Category:Mario Kart 8 Deluxe media files
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The following contains audio and video files from Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Media in category "Mario Kart 8 Deluxe media files"
The following 181 files are in this category, out of 181 total.
- 3DSToadCircuit MK8DXBCP.oga 30 s; 529 KB
- BattleWiiU DragonPalace Exterior.oga 30 s; 545 KB
- CoconutMallMK8DX.oga 30 s; 524 KB
- DSShroomRidge MK8DXBCP.oga 30 s; 553 KB
- GBASkyGarden MK8DXBCP.oga 30 s; 525 KB
- MK8-1stPlaceFinish.oga 7.0 s; 125 KB
- MK8-2nd-6thPlaceFinish.oga 5.6 s; 103 KB
- MK8-7th-12thPlaceFinish.oga 5.4 s; 100 KB
- MK8-CourseIntro.oga 14 s; 257 KB
- MK8-MarioKartTelevision.oga 30 s; 571 KB
- MK8-Music-DS-WarioStadium.oga 30 s; 361 KB
- MK8-Positions1st-6th.oga 30 s; 537 KB
- MK8-Positions7th-12th.oga 30 s; 535 KB
- MK8-SinglePlayer ChoosingCharacter.oga 30 s; 557 KB
- MK8-SinglePlayer ChoosingCup-or-Course.oga 30 s; 539 KB
- MK8-SinglePlayer ChoosingGamemode.oga 30 s; 574 KB
- MK8-StaffCredits.oga 30 s; 541 KB
- MK8-StartBattle.oga 4.6 s; 81 KB
- MK8-StartRaceVS.oga 2.4 s; 47 KB
- MK8-Title Bowser.oga 3.1 s; 52 KB
- MK8-Title Luigi.oga 2.7 s; 47 KB
- MK8-Title Mario.oga 2.8 s; 49 KB
- MK8-Title Rosalina.oga 2.2 s; 38 KB
- MK8-TitleTheme.oga 30 s; 538 KB
- MK8-TrophyDraw.oga 30 s; 585 KB
- MK8-TrophyWin.oga 30 s; 572 KB
- MK8-Wifi ChoosingCharacter.oga 30 s; 540 KB
- MK8-Wifi ChoosingCourse.oga 30 s; 565 KB
- MK8-Wifi ChoosingGamemode.oga 30 s; 494 KB
- MK8-Wifi WatchRace.oga 30 s; 552 KB
- MK8D 3DS AlpinePass prefetch.oga 1.5 s; 74 KB
- MK8D 3DS RainbowRoad Moon prefatch.oga 1.5 s; 82 KB
- MK8D 3DS RainbowRoad prefatch.oga 1.6 s; 79 KB
- MK8D BCP Credits.oga 31 s; 1.42 MB
- MK8D DS PeachGardens prefetch.oga 1.5 s; 69 KB
- MK8D GBA BooLakeBrokenPier prefetch.oga 1.5 s; 66 KB
- MK8D GBA SunsetWilds prefatch.oga 1.5 s; 73 KB
- MK8D GCN WaluigiStadium prefetch.oga 1.5 s; 72 KB
- MK8D Tour AmsterdamDrift prefatch.oga 1.3 s; 68 KB
- MK8D Tour BangkokRush prefatch.oga 1.6 s; 74 KB
- MK8D Tour BerlinByways prefetch.oga 1.6 s; 85 KB
- MK8D Tour LondonLoop prefetch.oga 1.2 s; 60 KB
- MK8D Tour LosAngelesLaps prefatch.oga 1.5 s; 75 KB
- MK8D Tour MerryMountain prefetch.oga 1.5 s; 73 KB
- MK8D Tour SingaporeSpeedway Chinatown prefatch.oga 1.5 s; 83 KB
- MK8D Tour SingaporeSpeedway prefatch.oga 1.5 s; 82 KB
- MK8D Tour VancouverVelocity prefatch.oga 1.5 s; 78 KB
- MK8D Wii MapleTreeway prefatch.oga 1.6 s; 87 KB
- MK8D-3DS-WuhuTown-music.oga 30 s; 349 KB
- MK8D-BattleStadium-music.oga 30 s; 365 KB
- MK8D-DragonPalace-music.oga 30 s; 376 KB
- MK8D-GCN-LuigisMansion-music.oga 30 s; 359 KB
- MK8D-LunarColony-music.oga 30 s; 372 KB
- MK8D-SNES-BattleCourse1-music.oga 30 s; 383 KB
- MK8D-SweetSweetKingdom-music.oga 30 s; 376 KB
- MK8D-UrchinUnderpass-music.oga 30 s; 332 KB
- MK8D-UrchinUnderpass-NowOrNever.oga 30 s; 346 KB
- MK8DX WaluigiPinball-Dash.oga 2.1 s; 22 KB
- MK8DX WaluigiPinball-DEMO1.oga 4.1 s; 41 KB
- MK8DX WaluigiPinball-DEMO2.oga 4.4 s; 41 KB
- MK8DX WaluigiPinball-DEMO3.oga 4.8 s; 45 KB
- MK8DX WaluigiPinball-GlidingSection.oga 8.0 s; 75 KB
- MK8DX WaluigiPinball-ItemDecide.oga 1.5 s; 18 KB
- MK8DX WaluigiPinball-ItemRoulette.oga 10 s; 127 KB
- MK8DX WaluigiPinball-Lap02.oga 4.5 s; 44 KB
- MK8DX-CourseIntro NinjaHideaway.oga 14 s; 251 KB
- MK8DX-CourseIntro WaluigiPinball.oga 16 s; 264 KB
- MK8DX-LocalWireless Choosing-Gamemode.oga 30 s; 552 KB
- MK8DX-LocalWireless Loading-into-Room.oga 30 s; 550 KB
