Luigi takes out his sword and starts defeating all the Koopas he sees. However when he notices Peach being kidnapped by Iggy and Lemmy, he tries to save her, however is then hit in the head by a Koopa. Iggy and Lemmy bring Peach to the ship (called the Black Doomship) and all the Koopas attacking the castle town return to the ship.)

Captain Bowser: We got what we are looking for. Now lets just say a “Good bye” to this place…

(Bowser shoots giant cannonballs at the town. The castle is destroyed, various houses are broken and the whole place is almost destroyed. The Black Doomship leaves, with Peach on it. The next day in the sewers, Mario is seen still trapped in the jail.)

Mario: Bored, bored, bored…

(Mario then sees Luigi with a key.)

Mario: Luigi! You came to save me?

Luigi: Listen, I’ll only get you out if you help me save Peach. She’s been kidnapped by the Koopas.

Mario: Very well then. I’ll help you save your princess. Now get me out of here.

(Luigi helps Mario get out of the jail. Mario and Luigi then go to the Castle Town.)

Luigi: Well…we need a ship.

(Mario takes out his sword.)

Mario: If you want to get a ship, then you have no choice but to be a pirate.

Luigi: What do you mean?

Mario: You’ll see…

(A group of Beanbean people are on the ship ready to sail. However Mario and Luigi get on the ship.)

Mario: Get out of the ship!

(They all get scared and jump off the ship into the water.)

Luigi: That was easier than what I thought.

(Mario and Luigi sail and hope to find the princess. But Mario stops the ship without a warning.)

Luigi: Wha-what happened you crazy pirate!

Mario: We need more pirates on this ship.

(The ship sails again and arrives at an island.)

Mario: You stay here crazy plumber.

(Mario gets off the ship. After half an hour, Mario returns with a lot of pirates.)

Mario: Luigi, meet my buddies.

Luigi: Hi…

Mario: Luigi, this is Daisy.

(Daisy slaps Mario.)


Mario: Ow…don’t worry Luigi she’s always like that.

(Daisy slaps Mario again.)

Luigi: Err…Mario…

Mario: Ok, ok! I stole it because I needed it! Happy?

Daisy: No.

Mario: Well anyway this is Wario.


Mario: This is Waluigi.

Waluigi: I’m scared of Waluigis!

Mario: This is Toad.

Toad: $)%(@$*#*!!

Mario: This is so getting the PG-13 rating.

Luigi: Uhh…yeah…

Mario: This is Toadette.

(Toadette punches Mario in the stomach.)

Luigi: Did that hurt?

Mario: No…not really….

Luigi: Yeah it did.

Mario: And finally…these are just Shy Guy pirates I’ve never met.

Shy Guy #1: I was once a captain…sniff…until that green dinosaur came…he ate my ship…and I became regular pirate…and Mario became the captain…WHY!?

Shy Guy #4: Poor captain.

Mario: That green dino he is speaking of, he’s my friend.

Luigi: Can we just save Peach?

Mario: Sure…

(Meanwhile in the Black Doomship, Peach is trying to escape.)

Bowser: Oh princess. If you jump off the ship the sharks will eat you.

Peach: LUIGI! Save me!

Bowser: Heeheehee…

(Peach looks up at the sky, as night falls. When she turns around she screams. Bowser is now a bunch of bones!)

Dry Bowser: Welcome aboard the Black Airship!

Peach: Wha-what happened!?

Dry Bowser: Look around-everyone is a bunch of bones!

(All the Koopas have also turned into Dry Bones.)

Peach: Wha-how-why…

Dry Bowser: Ahh…the deadly Davy Blooper put a curse on me. That curse was that I was invincible. Nothing will kill me. Thought you may say this curse is good-I’m really annoyed by it. Because every night, we all turn into these very scary skin-less creatures. And I really hate having to loose my skin every day.

(Peach is left speechless.)

Dry Bowser: And your ring…the ring on your finger…that is the way to make me live again.

Peach: …?

Dry Bowser: Davy Blooper decided to not be so mean. He told me that if I got all 50 Golden Rings, I could get out of the curse. Those rings aren’t any normal rings-they have a picture of a Blooper with two tentacles.

(Peach looks closely at her ring. Its true-she can barely see a Blooper with two tentacles.)

Peach: Well-

Dry Bowser: And I have 49 rings. Yours is the last one I must get. However, unfortunately, all my rings are not here, so even if I get your ring, I won’t get out of this curse. But I shouldn’t be too sad-because I know where the rest of my rings are. They’re in my secret cave.

(Peach looks at her finger.)

Dry Bowser: Want an apple?

