The 'Shroom:Issue XXIV/Interview
By Yoshario
Allo, govenors. Today I interviewed Mario5x, a very nice user. He recently joined last december, but it seems like he has been here since the beginning of the wiki!
Yoshario: Alrightio, then. So, Mario5x, where did you find out about the MarioWiki?
Mario5x: Well Yoshario, I found out about the wiki just looking for some info on Mario Kart Wii and I found it but I only joined 8 months after because of many things here and there.
Yoshario: Awesome. ;D Next Question: How did it feel to make your first edit, and what WAS your first edit?
Mario5x: I see well Yoshario, my first edit was on my user page and I was a total n00b back then so I had no idea what to do XD.
Yoshario: Heheh. I remember when I was a n00b. No, wait, I still am! Oh noez! XD Okay, next question: who welcomed you?
Mario5x: Hmm well Yoshario, I think and Im sure it was Grapes.
Yoshario: Okay, question four: whats your favorite video game, since this is the mariowiki.
Mario5x: I guess Yoshario, it would be Mario Kart Wii.
Yoshario: Its one of my favorite games too :D Okay question five, what is your favorite smiley, like :P, :posh: :lol: ^_^
Mario5x: It is ;D that because the other ones dont look to good. XD
Yoshario: Next question....what is your biggest goal for the wiki?
Mario5x: Yoshario I thought you would never ask, well I am here to ru.. make sure that the wiki is always in good help as you can see I always welcome good users and I help anyone who needs it and my goal here in the wiki is too be even nicer then Stooben is in it or just do everything he does but better and he's a good friend to have to.
Yoshario: Agreed. Stooben was a great friend to have. Too bad he is inactive :( Anyway, next question: do you think this is the last question?
Mario5x: Well not sure I guess.
Yoshario: Correct! Well, that just about wraps up this interview, it was a pleasure to interview you, Mario5x. Also, keep up the good edits! ;)