Template talk:Toads

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Revision as of 20:06, March 30, 2011 by Boowhoplaysgames (talk | contribs)
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Agh! Color Scheme..... so...... pushy...... must aquire...... change.......HK

Don't cheat again, lol. You can copy from another template since the {| |- ! |} symbols are confusing, but try out your own colors. If you don't know hex colors, let me know here and I'll give you some info on it. Wayoshi 16:56, 21 July 2006 (EDT)

I know that...... they involve colors. HK

But, yeah, I know nothing about hex colors. HK

Colors..... Even worse..... Darn you, Sir Grodus! Darn you to heck! HK

Try using the colors of the three major toads...... HK

Maybe a Small section for half mushroom people? HK

I could add it on..... HK

You could, but it's not really necessary. King Toadstool is probably half-Toad while his daughter is a quarter-Toad. It doesn't seem too significant a topic to add on to the template. Too much stuff will just clutter the template and make it unfocused. -- Son of Suns

Yeah, you're right....HK

Cartoons vs. Video Games

Should another section be added to seperate Toads from the cartoons from Toads from the video games? -- Son of Suns

Hrm..... there were a lot of toads in the cartoons.HK

Right now, all Toad characters are in the Characters section. I recommend seperating characters from the cartoons into their own section. Anyone agree or disagree? -- Son of Suns


While reading some old issues of Nintendo Comics System, I came across something odd in the the issue "Beauty and the Beach"; according to the comics, Fryguys, atleast in the Mario comicverse, are actually Toads who have been simply ignited by fire or lava. Think a link to the Fryguy article could be put on this template under the sub-species or other media section? -- Sir Grodus

Other media would work best. Templates with a mix of video game and cartoon/comic info should give preference to video game canon. -- Son of Suns

ow! that color's giving me a headache. (*)*(*)*) so dizzy... Max2 (talk) can I change it?


Ive heard this rumor, but is Yellow and Blue Toad have a brotherly relationship? Seems they do, but I need proof Boowhoplaysgames 20:06, 30 March 2011 (EDT)