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m (Will be manually adding that category to the pages that need it, removed it so 'Food' could be taken out of drinks articles)
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! style="background:sienna;  width:100%; text-align:center;"|'''{{color-link|Recipes|white}}'''
! style="background:sienna;"|'''[[Recipes]]'''
| align="center" style="background:burlywood; border: 1px solid rosybrown" width="100%" |<div style="color:#000">'''[[Tayce T.]]'s [[List of Tayce T. Recipes|Recipes]]'''
{| align="center" style="text-align:center;vertical-align:top;font-size:smaller; background:cornsilk"
{|class="navtemplate expandable" style="font-size:smaller; background:cornsilk; border: 1px solid rosybrown;"
!style="background:burlywood;" |'''[[Tayce T.]]'s [[List of Tayce T. Recipes|Recipes]]'''
| <small>[[Apple Pie]] | [[Big Cookie]] | [[Bland Meal]] | [[Boiled Egg]] | [[Cake]] | [[Coco Pop]] | [[Deluxe Feast]] | [[Dizzy Dial]] | [[Egg Missile]] | [[Electro Pop]] | [[Fire Flower]] | [[Fire Pop]] | [[Fried Egg]] | [[Fried Shroom]] | [[Frozen Fries]] | [[Healthy Juice]] | [[Honey Candy]] | [[Honey Shroom]] | [[Honey Super]] | [[Honey Ultra]] | [[Hot Shroom]] | [[Jelly Pop]] | [[Jelly Shroom]] | [[Jelly Super]] | [[Jelly Ultra]] | [[Kooky Cookie]] | [[Koopa Tea]] | [[Koopasta]] | [[Lemon Candy]] | [[Life Shroom]] | [[Lime Candy]] | [[Maple Shroom]] | [[Maple Super]] | [[Maple Ultra]] | [[Mistake]] | [[Nutty Cake]] | [[Potato Salad]] | [[Shroom Cake]] | [[Shroom Steak]] | [[Sleepy Sheep]] | [[Spaghetti]] | [[Special Shake]] | [[Spicy Soup]] | [[Strange Cake]] | [[Super Soda]] | [[Sweet Shroom]] | [[Tasty Tonic]] | [[Thunder Bolt|Thunder Bolt/Thunder Rage]] | [[Volt Shroom]] | [[Yoshi Cookie]] | [[Yummy Meal]]</small>
|style="text-align: center;"|[[Apple Pie]] | [[Big Cookie]] | [[Bland Meal]] | [[Boiled Egg]] | [[Cake]] | [[Coco Pop]] | [[Deluxe Feast]] | [[Dizzy Dial]] | [[Egg Missile]] | [[Electro Pop]] | [[Fire Flower]] | [[Fire Pop]] | [[Fried Egg]] | [[Fried Shroom]] | [[Frozen Fries]] | [[Healthy Juice]] | [[Honey Candy]] | [[Honey Shroom]] | [[Honey Super]] | [[Honey Ultra]] | [[Hot Shroom]] | [[Jelly Pop]] | [[Jelly Shroom]] | [[Jelly Super]] | [[Jelly Ultra]] | [[Kooky Cookie]] | [[Koopa Tea]] | [[Koopasta]] | [[Lemon Candy]] | [[Life Shroom]] | [[Lime Candy]] | [[Maple Shroom]] | [[Maple Super]] | [[Maple Ultra]] | [[Mistake]] | [[Nutty Cake]] | [[Potato Salad]] | [[Shroom Cake]] | [[Shroom Steak]] | [[Sleepy Sheep]] | [[Spaghetti]] | [[Special Shake]] | [[Spicy Soup]] | [[Strange Cake]] | [[Super Soda]] | [[Sweet Shroom]] | [[Tasty Tonic]] | [[Thunder Bolt|Thunder Bolt/Thunder Rage]] | [[Volt Shroom]] | [[Yoshi Cookie]] | [[Yummy Meal]]
| align="center" style="background:wheat; border: 1px solid rosybrown" width="100%" |'''[[Zess T.]]'s [[List of Zess T. Recipes|Recipes]]'''
{| align="center" style="text-align:center;vertical-align:top;font-size:smaller; background: cornsilk"
{|class="navtemplate expandable" style="font-size:smaller; background:cornsilk; border: 1px solid rosybrown;"
!style="background:wheat;" |'''[[Zess T.]]'s [[List of Zess T. Recipes|Recipes]]'''