- MK8DX-LocalWireless UnusedVariation.oga 30 s; 606 KB
- MK8DX-LocalWireless Waiting-or-ChoosingCourse.oga 30 s; 570 KB
- MK8DX-Title Link.oga 2.2 s; 36 KB
- N64ChocoMountain MK8DXBCP.oga 30 s; 522 KB
- Sunsetwildsshyguysmusic.mp3 30 s; 470 KB
- Switch 3DS AlpinePass BCP.oga 30 s; 1.33 MB
- Switch 3DS RainbowRoad BCP.oga 30 s; 1.4 MB
- Switch 3DS RainbowRoad Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 582 KB
- Switch 3DS RainbowRoad Moon BCP.oga 30 s; 1.35 MB
- Switch 3DS RainbowRoad Moon Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 598 KB
- Switch 3DS RockRockMountain Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 582 KB
- Switch 3DS Rosalina's Ice World BCP.oga 30 s; 528 KB
- Switch 3DS Rosalina's Ice World Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 543 KB
- Switch 3DS ToadCircuit Frontrunning.oga 30 s; 592 KB
- Switch DS MarioCircuit BCP.oga 31 s; 1.37 MB
- Switch DS MarioCircuit Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 584 KB
- Switch DS PeachGardens BCP.oga 30 s; 1.39 MB
- Switch DS PeachGardens Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 594 KB
- Switch DS ShroomRidge Frontrunning.oga 30 s; 593 KB
- Switch GBA BooLake BCP.oga 30 s; 1.25 MB
- Switch GBA BooLake Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 595 KB
- Switch GBA RiversidePark BCP.oga 31 s; 1.55 MB
- Switch GBA RiversidePark Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 596 KB
- Switch GBA SkyGarden Frontrunning.oga 30 s; 615 KB
- Switch GBA SnowLand BCP.oga 30 s; 648 KB
- Switch GBA SnowLand Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 611 KB
- Switch GBA SunsetWilds BCP.oga 30 s; 1.46 MB
- Switch GBA SunsetWilds Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 580 KB
- Switch GCN DaisyCruiser BCP.oga 30 s; 1.55 MB
- Switch GCN DaisyCruiser Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 580 KB
- Switch GCN DK Mountain BCP.oga 30 s; 613 KB
- Switch GCN DK Mountain Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 598 KB
- Switch GCN WaluigiStadium BCP.oga 30 s; 1.37 MB
- Switch GCN WaluigiStadium Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 575 KB
- Switch N64 ChocoMountain Frontrunning.oga 30 s; 596 KB
- Switch N64 KalimariDesert BCP.oga 30 s; 633 KB
- Switch N64 KalimariDesert Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 576 KB
- Switch Sky-HighSundae BCP.oga 30 s; 592 KB
- Switch Sky-HighSundae Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 584 KB
- Switch SNES Bowser Castle 3 BCP.oga 30 s; 546 KB
- Switch SNES Bowser Castle 3 Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 532 KB
- Switch SNES MarioCircuit3 BCP.oga 30 s; 576 KB
- Switch SNES MarioCircuit3 Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 564 KB
- Switch SqueakyCleanSprint BCP.oga 30 s; 586 KB
- Switch SqueakyCleanSprint Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 567 KB
- Switch Tour AmsterdamDrift BCP.oga 31 s; 1.42 MB
- Switch Tour AmsterdamDrift Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 601 KB
- Switch Tour Athens Dash Frontrunning BCP.mp3 30 s; 940 KB
- Switch Tour AthensDash BCP.oga 30 s; 1.53 MB
- Switch Tour BangkokRush BCP.oga 31 s; 1.39 MB
- Switch Tour BangkokRush Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 575 KB
- Switch Tour BerlinByways BCP.oga 30 s; 1.47 MB
- Switch Tour BerlinByways Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 625 KB
- Switch Tour LondonLoop BCP.oga 30 s; 1.29 MB
- Switch Tour LondonLoop Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 545 KB
