User talk:Stooben Rooben/Archive 43

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Proposal (Habitat)

Then these characters will have various habitats, as it does not define the correct habitat.


Friday's AC Meeting

If anything I did at Friday's AC Meeting (5/8) made you exit, I'm sorry.

RalphSprite.pngRalphfan>>Again, I'm sorry (if it was my fault, that is.)RalphSprite.png

17 huh?

Pretty sweet old almighty and wise burecrat. I'm 15. Anyways, how's life? Artwork of a Hammer Bro. from Super Smash Bros. Brawl.MCHammerBro.MC Ballyhoo and Big Top 14:13, 9 May 2009 (EDT)

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday, Stooby! Sorry I missed it!

File:MarioMP8a.PNG Mario304 (Talk) File:MarioSmash.PNG44


Hey Stooby, just wondering if u have a userbox that I could add to my tower. Anyway thanks again, and happy birthday (for whenever it was)レシイラムtalk 20:19, 9 May 2009 (EDT)

I added this one to my tower:

レシイラムtalk 02:23, 13 May 2009 (EDT)

Well thanks for letting me use it! =) レシイラムtalk 02:43, 13 May 2009 (EDT)

Re: seventeen

I'm alright just sucking up to the I mean editing more SM64 related articles. So what's you website about?Artwork of a Hammer Bro. from Super Smash Bros. Brawl.MCHammerBro.MC Ballyhoo and Big Top 14:34, 10 May 2009 (EDT)


We will do it the same as last month, so can you please archive and update the single page??? TucayoSig.png Thanks :)

Ok, ill start uploading the pages today

Hey Stooby, as i saw that you updated the Main Page, ill archive, and you can do the singleTucayoSig.png BWAAAAA

'Shroomy Fake News

I PMed you, Tucayo, and Xpike this month's Fake News.

RalphSprite.pngRalphfan>>HEAD ASPLOSION!RalphSprite.png

Personal Image

Hey Stooben :D Can you please delete some of Super Mario Bros. (talk)'s personal images? He has exceeded the limit of personal images per user. YosharioFile:Yoshi wearing mario's hat.jpg

Re: Hi Again

Sorry for taking forever to respond, but I was (and still am) really busy, and when I finally sat down to message you, the whole hacking thing happened and I figured you had enough on your plate. Anyway, I just had a four-hour biology exam; I took it for kicks (I'm a nerd), but if I get a good enough mark I can use it as my first-year Biology credit at university and skip right into second-year. I doubt I will, though: I didn't study nearly enough <_< Birdbanding's fun, but it's also really stressful at times because getting the birds out of the nets can be pretty tricky, especially if they don't cooperate. That's good that you guys've settled down; are you still in Colorado, or what? - Walkazo 19:02, 11 May 2009 (EDT)

What topic should I check? YosharioFile:Yoshi wearing mario's hat.jpg

Oh rite, that was the like the only topic that was updated today *facepalm* I should've known. I'll check it out. YosharioFile:Yoshi wearing mario's hat.jpg

Full Return

Hey, man. I know it hasn’t been that long since my last visit, but I’ve given it a lot of thought, and I’m ready for a full return to the MarioWiki. That visit I made last month made me realize how much I miss this place, and I am eager to start contributing again. I’m sorry if constantly having to change my user rights has inconvenienced you in any way. But you’re not going to need to do it again anytime soon; I really have returned full-time. --KPH2293 19:31, 11 May 2009 (EDT)

Thanks. Yeah, I just heard about that sysop problem, so I guess I picked the right moment. Anyway, I look forward to working with you. :) --KPH2293 20:10, 11 May 2009 (EDT)

I replied. YosharioFile:Yoshi wearing mario's hat.jpg

I will. Thanks for the tip :) YosharioFile:Yoshi wearing mario's hat.jpg


I asked both of the people running the Fake News, and neither has responded for a while, so I'll ask you.

Can I have my old job of making the advertisements?

You still run the Shroom, right?WHY IS TOADBERT LEAVING A COMMENT|Lol Toadbert101

I'm sub-director now. But yeah, go for it. It'll probably be the best part of the FN. — Stooben Rooben 03:05, 13 May 2009 (EDT)

Personal Images...

Oh, I didn't know there was a limit. Besides, I created them for the 'Shroom (Tucayo gave me a position on there). Does it still count "against" me? Please let me know as soon as possible, and I will try to comply. · SMB (Talk) ·

Stooben, please don't delete my images. I am going to contact Tucayo so he can help me add this to the 'Shroom. · SMB (Talk) ·
Okay. — Stooben Rooben 03:05, 13 May 2009 (EDT)


Great! my birthday was back on april 29. My friend joined the wiki as Mario22, although he has no userpage. How do I know its him? I used the pword he gave me (before I warned him about spammers) and it works. Anyhow, he insist that Waluigi is actually Wailigi and that it was spelled and said that way in every game Waluigi appeared in. You might want to keep tabs on that. Anyhow, how are you doing? Caution! Your Buddy Bill was here!An animated ? Block from Super Mario Bros. (Overworld palette)

Why do you never respond? Other than those two times, and even then, it was a day or so later. Caution! Your Buddy Bill was here!An animated ? Block from Super Mario Bros. (Overworld palette)Y?

