Previous appeals
warning overturned
No sockpuppeting, no warning.
- Because I'm not Beanbean. I did accidentally vandalize things when I first joined because I didn't know the difference between save and preview, but I didn't deserve that last one.
- However, I would not like it removed from my archives, I just want to record to stand that Paper Jorge was in fact in the wrong when he said that Beanbean was my sockpuppet. This will probably be ignored since Paper Jorge was a Sysop (Administrator was not a widely used term around then) at the time, but he isn't anymore.
Paper Jorge
reminder stands
Editing userspace too much is breaking the rules, and if the initial Userspace reminder template isn't followed, harsher warnings can be used, and punishment can even be doled out if that doesn't work either. It's not invalid, so it stays.
- This should get removed because it is invalid and it's a usersapce warning which means they are invalid. Please remove it.
Goomba's Shoe15
- Alright if it is invalid than i'll remove it nobody mentioned to me that you couldnt give out userspace warnings and i still see people get them but if it is invalid i'll remove it
warning stands
Edofenrir (talk) made it pretty clear why you received your warning here and the Admin Board stands behind him.
- Similar to Plumber's ordeal, I'm trying to overturn a warning given by a former sysyop, Tucayo. Anyways, Tucayo added the "U R Mr Gay" thing to Super Mario Galaxy, and I reverted it, calling the entire thing stupid. I believed (and still do) that this was just an unfortunate mistake on Nintendo's part. Tucayo, thinking that calling an edit stupid equals calling the person that made the edit stupid, gave me a warning. While I was told that the sysops discussed it on a private chat room or something similar, I am appealing this because Tucayo's reasoning is, well, not that good, at least in my opinion. I never meant to insult him, I just meant that the urmrgay thing was stupid. If I had meant to insult him (which would be stupid), I'd keep my warning. But I just meant to call out the ridiculousness of this, so I think that my warning wasn't fair.
- Amazing.
Now the users can dispute the authority of the sysops. What has the SMW fallen into?I honestly couldn't care less about if you remove it or not. Now don't bother me with things as trivial as this.
- *sigh* I honestly don't know why I take some of my precious time to answer something I had already answered many times in the past. The warning was not just because of that edit/summary/whatever, it was an accumulation of faults you had committed and regarding your overall attitude which is(was?) pretty annoying and disturbing of the social order and peace of the Super Mario Wiki. And yes, I am upset. I had talked this to you and to the admins, and you still keep bugging about it. C'mon, remove it and be happy! You have my permission! Go ahead! Now!
Goomba's Shoe15
warning overturned
Checking contributions and undoing bad edits is not stalking, it's looking out for the wiki, which is a good thing.
Goomba's Shoe15
- I was given a last warning from Yoshiyoshiyoshi for stalking him and BooDestroyer well heres the thing this stalking was undoing edits that i felt were wrong and that BooDestroyer the user who made the comment didn't issue the warning instead Yoshiyoshiyoshi inserted it after i commented on this and reminded him to sign his comment i want it removed because i am not stalking them and i am not trying to bother any body and i already got a last warning for harassing Yoshiyoshiyoshi here so i stopped i don't think this warning is justifiable cause im not stalking anybody and im tired of people accusing me of stalking them because i issue a warning or because i undo an edit. Also here are the only interactions ive had with BooDestroyer over the course of the whole month [1], [2],[3] and because of those two things i'm being accused of stalking a user thats crap i'm not stalking any one. Also it is true i harassed Yoshiyoshiyoshi harassed once this but that resulted in this. And i would like to point out that i only undo edits that are nonconstructive which isnt a bad thing let alone harassment it's a normal thing and i know a lot of users do it including most admins, and i don't think it's right that just because i disagree with some one or undo one of their edits that they can say im stalking them or harassing them when in fact i'm doing things normal users do and i don't feel that any of the 3 things ive done that have involved BooDestroyer constitute harassment let alone stalking
- Goomba's Shoe15 continually argues with me when I tell him to stop.When I say "stalking",I mean watching every edit I make,and if he doesnt like it,he reverts it.After he was given a first Last Warning,I saw another user said goomba was doing the same thing to him/her,so i gave him another warning and told him to stop.
Goomba's Shoe15
reminder overturned
Removing speculation is following policy: it's following the rules, not breaking them.