| <small>[[Choco Cake]] | [[Coco Candy]] | [[Coconut Bomb]] | [[Couple's Cake]] | [[Courage Meal]] | [[Egg Bomb]] | [[Electro Pop]] | [[Fire Pop]] | [[Fresh Juice]] | [[Fried Egg]] | [[Fruit Parfait]] | [[Healthy Salad]] | [[Heartful Cake]] | [[Honey Candy]] | [[Honey Shroom]] | [[Honey Super]] | [[Honey Ultra]] | [[Icicle Pop]] | [[Ink Pasta]] | [[Inky Sauce]] | [[Jelly Candy]] | [[Jelly Shroom]] | [[Jelly Super]] | [[Jelly Ultra]] | [[Koopa Bun]] | [[Koopasta]] | [[Koopa Tea]] | [[Love Pudding]] | [[Mango Delight]] | [[Maple Shroom]] | [[Maple Super]] | [[Maple Ultra]] | [[Meteor Meal]] | [[Mistake]] | [[Mousse Cake]] | [[Omelette Meal]] | [[Peach Tart]] | [[Poison Mushroom|Poison Shroom]] | [[Shroom Broth]] | [[Shroom Cake]] | [[Mushroom Crepe|Shroom Crepe]] | [[Shroom Fry]] | [[Shroom Roast]] | [[Shroom Steak]] | [[Snow Bunny]] | [[Space Food]] | [[Spaghetti]] | [[Spicy Pasta]] | [[Spicy Soup]] | [[Trial Stew]] | [[Zess Cookie]] | [[Zess Deluxe]] | [[Zess Dinner]] | [[Zess Dynamite]] | [[Zess Frappe]] | [[Zess Special]] | [[Zess Tea]]</small>
|style="text-align: center;"|[[Choco Cake]] | [[Coco Candy]] | [[Coconut Bomb]] | [[Couple's Cake]] | [[Courage Meal]] | [[Egg Bomb]] | [[Electro Pop]] | [[Fire Pop]] | [[Fresh Juice]] | [[Fried Egg]] | [[Fruit Parfait]] | [[Healthy Salad]] | [[Heartful Cake]] | [[Honey Candy]] | [[Honey Shroom]] | [[Honey Super]] | [[Honey Ultra]] | [[Icicle Pop]] | [[Ink Pasta]] | [[Inky Sauce]] | [[Jelly Candy]] | [[Jelly Shroom]] | [[Jelly Super]] | [[Jelly Ultra]] | [[Koopa Bun]] | [[Koopasta]] | [[Koopa Tea]] | [[Love Pudding]] | [[Mango Delight]] | [[Maple Shroom]] | [[Maple Super]] | [[Maple Ultra]] | [[Meteor Meal]] | [[Mistake]] | [[Mousse Cake]] | [[Omelette Meal]] | [[Peach Tart]] | [[Poison Mushroom|Poison Shroom]] | [[Shroom Broth]] | [[Shroom Cake]] | [[Mushroom Crepe|Shroom Crepe]] | [[Shroom Fry]] | [[Shroom Roast]] | [[Shroom Steak]] | [[Snow Bunny]] | [[Space Food]] | [[Spaghetti]] | [[Spicy Pasta]] | [[Spicy Soup]] | [[Trial Stew]] | [[Zess Cookie]] | [[Zess Deluxe]] | [[Zess Dinner]] | [[Zess Dynamite]] | [[Zess Frappe]] | [[Zess Special]] | [[Zess Tea]]
| align="center" style="background:burlywood; border: 1px solid rosybrown" width="100%" |'''[[Saffron]]'s [[List of Saffron and Dyllis Recipes|Recipes]]'''
{| align="center" style="text-align:center;vertical-align:top;font-size:smaller; background:cornsilk"
{|class="navtemplate expandable" style="font-size:smaller; background:cornsilk; border: 1px solid rosybrown;"
!style="background:burlywood;" |'''[[Saffron]]'s [[List of Saffron and Dyllis Recipes|Recipes]]'''
| <small>[[Block Meal]] | [[Dangerous Delight]] | [[Dayzee Syrup]] | [[Electro Pop]] | [[Fried Egg]] | [[Fried Shroom Plate]] | [[Golden Meal]] | [[Hamburger]] | [[Healthy Salad]] | [[Herb Tea]] | [[Honey Candy]] | [[Inky Soup]] | [[Koopa Tea]] | [[Mango Juice]] | [[Megaton Dinner]] | [[Meteor Meal]] | [[Miracle Dinner]] | [[Mistake]] | [[Peach Juice]] | [[Roast Horsetail]] | [[Roast Shroom Dish]] | [[Roast Whacka Bump]] | [[Sap Syrup]] | [[Shroom Steak]] | [[Sky Juice]] | [[Slimy Extract]] | [[Snow Cone]] | [[Spaghetti Plate]] | [[Spicy Soup]] | [[Spit Roast]] | [[Sweet Cookie Snack]] | [[Town Special]] | [[Warm Cocoa]]</small>
|style="text-align: center;"|[[Block Meal]] | [[Dangerous Delight]] | [[Dayzee Syrup]] | [[Electro Pop]] | [[Fried Egg]] | [[Fried Shroom Plate]] | [[Golden Meal]] | [[Hamburger]] | [[Healthy Salad]] | [[Herb Tea]] | [[Honey Candy]] | [[Inky Soup]] | [[Koopa Tea]] | [[Mango Juice]] | [[Megaton Dinner]] | [[Meteor Meal]] | [[Miracle Dinner]] | [[Mistake]] | [[Peach Juice]] | [[Roast Horsetail]] | [[Roast Shroom Dish]] | [[Roast Whacka Bump]] | [[Sap Syrup]] | [[Shroom Steak]] | [[Sky Juice]] | [[Slimy Extract]] | [[Snow Cone]] | [[Spaghetti Plate]] | [[Spicy Soup]] | [[Spit Roast]] | [[Sweet Cookie Snack]] | [[Town Special]] | [[Warm Cocoa]]
