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Bleak the evil snowman.

Bleak is a large sinister looking snowman encountered as a boss in Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble and Donkey Kong Land 3.

Bleak is the boss of the snowy mountain area K3 in Donkey Kong Country 3. Bleak resides in a large snowfeild which from above seems to have an evil looking face on it. Bleak attacks either Dixie or Kiddy Kong by poping up and down in random locations attempting to hit one of the kongs with snowballs. The kong must fight back by throwing snowballs at the amulet on Bleak's tie (this seems to be the source of his power). After being hit multiple times in the amulet Bleak will try a new tactic, blasting snowboulders out of his hat like cannonballs.

Whichever kong the player is using must avoid these snowboulders (which sometimes come at two or three at a time), and continue to throw snowballs at Bleak's amulet. After Bleak has substained enough damage he will seem to go into some sort of seizure (quivering and making bizarre noises) and then explode spectacularly.

In Donkey Kong Land 3 Bleak returns as the boss of Primate Plains. This time Bleak starts off by blowing snowboulders at whichever kong he is fighting. In order to be defeated Bleak must have four barrels thrown at his amulet. Each time Bleak is hit with a barrel his attacks become more eratic.

The battle against Bleak is similar to the mini-games at Swanky's Sideshow (which is in the SNES version of Donkey Kong Country 3 only).