The 'Shroom:Issue LVII/Interview
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Christmas is just around the corner. Carolers are freezing as they sing, mistletoes are causing men to be slapped by women, and the stereotypical desire to be a spoiled youngster and open presents. However, a few users got their Christmas present early this year on the Mario Wiki.
That’s right, the two somewhat-newly promoted Sysops Marioguy1 and Lindsay151. Let’s begin with MG1…
- BMB – Well, it is quite obvious that you got promoted Sysop not that long ago. What was your first reaction?
- MG1 – My first reaction, surprise. It had come after a month-long hiatus, but I was pretty happy about it.
- BMB – Do you think you deserved it over the other patrollers?
- MG1 – Not Really, I definitely think that if there were only two positions, they would have gone to Phoenix and Lindsay.
- BMB – Okay, what are some things you want to do while you are [still] a sysop?
- MG1 – I don’t really have many aspirations of things to do while being sysop. Mostly I just hope to use the new powers effectively to help out around the wiki.
- BMB – Let’s see…did you have any doubts of being promoted? And elaborate; don’t hold back on me.
- MG1 – Well, over the summer I was pretty inactive and I was really doubtful that I’d be getting a promotion. But my activity has pretty much righted itself again. So I don’t think that was much of a problem.
- BMB – Time for a tough one. If you could go back and undo your promotion so that someone else could be promoted, would you?
- MG1 – Probably not, because there were very few patrollers at that time and half of them were promoted alongside me.
- BMB – Last question. Do you personally think you’ll ever be a Beaucrat?
- MG1 – Maybe. It all depends on how the dice fall, and whether I can keep up my activity.
- BMB – Thanks.
Alright, now that we got some thoughts from the first one, let’s do the later one. It’s time to sleuth upon Lindsay’s thoughts.
- BMB – [Lindsay,] what was your first reaction to being promoted?
- Lindsay – I was surprise about begin promoted, but now it feel good and am happy begin a Sysop.
- BMB – Do you believe you deserved it over some of the other [patrollers]?
- Lindsay – I wouldn't say I did, so I don't think so.
- BMB – Alright, what are some things you can finally do that you couldn't before you became a Sysop?
- Lindsay – Delete unneeded articles and images, protect pages, etc.
- BMB – Did you have any doubts about becoming Sysop? Please try to be specific.
- Lindsay – Yes, I did have some doubts but talk about it, [but talking] private with a former admin who [gave] me advice made me feel better.
- BMB – Do you believe you would ever become Beaucrat, ever?
- Lindsay – Well that’s a higher rank, so I’m going to say no (for now). Besides, I enjoy my current rank and I don't consider about getting another [promotion].
- BMB – Alright, thank you for that interview.
Well, that brings a wrap to the 2011 year. I – BMB – guess I’ll be seeing you in the 2012 year. Hopefully you’ll see more exciting interviews next year, and enjoy the holidays!