User talk:Mario091/Archive 1

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This is an archive of the talk page since it is old. If you want to talk to me, please visit the real talk page.

Hai! I see you care much about NSMB2 things. Since they are forever under construction, helping will highly appreciated! I would help too, but I am expanding Minis On The Move, left and incomplete. If you find any 1-UP trick, please put it on the glitch page. And feel free to ask me for any question or if you need help! YoshiCGicon.pngTSUNAMIArtwork of Plessie with the four playable characters, from Super Mario 3D World.

I can't! Can you read the message in "Talk:List of glitches in New Super Mario Bros. 2#Found a glitch !"? --Mario091 (talk) 02:05, 7 September 2014 (EDT)
That's because you aren't autoconfirmed, but now yes. Anyway, if you ever need any help at those NSMB pages, feel free to ask me. I'll try to help YoshiCGicon.pngTSUNAMIArtwork of Plessie with the four playable characters, from Super Mario 3D World.

I added them and left some notes on the talk. Are you liking the game? Try to to this: be Racoon Mario, have a Star in reserve and finish 1-1 with 473 left in the timer. You will likely do it with 472 left. If you can't figure out, I will told you my strategy. YoshiCGicon.pngTSUNAMIArtwork of Plessie with the four playable characters, from Super Mario 3D World.

My 3DS battery is 5 % I'm recharging it, I'll try it. --Mario091 (talk) 03:11, 11 September 2014 (EDT)

I have *crown* *crown* 8 lives = 1 108 lives. I go to World 1-3 & get a super leaf. I finish it and go to 1-1. Now I got 1 109 lives. I finished it with.... 469 timer??????!!! but i have no super star. I go to world star. Toad gave me a star. Back in world 1, go to level 1, now i got a star. I got 465. I can't figure out leh....... how to do it... --Mario091 (talk) 03:18, 11 September 2014 (EDT)

OK, this shouldn't be soo hard. I will list it.

  • First, jump on the blocks. Make sure to NOT full the P-Meter, otherwise flying will slow you down.
  • You will have to jump on the three sets of blocks (I suggest a Triple Jump). Meanwhile, touch the Star while on the second set, that you should get while on the third.
  • Even if I'm not sure this helps much the time, glide and land on the Brick Blocks. This should help you to get max speed right now instead of having to land on the terrain.
  • OK, right after the checkpoint you are technically free to go speedy however you want. Two tips are:
    • As I told you before, DO NOT full the P-Meter, as flying will slow you down. Instead, jump and glide: this won't full the Meter.
    • Note Blocks can potentially slow you down if they take them wrong, though with a Star that shoudn't happen. The most difficult set is where there is the Star Coin in bricks. You can either run into the Note Blocks with the Star that should be active, hoping to not slow down, or glide over them. Careful to not got too high.
  • At the end, there are a block pile and a giant Goomba Tower. I have tested, if you go high following the blocks you will got a 472 if you did all right before. Instead, take the bottom path and run into the Goombas. You will lose the powerup, BUT got a 473 if all right. YoshiCGicon.pngTSUNAMIArtwork of Plessie with the four playable characters, from Super Mario 3D World.
Wow! I got a 472! Thanks. :) (I did the following, at the end I ran into the Goombas.) --Mario091 (talk) 23:46, 11 September 2014 (EDT)
Can you speed run with Raccoon Mario + Super Star underwater? I think 1-5 speed running is impossible. --Mario091 (talk)
I got 371 in 1-4. This was easy. My tip:
  • When Mario is near the top of the screen, touch the Super Star. Then he can go max speed! --Mario091 (talk) 05:41, 12 September 2014 (EDT)

