The 'Shroom:Issue XXVII/Calendar of Events
HI READERS! And welcome to The Calendar of Events, im Tucayo and ive got not many news, but ive got some, so lets start
No releases in the next month, so in case you don’t know, Mario & Luigi 3 (I prefer to call it like that) is still TBA, Super Mario Galaxy 2 is set for 2010, New Super Mario Bros Wii for Holiday 2009, and M&S at the Olympic Winter Games is also TBA, altough it was already released in Vancouver. I HAVENT MORE PROOF, I just know that my cousin has it.
June 25th- ugozima (13)
from The Birthday Thread
MarioWiki Awards
Voting for the 3rd MarioWiki Awards, 2nd Userpedia Awards and 1st Fail Awards will take place from June the 14th to July 14th on its new format in the Main Page (you know, just the image at the top left corner)
If you care the NBA finals are also taking place during this week, and maybe next. Im going with the Lakers :)
Well, thats all!!! Have a good time!! BYE!