Goomba's Shoe15
- I was given that for undoing this edit [[4]] based on my opinion that it is speculation since there is no official source to back up his claim so i'm a little confused as to why he issued this reminder
warning stands
Ignorance is no excuse, and besides, you shouldn't outright revert an edit like that without taking it to the talk page, regardless of who made the edit.
- I was new to the wiki and I thought it would be better to add pictures to the characters with no pictures.
- I did not know that MeritC was a sysop, again, I was new. I mean, it looks pretty informal to be missing 11 pictures and placing them with Not Pictured.
I know the warning was issued January 15, and I joined December 11, but remember, I was blocked for 7 days. At the least, I'd rather have this become a reminder, because I was new to the wiki, again not knowing MeritC was a sysop. I was also unaware that undoing a sysop's edit is illegal.
Rise Up Above It
warning overturned
Calling a proposal "stupid" isn't very polite, but it's not flaming the proposer either. Also, this case isn't actually the same as the Warning Tucayo gave Reversinator because that was for his behaviour in general, whereas this is one isolated incident, which doesn't warrant a Warning in an of itself.
- Look, I was being blunt. Being blunt means being direct. Calling the proposal stupid and useless did not mean I was calling DKPetey an idiot, I was saying what was true. The proposal passed already, there was no need to create a second proposal. Yes, Petey didn't know about my proposal, but I informed him. Why should I get an warning for insulting him if I didn't even insult him?
- I think Walkazo explains it better than me.
Goomba's Shoe15
- My warning is based on the same principle as the warning Tucayo gave you. Which was for calling an edit he made stupid and i gave you a warning for calling a proposal someone made stupid.
DK and Diddy Kong vs Bowser and Bowser Jr.
warning restored to original form
The warning should never have been altered in the first place: only admins have that right, and only if they have a good reason for it.
- This.
I am appealing this last warning for DK and Diddy Kong vs Bowser and Bowser Jr. I originally gave him a warning for editing other user's comments. However, Reversinator changed it into a last warning. His reason being: "He has three reminders and a warning." Well, there is where you went wrong Reversinator. Kongs vs Koopas only got two reminders, one being an invalid reminder because the reminders he gave me were deleted. So, I don't think that a last warning suits this situation because he only has one warning and one reminder. I want this to be overturned into a warning because a last warning seems very inappropriate for this current situation.
- I probably shouldn't have even modified the warning in the first place. Change it back.
warning stands
Deleting conversations is not allowed. Ignorance of talk page usage is no excuse for breaking policies and repeatedly reverting valid edits.
- I believe that the only real use to the message that I reverted was to have me read it. I figured that I should get rid of it because there was no other use. I was given a warning for deleting something that I had read and found no use for.
reminder overturned
Both users were overreacting and issuing inappropriate warnings in this matter. Almost all of them have been removed, including this one.
- It wasn't a real Reminder. I mean, look at it! "Big meanie face"?! This isn't kindergarten. Reminders should state facts (e.g. Vandalizing the Main Page), rather than opinions (e.g. Being an idiot).
reminder overturned
While unnecessary, Magikrazy's comment was not intended as an insult. Furthermore, a first-time display of discourteous behavior is not punishable by a reminder according to the Courtesy policy.
- This was the first time I said "dumb" or "idiot" against anyone and I didn't even mean to make fun of Superfiremario (it was intended to be an inside joke of my Mr. Kipper proposal). The MarioWiki:Courtesy page says the first time someone says something against someone, they shouldn't be given a reminder off the bat. The only reason I can think of for getting a reminder the first time would be because of Superfiremario having Asperger's, but that would be discrimination/special treatment. I rest my case.
userspace warning stands
Your editing is better now, but at the time, the warning was deserved, and so it stays as a permanent record, just like with everyone else who's gotten one.
- I'm not one of those people who join the wiki only to muck around and make a userpage. If you look on my edits, even before this userspace warning was issued, I have made many edits to main articles, wanting to improve them.
At one stage, there were many individual edits made on my userpage. This is because, at the time, I was using my userpage as a sandbox, and practising applying tables and infoboxes, which i was planning to add to some 'Wario Land 4' stub articles (since there are alot!).
So, I don't think that I deserve to have this warning permanently stuck on my talk page.