Hey, are you really 10? I am 11 :) And you even started playing at 3? I started at 5... I haven't the Gold Rush packs either due to NOT having Internet for 3DS (and Wii U, yalla yalla, it's a long story), and seem I can't get the SpotPass notice for them either. I also remember that I struggled A LOT for that challenge, but at the end I beat it. The next spot where you will probabily struggle is Bowser's giant battle. I had serious problems with the final attack, that I retried like 10 times in a row but finally end up beating it without losing after reaching it the first time. I also have serious problems at emulatoris, keyboard totally sucks -_- so the game I can do better is SMRPG, that is hard but at least I beat Bowyer. I am currently planning getting more ROMs. I use ZSnes, Project64 and Visual Boy. I also dowloaded Dolphin and a Double Dash ROM, but I can't extract it for somewhat reasons. Anyway... do you need any help for userboxes? You currently have none, so it may either you aren't able or you don't want them. And do you want to be friends? It isn't much important there, just to notice. You may either have or not an userbox for it. YoshiCGicon.pngTSUNAMIArtwork of Plessie with the four playable characters, from Super Mario 3D World.

I got 6 570 coins in World 2-4! Do you know how to do it? If not, I will tell you. --Mario091 (talk) 00:38, 12 September 2014 (EDT)
Oh yeah, we can be friends. --Mario091 (talk) 00:50, 12 September 2014 (EDT)
I will see, but I'm not good at making high Coin scores... Now that I'm good at Triple Jumping I think I will easily get the x2 bonus (yes, Gold Flower). You will have to put this at the very top of the userpage: {{displaytitle|Title you wish to have}}. You can do this with your talk too. YoshiCGicon.pngTSUNAMIArtwork of Plessie with the four playable characters, from Super Mario 3D World.
I got 1065 Coins at second try. 6570? HOW? It is impossible, unless... you do the Koopa trick. I am not able to do it! Also, I have a better time for 1-2, but I don't remember it anymore. September 14 (day before school starts) I will update my userpage and add my times. And so, the competition starts... beware, I'm very good! Also, everytime you add an header, could you please use two =s instead of one? 1 Headers are for titles only, 2 Headers are the most common and are used for Talk sections and most primary sections. Oh, and please add this to the userbox tower... {{userbox|border=#cc66cc|mainbkgd=#33ff33|codebkgd=#00ccff|codecolor=#000000|code=[[File:YoshiCGicon.png|100px]]|msg=This user is friend of the frantic [[User:Tsunami|Tsunami]]!}} Marks we are friends. YoshiCGicon.pngTSUNAMIArtwork of Plessie with the four playable characters, from Super Mario 3D World.
I will tell you.
  • Be Gold Mario. Get the Super Star (By going through the first hole [covered with a Brick Block]) and keep getting Stars. You should follow the chain of coins.
  • Go in the yellow pipe. It leads you to a bonus area with Goombas.
  • Use the gold ring and stomp on each goomba when the first goomba gets to you. You should follow the chain of coins.
  • Keep doin' it until the timer reaches 70.

3333 coins?! epic! Now I got 6 157 coins.

--Mario091 (talk) 06:36, 12 September 2014 (EDT)

6387 coins, with a few errors here and there, and at the 4th attempt, but hey, I did it at the end of the day so I was tired. Tomorrow I will try again. YoshiCGicon.pngTSUNAMIArtwork of Plessie with the four playable characters, from Super Mario 3D World.
You can do the shell tipping trick in World 4-3. However, you have to bring the shell! Sorry I forgot to sign --Mario091 (talk)

I got it! *level up*

I beated you, I'm afraid! After about 20 attemps, 1 ragequit in early morning (just woken up) and a lot of hard work, I improved my score to 7615! Here's some tips you may or may not know to improve your score...

  • At the start, while spamming Goldballs (term of mine), you should have killed the following: Goomba, Koopa, Goomba. The second Goomba is worth 5 Coins that otherwise you will never got again (Star runs out if you chase him, and I take one not both).
  • Do not care about the Red Coins. They are 8 Coins that you take like 10 seconds (of timer, I will always short to seconds afterwards) to get. In 10 seconds you can get whoopity coins from the Goombas.
  • After the midway, kill all enemies. They will be worth 50 Coins once. Right before the second Star after the midway you should see a Spiny: leave it for the 2nd Star, as it will be in your way. With the 1st you just have the right time.
  • Try to enter in the Pipe while invincible to kill the first three Goombas. These are 150 Coins worth to get.
  • There's a block that gives a Coin while broken. Go for it while you have time! That's a Coin that you totally have the time to get.
  • Maximize the Coins you got from the Gold Ring! I suggest to get it after smashing two Goombas, and make sure you got TWO claps.
  • If you land without stomping all Goombas, no worries, my score comprises that situation twice. Instead, leave them for starting another chain.
  • Why did you leave with 70 seconds left? It takes 25 seconds to got to the end (or even faster), so you can leave at 50 like I did (security) or even 25 (go fast if you do).
  • 8000 Coins, as far as I know, is totally possible, but you shouldn't do anything wrong. I won't bother trying, if I do, that just because you beat me ;)