| align="center" style="background:wheat; border: 1px solid rosybrown" width="100%" |'''[[Dyllis]]' [[List of Saffron and Dyllis Recipes|Recipes]]'''
{| align="center" style="text-align:center;vertical-align:top;font-size:smaller; background:cornsilk"
{|class="navtemplate expandable" style="font-size:smaller; background:cornsilk; border: 1px solid rosybrown;"
!style="background:wheat;" |'''[[Dyllis]]'s [[List of Saffron and Dyllis Recipes|Recipes]]'''
| <small>[[Awesome Snack]] | [[Berry Snow Bunny]] | [[Chocolate Cake]] | [[Choco Pasta Dish]] | [[Couple's Cake]] | [[Dyllis Breakfast]] | [[Dyllis Deluxe]] | [[Dyllis Dinner]] | [[Dyllis Dynamite]] | [[Dyllis Lunch]] | [[Dyllis Special]] | [[Egg Bomb]] | [[Emergency Ration]] | [[Fruit Parfait]] | [[Fruity Cake]] | [[Fruity Hamburger]] | [[Fruity Punch]] | [[Fruity Shroom]] | [[Gingerbread House]] | [[Golden Choco-bar]] | [[Gorgeous Steak]] | [[Gradual Syrup]] | [[Heartful Cake]] | [[Heavy Meal]] | [[Honey Shroom]] | [[Honey Super]] | [[Horsetail Tart]] | [[Hot Dog]] | [[Ink Pasta|Ink Pasta Dish]] | [[Koopa Dumpling]] | [[Koopa Pilaf]] | [[Koopasta Dish]] | [[Love Noodle Dish]] | [[Love Pudding]] | [[Lovely Chocolate]] | [[Luxurious Set]] | [[Mango Pudding]] | [[Meat Pasta Dish]] | [[Mistake]] | [[Mixed Shake]] | [[Mousse]] | [[Mushroom Crepe]] | [[Odd Dinner]] | [[Omelette Plate]] | [[Peach Tart]] | [[Primordial Dinner]] | [[Sap Muffin]] | [[Shroom Broth]] | [[Shroom Cake]] | [[Shroom Choco-Bar]] | [[Shroom Delicacy]] | [[Shroom Pudding]] | [[Snow Bunny]] | [[Space Food]] | [[Spicy Dinner]] | [[Spicy Pasta Dish]] | [[Stamina Juice]] | [[Standard Chocolate]] | [[Sweet Choco-bar]] | [[Trial Stew]] | [[Veggie Set]] | [[Volcano Shroom]] | [[Weird Extract]]</small>
|style="text-align: center;"|[[Awesome Snack]] | [[Berry Snow Bunny]] | [[Chocolate Cake]] | [[Choco Pasta Dish]] | [[Couple's Cake]] | [[Dyllis Breakfast]] | [[Dyllis Deluxe]] | [[Dyllis Dinner]] | [[Dyllis Dynamite]] | [[Dyllis Lunch]] | [[Dyllis Special]] | [[Egg Bomb]] | [[Emergency Ration]] | [[Fruit Parfait]] | [[Fruity Cake]] | [[Fruity Hamburger]] | [[Fruity Punch]] | [[Fruity Shroom]] | [[Gingerbread House]] | [[Golden Choco-bar]] | [[Gorgeous Steak]] | [[Gradual Syrup]] | [[Heartful Cake]] | [[Heavy Meal]] | [[Honey Shroom]] | [[Honey Super]] | [[Horsetail Tart]] | [[Hot Dog]] | [[Ink Pasta|Ink Pasta Dish]] | [[Koopa Dumpling]] | [[Koopa Pilaf]] | [[Koopasta Dish]] | [[Love Noodle Dish]] | [[Love Pudding]] | [[Lovely Chocolate]] | [[Luxurious Set]] | [[Mango Pudding]] | [[Meat Pasta Dish]] | [[Mistake]] | [[Mixed Shake]] | [[Mousse]] | [[Mushroom Crepe]] | [[Odd Dinner]] | [[Omelette Plate]] | [[Peach Tart]] | [[Primordial Dinner]] | [[Sap Muffin]] | [[Shroom Broth]] | [[Shroom Cake]] | [[Shroom Choco-Bar]] | [[Shroom Delicacy]] | [[Shroom Pudding]] | [[Snow Bunny]] | [[Space Food]] | [[Spicy Dinner]] | [[Spicy Pasta Dish]] | [[Stamina Juice]] | [[Standard Chocolate]] | [[Sweet Choco-bar]] | [[Trial Stew]] | [[Veggie Set]] | [[Volcano Shroom]] | [[Weird Extract]]
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Revision as of 15:00, August 18, 2013