- Switch Tour LosAngelesLaps BCP.oga 30 s; 1.46 MB
- Switch Tour LosAngelesLaps Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 544 KB
- Switch Tour MadridDrive BCP.mp3 30 s; 587 KB
- Switch Tour MadridDrive Frontrunning BCP.mp3 30 s; 470 KB
- Switch Tour MadridDrive Museum Frontrunning.oga 30 s; 543 KB
- Switch Tour MadridDrive Museum.oga 31 s; 1.37 MB
- Switch Tour MadridDrive Stadium Frontrunning.oga 30 s; 542 KB
- Switch Tour MadridDrive Stadium.oga 30 s; 1.44 MB
- Switch Tour MerryMountain Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 607 KB
- Switch Tour NewYorkMinute BCP.oga 30 s; 527 KB
- Switch Tour NewYorkMinute Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 576 KB
- Switch Tour NinjaHideaway Frontrunning.oga 30 s; 590 KB
- Switch Tour ParisPromenade Frontrunning.oga 30 s; 621 KB
- Switch Tour Piranha Plant Cove BCP.oga 30 s; 577 KB
- Switch Tour Piranha Plant Cove Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 569 KB
- Switch Tour Rome Avanti BCP.oga 30 s; 531 KB
- Switch Tour Rome Avanti Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 545 KB
- Switch Tour SingaporeSpeedway BCP.oga 30 s; 1.48 MB
- Switch Tour SingaporeSpeedway Chinatown BCP.oga 30 s; 1.48 MB
- Switch Tour SingaporeSpeedway Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 631 KB
- Switch Tour SydneySprint BCP.oga 30 s; 590 KB
- Switch Tour SydneySprint Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 581 KB
- Switch Tour TokyoBlur Frontrunning.oga 30 s; 601 KB
- Switch Tour Vancouver Velocity Frontrunning.oga 30 s; 560 KB
- Switch Tour VancouverVelocity BCP.oga 31 s; 1.54 MB
- Switch Wii CoconutMall Frontrunning.oga 30 s; 596 KB
- Switch Wii DaisyCircuit BCP.mp3 30 s; 470 KB
- Switch Wii DaisyCircuit Frontrunning BCP.mp3 30 s; 470 KB
- Switch Wii DKSummit BCP.oga 30 s; 1.46 MB
- Switch Wii DKSummit Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 613 KB
- Switch Wii KoopaCape BCP.oga 30 s; 1.51 MB
- Switch Wii KoopaCape Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 582 KB
- Switch Wii KoopaCape River BCP.oga 30 s; 1.58 MB
- Switch Wii KoopaCape River Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 567 KB
- Switch Wii KoopaCape Underwater BCP.oga 30 s; 1.47 MB
- Switch Wii KoopaCape Underwater Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 592 KB
- Switch Wii MapleTreeway BCP.oga 30 s; 1.34 MB
- Switch Wii MapleTreeway Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 591 KB
- Switch Wii MoonviewHighway BCP.oga 30 s; 1.63 MB
- Switch Wii MoonviewHighway City BCP.oga 30 s; 1.49 MB
- Switch Wii MoonviewHighway City Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 561 KB
- Switch Wii MoonviewHighway Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 589 KB
- Switch Wii MushroomGorge BCP.oga 30 s; 597 KB
- Switch Wii MushroomGorge Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 564 KB
- Switch Wii Rainbow Road BCP.mp3 30 s; 470 KB
- Switch Wii Rainbow Road Frontrunning BCP.mp3 30 s; 470 KB
- Switch Yoshi'sIsland BCP.oga 30 s; 532 KB
- Switch Yoshi'sIsland RaceFanfare BCP.oga 4.1 s; 30 KB
- Switch Yoshi'sIsland ResultsScreen BCP.oga 30 s; 402 KB
- Switch YoshisIsland Frontrunning BCP.oga 30 s; 574 KB
- Totaka's Song MK8.oga 29 s; 122 KB
- TourMerryMountain MK8DXBCP.oga 30 s; 1.37 MB
- TourNinjaHideaway MK8DXBCP.oga 30 s; 1.3 MB
- TourParisPromenade MK8DXBCP.oga 30 s; 565 KB
- TourTokyoBlur MK8DXBCP.oga 30 s; 534 KB
- WiiU DS WarioStadium Frontrunning.oga 30 s; 504 KB