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ThunderBrine across NIWA
Full name ThunderBrine
Species Human

I like editing wikis. My total number of edits made is 256.

If I use this, I should see who else is online:

Who's online: Super Mario RPG, GuntherBayBeee, Weegie baby, Memelord2020, Kaptain Skurvy, Explorers, ZanyDragon, Mister Wu, Alternis, Wegabros, MRAP12, Cadrega86, LaftrMastr, Pallukun, Blinker, MaxTaylor08, Stache, KingOllie8, Salmancer, Ender78, Hewer, Wild Blacksmith, IN CHINS, Cloudee, SilverBros1983, Gulliblepikmin, AwesomeJCR, Nightwicked Bowser, Potato3003, Technetium, Autismo555, YoYo, Weedle McHairybug, CasperTheGhost19, CyonOfGaia

Experimental grounds


Proposals I've created

Things that I would (and might) change
