Uploads by Time Q

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
14:39, February 6, 2010 GameBoyCamera.jpg (file) 20 KB {{aboutfile|Game Boy Camera|"Rummelplatzquatsch"}}
08:22, December 22, 2009 RPQ2.jpg (file) 117 KB {{aboutfile|Mario crashing into a glass plate|"Rummelplatzquatsch"}}
12:20, December 20, 2009 Sickobratz.jpg (file) 27 KB {{aboutfile|Heini and Sickobratz|"Sag niemals Holerö!"}}
11:45, December 20, 2009 AlteOper.jpg (file) 99 KB {{aboutfile|TicToc, Bomberman and Mario in front of the Alte Oper|"Sag niemals Holerö!"}}
11:16, December 19, 2009 NicolePiaBalu.jpg (file) 39 KB {{aboutfile|Nicole, Pia and Balu|"Sag niemals Holerö!"}}
09:48, December 19, 2009 Mahgo.jpg (file) 57 KB {{aboutfile|Mahgo|"Sag niemals Holerö!"}}
09:22, December 19, 2009 Frankfurt.jpg (file) 54 KB {{aboutfile|TicToc, Mario and Bomberman in Frankfurt|"Sag niemals Holerö!"}}
08:59, December 19, 2009 TajMahal.jpg (file) 84 KB {{aboutfile|Mario and Bomberman arriving at the Taj Mahal|"Sag niemals Holerö!"}}
14:15, August 29, 2009 Germany CN.jpg (file) 122 KB {{aboutfile|Bomberman, Mario and TicToc in Germany|"Sag niemals Holerö!"}}
11:01, August 10, 2009 TicTocCN.jpg (file) 125 KB {{aboutfile|TicToc's and Mario's first encounter|"Sag niemals Holerö!"}}
08:47, May 28, 2009 Austria CN.jpg (file) 91 KB {{aboutfile|Mario and TicToc in Austria|"Sag niemals Holerö!"}}
08:00, May 28, 2009 HotDogs CN.jpg (file) 59 KB {{aboutfile|The crew of Mario's airline turned into hot dogs|"Sag niemals Holerö!"}}
16:27, May 13, 2009 RockefellerCenter MIM.png (file) 7 KB {{aboutfile|Luigi's photograph of the Statue of Prometheus at Rockefeller Center|''Mario is Missing!'' (SNES)}}
06:39, April 16, 2009 StatueofLiberty MIM.png (file) 11 KB {{aboutfile|Luigi's photograph of the Statue of Liberty|''Mario is Missing!'' (SNES)}}
16:34, April 5, 2009 EmpireStateBuilding MIM.png (file) 5 KB {{aboutfile|Luigi's photograph of the Empire State Building|''Mario is Missing!'' (SNES)}}
15:02, April 5, 2009 NewYorkCityScene MIM.png (file) 16 KB {{aboutfile|Luigi in New York City|''Mario is Missing!'' (SNES)
12:05, March 14, 2009 Switzerland.jpg (file) 55 KB {{aboutfile|Switzerland|"Sag niemals Holerö!"}}
10:50, March 8, 2009 EiffelTower MIM.png (file) 6 KB {{aboutfile|Luigi's photograph of the Eiffel Tower|''Mario is Missing!''}}
09:52, March 8, 2009 ArcdeTriomphe MIM.png (file) 7 KB {{aboutfile|Luigi's photograph of the Arc de Triomphe|''Mario is Missing!''}}
09:07, March 8, 2009 SNH CN3.jpg (file) 56 KB {{aboutfile|Bomberman throwing a bomb at Nicole, Pia and Balu|"Sag niemals Holerö!"}}
09:05, March 8, 2009 SNH CN2.jpg (file) 60 KB {{aboutfile|Mario and TicToc meeting Todojewski|"Sag niemals Holerö!"}}
09:03, March 8, 2009 SNH CN1.jpg (file) 112 KB {{aboutfile|Mario skiing while all the others skiiers have turned to cheese|"Sag niemals Holerö!"}}
11:41, February 13, 2009 PeachLightYoshi.jpg (file) 51 KB {{aboutfile|Toadstool, Dr. Light, and Yoshi|"Mario in Mariozilla"}}
11:37, February 13, 2009 DrLight.jpg (file) 27 KB {{aboutfile|Dr. Light|"Blast Corps in Yoshis Knallkekse"}}
19:17, February 6, 2009 YoshiNettyCN.jpg (file) 75 KB {{aboutfile|Yoshi and Netty|"Blast Corps in Yoshis Knallkekse"}}
19:16, February 6, 2009 Truck cookies CN.jpg (file) 74 KB {{aboutfile|Yoshi's truck releasing its truckload of cookies|"Blast Corps in Yoshis Knallkekse"}}
