Talk:Gold Credit

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Merge Gold Credit, Gold Card, and Golden Card[edit]

Settledproposal.svg This talk page proposal has already been settled. Please do not edit any of the sections in the proposal. If you wish to discuss the article, do so in a new header below the proposal.

do not merge 1-6
Identical Japanese name, serves the same purpose, basically the same item. Even though they're used in different areas, it wouldn't be that different than the Palace Key, Castle Key, Red Key, Blue Key, Cookbook, Autograph, and Package.

Proposer: Niiue (talk)
Deadline: November 23, 2015, 23:59 GMT


  1. Niiue (talk) Per proposal.


  1. Time Turner (talk) Different key items with different purposes. Yes, the names and appearances are similar, but that does not make the entities themselves similar. For the record, I disagree with the notion that things that share a name should also share an article.
  2. Ghost Jam (talk) Per Time Turner.
  3. LudwigVon (talk) The cards may have the same Japanese name, but each of these cards have a different purposes in each game and not the same as mentioned above. Furthermore merge this together could end up making confusion by telling each explanatory phrase that in this game, they had a different name and a different purpose. The keys to open the doors that Niiue mentioned above have the same goal that is to open an object (a door, a cage), it comes all the same results, but not the cards in which it is use diffently.
  4. Walkazo (talk) - Per Time Turner.
  5. Baby Luigi (talk) Per all. I don't have anything different to say.
  6. Tails777 (talk) Per Time Turner


Gold Credit allows Mario to play Smash Attack in the Playroom. It also has a previous incremental item called Silver Credit which allows Mario to play in Jump Attack. Gold Card allows Mario to play a minigame at the Pianta Parlor, and it has other cards in ascending order: Special Card, Silver Card, and Platinum Card which also allow Mario to play some minigames. Finally, Golden Card lets Mario play Hammer Whacker, although it has no other incremental cards as far as I can tell. I understand where you're coming from, that the cards allow access to particular minigames, but I also see where the opposition is coming from, since the functional differences are technically different. Also, if you're going to merge all the goldenish cards, you have to merge the silver ones too. Icon showing how many lives Mario has left. From Super Mario 64 DS. It's me, Mario! (Talk / Stalk) 15:13, 10 November 2015 (EST)

I won't say that the three items have absolutely nothing in common, but they're different enough that merging them together is just going to create a weird collage, since you'd basically have to redescribe it for every individual item. As is, it's harmless. Hello, I'm Time Turner.
I actually planned to make another proposal for the silver ones if this one passed, but I didn't want to end up proposal-spamming. Niiue (talk) 21:50, 12 November 2015 (EST)


With the TTYD remake coming out soon, I'm thinking it would make sense to revisit the merging of the credits with the cards. Would the above proposal's outcome even need to be overturned by a new one? After all, the Golden Card and Gold Card pages have been merged since... Blinker (talk) 07:59, October 27, 2023 (EDT)

I agree, particularly because as pointed out, they share the same name and have the same function (unlock new mini-games to play). PrincessPeachFan (talk) 12:52, October 30, 2023 (EDT)

The same goes for the Silver Credit and Silver Card. Blinker (talk)

Bumping this, now that the remake is out. Does this require a proposal or what? Blinker (talk) 13:01, May 26, 2024 (EDT)

I personally don't think the merge should've happened, and we should have separate articles for the each of the gold cards, but I may have just an older mindset. Icon showing how many lives Mario has left. From Super Mario 64 DS. It's me, Mario! (Talk / Stalk) 13:11, May 26, 2024 (EDT)
I guess that answers my question, thanks. Blinker (talk) 13:39, May 26, 2024 (EDT)

Merge Silver Credit and Gold Credit to their Card counterparts.[edit]

Settledproposal.svg This talk page proposal has already been settled. Please do not edit any of the sections in the proposal. If you wish to discuss the article, do so in a new header below the proposal.

merge pages 6-3
This proposal aims to merge Paper Mario's Silver Credit and Gold Credit items to Silver Card and Golden Card respectively. Not only do they have the same Japanese names, but they also serve the same role: allowing the player to play a certain mini-game in the game's mini-game area (the Playroom, Pianta Parlor and Flipside Arcade). I'm not sure what else to say here. I think this is pretty self-explanatory, but if you have any questions, please do ask.

Proposer: Blinker (talk)
Deadline: June 9, 2024, 23:59 GMT


  1. Blinker (talk) Per proposal.
  2. MegaBowser64 (talk) Purr proposal
  3. Pseudo (talk) Per proposal, and per the precedent that led to subjects like Koopa Leaf and Turtley Leaf, as well as Egg Missile and Egg Bomb, being merged. Many items with the same rough design and functionality had their names changed in localization between the first two Paper Mario games.
  4. Doc von Schmeltwick (talk) - gold-colored card that lets you play a minigame. Same name in origin language. Clearly the same item, splitting them inconsistently is confusing and unhelpful, and, contrary to what the opposition says, makes it harder to find info. If you just remember it's a "Gold something-or-another flat rectangle piece of plastic" but don't remember which specific name refers to it, having all the appearances of this identical item on one page is much more navigable (and through redirects, easier to reach) than having them arbitrarily spread around.
  5. Scrooge200 (talk) It's not that different from how we treat a lot of existing items between the first and second PM games, like Pseudo said. The Gold/Golden Cards also let you play different minigames, so why wouldn't the Gold Credit count? Obviously, each game has different minigames, so they have to be adapted between games.
  6. LinkTheLefty (talk) If we're not identifier-splitting the Golden Cards, let's keep it consistent.


  1. Mario (talk) Per comment in previous proposal, including mine that shows that the cards are not shown in a consistent manner. The merges wind up being more confusing than helpful. This hinders search, so just keep them split. Granted the recipes are another mess, but I don't think this case would benefit from merge.
  2. Sparks (talk) Per Mario.
  3. DrBaskerville (talk) Per all plus opposition in first proposal.


Before I vote on this, what does the remake say? I don't see the remake mentioned in this proposal, so just asking. SONIC123CDMANIA+&K(B&ATSA) (talk) 11:06, May 28, 2024 (EDT)

This is an excellent question, and my vote would have been influenced by the answer. --Sprite of Toadsworth Dr. Baskerville Paper Mario Book- MLPJ.png 18:42, June 5, 2024 (EDT)
What nonexistent remake of Paper Mario for the Nintendo 64 are you referring to? TTYDr kept the original direct-transliteration-of-the-Japanese-name, "Gold Card." Doc von Schmeltwick (talk) 20:43, June 5, 2024 (EDT)