Also, for the NSMB2 speedrun, could you add a column for my times? I will tell my time with and without Star (maybe the second, I'm likely to do it with a Star) at large groups when I do them good. YoshiCGicon.pngTSUNAMIArtwork of Plessie with the four playable characters, from Super Mario 3D World.

Congratulations! Please put in the user box tower. |-



Marks you are #1 in the leaderboard. --Mario091 (talk) 07:51, 13 September 2014 (EDT)

Okey dokey, I will add it tomorrow. I also let 'Shrokm64 (friend of mine) know of this, but I'm not sure if he will join. Anyway, these are times of today. All are with Star but 2-A.
  • 1-2: 462 A part is tricky, so I settled it at 462 (that was 2nd apptent that somehow wasn't able to replicate).
  • 1-3: 466 With the Star the Paratroopa is easily defeated. Timer go at 467 just before I touch the Flagpole somI will probabily retry.
  • 1-Tower: 457 This requires a bit of planning and some ninja jumps.
  • 1-Tower Secret: 465 Pretty sure that's the minimum.
  • 1-4: 372 I don't even know why I did it at first.
  • 1-A: 462 This level is tricky. Some pratice is needed.
  • 2-1: 473 (skipped Castle due to being boring) Easy. Maybe will try for 74 as I had a few errors here and there.
  • 2-2: 463 The elevator makes you lose some time.
  • 2-3: 456 This is easy.
  • 2-A: 249 Plain boring.

Also, my Gold Rush record is 7760, Mushroom Pack, White Racoon Mario. That's of a year ago, so maybe I will try to do it without it, but very unlikely. Do you have a PC? YoshiCGicon.pngTSUNAMIArtwork of Plessie with the four playable characters, from Super Mario 3D World.

Yup (MacBook Pro) owned by my daddy. --Mario091 (talk) 05:50, 15 September 2014 (EDT)
I'll add it on Friday. --Mario091 (talk)
I improved my score to 7 236. (Stopped at 30 seconds) --Mario091 (talk) 01:26, 19 September 2014 (EDT)
Almost there. :) --Mario091 - Happy Holidays!!!


Ugh, especially when you are in a rumorous classroom. Which class do you do? I do Class 7 ("seconda media"). And how about you? Are you good (I do :))? I am currently planning on working much, much more on this wiki. I didn't get any complain about this, but I am not doing my best... there's lotsa things to do. I will start with MOTM, and seek someone to help! No, I'm not planning to be an admin. When I was around 10, in a forum a moderator asked me if I wanted to be one. I rejected because 1) I should have comunicated everything about me 2) I prefered being a normal user. Though, if it should be asked, I'm not sure what to do. YoshiCGicon.pngTSUNAMIArtwork of Plessie with the four playable characters, from Super Mario 3D World.

I didn't remember I asked it... BTW, sorry if I'm not telling you NSMB2 speedrun. This period around I'm quite tired and I'm not as active as I used to be. YoshiCGicon.pngTSUNAMIArtwork of Plessie with the four playable characters, from Super Mario 3D World.

Level articles

Good job on the NSMB level articles! Make sure to bold the title name in the first line of the article next time. Don't forget to mention the game's name in the same line, too. Thanks. Wolf Link costume pose in Super Mario Maker Mario JC

NSMB2 w2-4

For the coins I have collected in W2-4 aren't to good it's 3106, I may go back and do it again Regards LuigiGold YoshiBowserMB.png 12:28, 5 October 2014 (EDT)