New Super Yoshi
- You do know that we have a Sandbox page or to avoid overcrowding your edits you could of used the Wikipedia sandbox or could have not made the edit. I see your making mainspace edits now but back at the time it was sensible enough to have the warning. You do know your not the only user who has this loads (even me at one point) had one and they learned from it and we still keep our warnings. I vote for it to stay.
warning stands
Reminders and/or Warnings given by an administrator or patroller cannot be appealed.
- This was indeed not deserved. I'm an editor on Wikipedia, and doing what I have been hastily warned for "made someone's day". It's exactly like writing a plain message praising another, but adding some "fun" to it. I did not know this wiki would prohibit such and this states that I should not be warned right off the bat if I did something wrong in the first place. If doing commiting wrongdoing on accident had to deserve a threat to be banned from this site, then there's something wrong here. Really, one of the worst times I had to be treated like that.
reminder overturned
Removing forum-like comments from talk pages is allowed.
- According to this proposal, it is perfectly acceptable to revert talk page comments if it is not about improving the article.
Chris Helper
Prince Ludwig
warning overturned
While perhaps unnecessarily antagonistic in spots, Prince Ludwig's messages were not overtly insulting. Futhermore, Mariowiki:Courtesy states that a first-time display of discourteous behaviour is not worthy of a formal reminder, much less a warning.
Prince Ludwig
- I was given a warning from Electrical Bowser jr. for "expressing contempt for another user". I don't know what he meant for "expressing contempt for another user" (which is most likely I didn't do). It was probably because he disliked me opposing the proposals and thinking that one of his questions were unnecessary (what was the Boohemoth's real name). They really were unnecessary. The proposal he made were for moving Undead Piranha Plant to Skeletal Piranha Plant and merge White Tanooki Mario and White Raccoon Mario together, which was a proposal found on Invincibility Leaf's talk page. We who oppose the proposals he made said that Electrical Bowser jr. should wait for the official names of the enemies from New Super Mario Bros. 2. I opposed the proposals from those talk pages not because I hate his guts (I don't hate him at all and I didn't say any stuff like that), because they weren't necessary. It's just a waste of time. That warning should be removed from my talkpage.
Electrical Bowser jr.
warning overturned
Editing an old revision and accidentally removing the comment made in the meantime is an understandable mistake.
- While there are no actual facts as for me to defend myself, the comment was not done intentionally, but rather through many edits to the page happening at the same time. When this happened, GreenDisaster, wrote his comment just after I had saved mine. When I came to publishing, my own, I mistakenly deleted his. Nothing intentional was done. Yes, in the past I have done similar, but as I have repeatedly told different users, that was a time where all this wiki stuff was new to me. I didn't know how things worked. Once I stopped and restarted here, you can see I have changed a lot, answering TPPs and any problems users have, and the odd mainspace edit here and there. The gap proves this difference. I have disagreed with many users since I came back, but I have never deleted comments or anything of the sort. Why would I start with GD after all this time especially. This is my defense and I do hope you believe me.
Prince Ludwig
warning overturned
The warning was given to antagonize the user, although it was also claimed that it was a joke. Either way, it's unacceptable.
Prince Ludwig
- I was given a warning from Master Bowser Jr. for "being mean-spirited". If it's about what I had with Electrical Bowser jr. two months ago, nothing happened between me and him, not even with Master Bowser Jr. That warning was uncalled for.
Master Bowser Jr.
warning overturned
A user making mistakes is not the same as vandalism: no warning should have been given.
- I was given a warning from YoshiKong for continuously editing an article. This was because I was new, I didn't really know what I was doing and I wanted to make my edit perfect. I also accidentally edited the header which I didn't mean to do. However, he has now apologized to me and said I could appeal to the warning.
- I agree that the warning was undeserved. I initially saw the offense as vandalism but I should've asked questions first, rather than just assume.
reminder overturned
Removing reasons from support votes is enforcing the rules.
- I have received a reminder from MortonBoo because, on the nomination page for Mario Kart 7, he had left a reason with his support vote. Since the rules for article nominations state that support votes, excluding the starting vote, cannot have reasons, I removed the reason, but not the vote. Today, Morton has given me a reminder because I had removed his reason. As I have mentioned, it was against the rules, and I have been doing similar things to other users for quite some time. Why, after so long, should I get a reminder for doing this?
reminder overturned
No rules were broken.
- I was falsely given a reminder for not marking edits as minor when editing many pages at once over a week ago, when in actuality, I did mark them as minor. After I informed the issuer of the reminder, it was crossed out and he apologized, but the reminder was not officially removed.