18:09, February 6, 2009 KartsCN.jpg (file) 69 KB {{aboutfile|Mario and Luigi driving karts|"Die Jagd nach dem Nintendo 64: Krawall im All"}}
07:10, January 15, 2009 CathedralofNotreDame MIM.png (file) 10 KB {{aboutfile|Luigi's photograph of the Cathedral of Notre Dame|''Mario is Missing!''}}
10:43, December 29, 2008 NationalPalace MIM.png (file) 14 KB {{aboutfile|Luigi's photograph of a part of Diego Rivera's painting in the National Palace|''Mario is Missing!''}}
15:37, December 28, 2008 SydneyOpera MIM.png (file) 11 KB {{aboutfile|Luigi's photograph of the Sydney Opera|''Mario is Missing!''}}
15:22, December 28, 2008 TarongaZoo MIM.png (file) 22 KB {{aboutfile|Luigi's photograph of a koala in Taronga Zoo|''Mario is Missing!''}}
12:33, December 28, 2008 ObeliskMonument MIM.png (file) 9 KB {{aboutfile|Luigi's photograph of the Obelisk Monument|''Mario is Missing!''}}
14:26, December 3, 2008 HadriansArch MIM.png (file) 9 KB {{aboutfile|Luigi's photograph of Hadrian's Arch|''Mario is Missing!''}}
12:19, October 8, 2008 SNESCN.jpg (file) 47 KB {{aboutfile|Mario and Luigi's spaceship resembling the SNES|"Die Jagd nach dem Nintendo 64: Krawall im All"}}
09:08, October 5, 2008 DJNDN64 CN2.jpg (file) 103 KB {{aboutfile|Bowser and Wario outrun Mario and Luigi|"Die Jagd nach dem Nintendo 64: Krawall im All"}}
09:07, October 5, 2008 DJNDN64 CN1.jpg (file) 70 KB {{aboutfile|Mario and Luigi inside their spaceship|"Die Jagd nach dem Nintendo 64: Krawall im All"}}
13:41, October 4, 2008 DieBlumeMeinesHerzens.jpg (file) 42 KB {{aboutfile|Mario performing a song in a club|"Super Mario: Die Blume meines Herzens"}}
09:02, August 25, 2008 Palkia.png (file) 95 KB {{personal-image-sig|Palkia47}}
09:01, August 25, 2008 Dialga.png (file) 82 KB {{personal-image-sig|Palkia47}}
09:35, August 23, 2008 Giratinabylydarioss8.jpg (file) 19 KB {{personal-image-sig|Palkia47}}
11:25, August 8, 2008 ImRauschDerGeschwindigkeit.jpg (file) 116 KB {{aboutfile|Cape Mario riding Yoshi, in front of an F-Zero Racer|"Super Mario: Im Rausch der Geschwindigkeit"}}
10:46, August 8, 2008 OsternImSchwammerlland.jpg (file) 60 KB {{aboutfile|Opening panel of "Ostern im Schwammerlland"|Club Nintendo}}
10:38, August 8, 2008 RaccoonMarioCN.jpg (file) 63 KB {{aboutfile|Raccoon Mario|"Marios Rückkehr"}}
09:33, August 3, 2008 JumboBarrelCN.jpg (file) 86 KB {{aboutfile|Donkey, Cranky, Dixie, Diddy and Kiddy Kong riding the Jumbo Barrel|"Donkey Kong in: Banana Day 24"}}
09:19, August 3, 2008 KiddyKongCN.jpg (file) 20 KB {{aboutfile|Kiddy Kong|"Donkey Kong in: Banana Day 24"}}
08:41, August 3, 2008 PresidentKohlCN.jpg (file) 63 KB {{aboutfile|The President of the US and Helmut Kohl|"Donkey Kong in: Banana Day 24"}}
19:18, July 28, 2008 BD24 CN2.jpg (file) 66 KB {{aboutfile|The Kongs meeting aliens who are hijacking the Earth|"Donkey Kong in: Banana Day 24"}}
19:15, July 28, 2008 BD24 CN1.jpg (file) 96 KB {{aboutfile|Donkey and Diddy Kong discovering that it is snowing in their jungle|"Donkey Kong in: Banana Day 24"}}
16:51, July 2, 2008 Infernum.jpg (file) 135 KB {{aboutfile|Kirby, Mario, Link, Abigor, Chuckie and more monsters in the temple Infernum|"Super Mario in Die Nacht des Grauens"}}
16:24, July 2, 2008 ElmStreetTunnel.jpg (file) 35 KB {{aboutfile|Link, Mario and Kirby inside of the Elm Street Tunnel|"Super Mario in Die Nacht des Grauens"}}
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