Hello world!
Hi, im superz and im a new user and with a fresh page, I can tell all about myself!
An almost master portable gamer
the #1 thing I like to is play video games![obviously] and alot of them, games like: sm64ds,nsmb[my sisters game],sonic classic collection,mkds,rhythm heaven,picross 3d, and more! 'Portable gamer?' you ask? sadly, I only have a game boy and a ds. but I L-O-V-E wii games, and 3ds games like,nsmbwii,mkwii,mk3ds and paper mario 3ds. 'almost mster?' you ask? well I have just a tiny bit games that I havent beaten like:rhythm heaven[need 2 more perfects],backyard baseball09[need more trophys],super scribble nauts[94% of merits completed],the list goes on but the rest are fine.
my video game dream ideas
ive always wanted to make video games for nintendo,so I made a list of games that I want to create:
- yoshi's story 3ds
- mario kart history
- dsi/gba cartridge
- dsi skype
- rhythm heaven pro
mario kart history is played with ds and wii togather, to play with ALL of the mario kart courses. if anyone thinks these are cool ideas, comment it in my talk :)
under construction
Im still working on my page so it won't look preety.