Template:Board game infobox

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Board game infobox
Used in case of images missing from a section gallery, table, bestiary box, or certain infoboxes.
Manufacturer Lorem ipsum
Publisher Lorem ipsum
Release date {{flag list}}
Language(s) {{languages}}
Genre Lorem ipsum
Rating Lorem ipsum
Number of players Lorem ipsum


|title= Title of the board game (only necessary when the name of the article sans identifier is not the desired title).
|image= Box art of the board game (North American box takes precedence to be consistent with the naming policy).
|manufacturer= Manufacturer of the board game.
|publisher= Publisher of the board game.
|release= Release dates in all countries for the board game, in order from earliest to latest (use {{flag list}}). If there are many release dates, release2 can be used to add collapsed entries.
|languages= The languages in which the board game was released in.
|genre= What genre the board game is in (see genre for a full list of genres).
|rating= Official age rating of the board game.
|players= How many players can play the board game simultaneously.
{{game infobox
|release={{flag list}}