The 'Shroom:Issue XLV/Director's Notes

Director Notes
Sub Director Notes
Hello readers, I am your holiday-ish Sub-Director Tucayo! Welcome to this December Issue. I hope you really like this issue, because we have many surprises. In fact, there are so many, I have to list them, but first, let's retake an old custom I had dropped some months ago, announcing the new, and retiring users:
- Killer Axe retired
- New Super Mario is now our interviewer
- MrConcreteDonkey is writing Should Have Been now
- Edo has sadly retired from Fake Games.
- Mr bones resigned from his Games and Guess That Game positions
- Mario fan 123 is now in charge of Trivia
- Monteyaga has been fired
Now, the surprises:
- This is not exactly a surprise, but I want to thank everyone for their interest in our mafia game. It was a great success, breaking records for longest game, most posts and most participants. As of when I wrote this, Thurday the 9th, the game was midway through Day 10. I'll update this with more info when the game ends. Update: it ended that same day :P Mafia won in a very interesting way, and Garlic Man, innocent, won the MVP!!
- Now, to start with the surprises. SMB did us the great favor of making a set of special interviews to many former staff members of The 'Shroom, you can find the links to all of them in the Main Page of The 'Shroom. They are amazing, don't forget to read them!
- As you may know, this month we are holding an election. So please vote, or, if you think you have what it takes, run for Director!
- Continuing with the Election, SMB, MG1 and myself made another special section, a Pre-Election Analysis, where you can see our opinions on the subject, commentaries, and more!
- Moooore special sections; this issue marks my 30th issue, and it also marks almost the end of 2 amazing years of being in the staff, and 2 years and a half of writing for The 'Shroom, so, to commemorate this, I have re-written all the sections I wrote during these 30 issues (except the ones already being written by someone else). You can find them where they normally are, I hope you like that.
- As you seem to love games, we have made TWO more games for you! That's right, this issue you can sign up for our Family Feud game, and participate in our Mad Libs game. Both are hosted by Ralphfan.
- We also have MORE special sections, made by our special guests! They can be found at the bottom of the Main Page of The 'Shroom.
- Now, a message from Plumber (talk)!
- **Please make Plumber's birthday wish come true! Change your username to incorporate 'Henry Clay' in it somehow!**
I think that is all, I hope you like this issue as much as I do, I honestly feel proud of this issue, and proud of having the chance to work with all the amazing staff I work with, thanks guys for everything!
From part of all the 'Shroom Core Staff, I would like to wish you, writers, readers, team directors, users, a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or what you celebrate, and a happy New Year, full of success and joy in all your lives.
Thanks for reading us, and goodbye, til January, where we will see each other for the last time!