(Peach shakes her head as in “no”. Back with Mario…)

Mario: What’s a good name for this ship?

Luigi: Insect. Ok, lets get on.

Mario: I was thinking something more like-

Toadette: Just get on!

(Mario does so. They all sail. After a few hours in the water, Mario spots an island.)

Mario: Lets stop at Island Turtle to get a drink of Koopa-Kola!

Luigi: No. Keep on going.

Mario: But I wanna stop at Island Turtle!

All: NO!

Mario: Fine.

(After a few more hours, the “Black Doomship” and the “Insect” meet.)

Dry Bowser: Oh so its that green guy coming to save his little princess eh?

Luigi: Yes, and I got help from a few people!

Mario: Hi!

Shy Guy #4: SHUT UP!

Mario: Sorry.

Daisy: Sigh…

Bowser: Well you can have your little princess. All I need is the ring.

(Bowser grabs Peach’s ring and then throws Peach in the water. Luigi jumps in the water to get her.)

Dry Bowser: With this ring, I’ll be able to get a life again!

(One of the Dry Bones laughs.)

Dry Bowser: Let’s just go to the cave.

(Everyone on the Black Doomship jumps in the water, just as Lugii comes out of the water with Peach.)

Luigi: Hey where are they all going?

Mario: To get a life. (laughs)

(Luigi brings Peach on the ship. Peach tells the story of the curse.)

Luigi: I wonder…

(Luigi goes back in the water.)

Mario: He goes, I go.

(Mario jumps in the water as well. Peach has no choice but to jump in as well. Mario’s crew jumps in as well. After they all swim for a bit, they all find a cave, which isn’t filled with water and instead has fresh air.)

Mario: Eeew, smells like Cheep Cheep in here!


(Luigi points to Dry Bowser and a lot of Dry Bones opening a treasure chest. Inside is a bunch of rings.)

Dry Bowser: And now the time has come! We will all be living creatures again!

(Before Dry Bowser can do anything, the ring he has in his hand is stolen.)

Dry Bowser: Wha-

(Mario stole the ring!)

Dry Bowser: Hey give that back! It’s the only way to break me out of this curse!

Mario: No thank you!

(Dry Bowser takes out a sword. Mario does as well.)

Mario: If you want a fight, you get a fight.

(Mario and Dry Bowser start sword fighting, while Luigi, Peach and Mario’s Crew fight all the Dry Bones. After a few minutes of fighting…)


(Everyone stops. Dry Bowser throws his sword on the floor.)

Dry Bowser: Here Mario! Stab me!

Mario: Umm…ok?

(Mario stabs Dry Bowser.)

Mario: Well of course you’re all bones…invincible that means.

Dry Bowser: In that case…

(Dry Bowser picks up his sword and is about to cut Mario when Mario stops him.)

Mario: WAIT! Can I try one more time to kill you?

Dry Bowser: Sigh…sure whatever.

(Without Dry Bowser noticing, Mario gives the ring to Luigi. Luigi runs over to the treasure chest and puts the ring in. Bowser’s curse is broken and he isn’t bones anymore! Same with the Dry Bones-they are all Koopas now!)

Bowser: Huh? What the? I’m not invincible anymore?

Mario: You said I could try to kill you this time!

(Mario stabs Bowser, and Bowser falls back and lands on the ground. He then disappears.)

Mario: There! Mission ended!

Waluigi: No, not really.

(Mario turns around and sees all the scared Koopas. Mario, Luigi and Mario’s crew all grab their swords. After a few minutes of defeating Koopas, they all get back out. Mario and Mario’s crew get on the “Black Doomship”.)

Mario: Now that Captain Bowser is dead, this ship belongs to me!

(Mario turns around and sees Iggy and Lemmy on the ship. Alive.)

Mario: Eeeek!

Iggy: Don’t worry. We’ll join your team.

Mario: I hope.

(While Luigi and Peach get on the “Insect”.)

Luigi Now lets go back to the Beanbean Kingdom!

(When they all get back, just as Mario gets off the “Black Doomship” he is surrounded by Beanbean Guards.)

Beanbean Guards: You are a pirate. And because of that, you must be killed!

Luigi: Don’t kill him!

Beanbean Guard: Oh, are you another pirate?

Mario (whispering to Shy Guy #4): Escape!

(When the Beanbean Guards aren’t paying attention, Mario and all of Mario’s crew get on the “Black Doomship” and leave the Beanbean Kingdom.)

Mario: See ya later Beanbean dudes!

Beanbean Guard: Well that Mario left and there’s nothing we can do about it…

Luigi: Oh, Mario. You chose to be a pirate, and I can’t make you say no!