Im good. I posted that message last night. He's convinced now. I also told him about the rules, and im making him a sig. Caution! Your Buddy Bill was here!An animated ? Block from Super Mario Bros. (Overworld palette)Its hard though, because he doesnt know any formatting and he cant use a computer anywhere other than school.

Check my new post in the problems board. We should revisit that safety idea you thought of. YosharioFile:Yoshi wearing mario's hat.jpg


Security Updates

  • Thanks for the warning. After all, I want to keep doing whatever I can to help the Mario Wiki out. RedYoshiMK7Signature.png M&SG (talk) 09:18, 15 May 2009 (EDT)
  • I've registered myself on the forums as MnSG now. So what's the story about the new security feature? RedYoshiMK7Signature.png M&SG (talk) 09:27, 15 May 2009 (EDT)

Re: Sysop Board

Okay, I created an account there. --Grandy02 13:15, 15 May 2009 (EDT)

Me too, and thanks for the sigs/avatars/Preferences tip. - Walkazo 18:27, 15 May 2009 (EDT)

Re: Sysop Board

OK... I'll make an account later, I'll send you a message again when I have done

¢oincollctor rsitem209.png

Well I just registered in the forums. Now I'll have to wait the mail which I can activate my account

¢oincollctor rsitem209.png BTW, what's the new feature for the wiki's security?

Great, don't you bother where are you talking about the subject (giving me a link or something) please?

¢oincollctor rsitem209.png I'm really a n00b there by now 8/

I am uncable of being able to continue to exist on the internet

I'm sorry. I have to leave, this is bigger than you think. I'll just disapear and just let everyone try to figure out what happened to me. Do not depromote me though, I might just come back in a couple of years. I have to go due to the fact I've destroied this kid's life, he's dead inside now. I'm leaving out of guilt. Gone as soon as I came, vanishing into the wind. Hi!!!Nerdy Guy (I hope I didn't sound emo, but I hope I got my point across)Click on the "y", please.

Match Game

I'm sorry I haven't gotten out to you sooner; I'm busy really busy at this time of year. To clear things up, for the Fake News, the Fake TV section for will be the MarioWiki Match Game. The Match Game is based on an old game show of the same name. In it, participants are given a wacky sentence with a blank in it or a zany question to answer. The winner is the contestant who's answer is "matched" by the judges the most. Please PM me your answers via the forum or send an e-mail to me at (you can do that via your e-mail (say who you are on the message) or by clicking "E-mail this user" on my page. Your answers are needed by MAY 28TH!

The game will then be posted on #mw-shroom by me on the 30th at 15:15 GMT (10:15 eastern) and will be posted on the June Fake News. Just fill in the blanks, please!

A suggested style of answer has been included for your convenience.

1) Recently, some pirates have been active in the Indian Ocean. The U.S. Navy has responded by saying they are in the process of developing a gun that can shoot accurately from a mile away. Lots of pirates got scared when they heard this, but BLANK is quaking with fear. (pirate boss)

2) The economy continues to fall. This isn't just on Earth, it's happening in the Marioverse, too. People are so cash-strapped, they can't even afford BLANK. (essential Mario item)

3) Fill in the blank with any word/words that complete(s) this phrase: Free BLANK

Thanks so much for doing this on such quick notice!

RalphSprite.pngRalphfan>>MAY 28TH!RalphSprite.png


The Match Game script has you as second-in-command, and you have only three days to respond so PLEASE DON'T FORGET!

RalphSprite.pngRalphfan>>MAY 28TH!RalphSprite.png

The News is Fake; This Warning Isn't

Bowser image by Edofenrir
Doomhiker personal photo1.png
Hello, Stooben Rooben/Archive 43,

Please send me (Doomhiker) your Fake News section(s) by the deadline. If you are unable to submit your section in time, please tell me as soon as possible, and I'll sort something out.

Yours truly,


The Happiest day of the month!!!

well, not really, but anyway, its shroomwarning day! :) Can you please take 12-22??? TucayoSig.png :)

*Knock, Knock* "Who is it?" "SHROOMWARNING!!!"

Tadaa!2.gifHi, Stooben Rooben!Tadaaa!.gif

Please PM Super Mario Bros. and Gabumon your 'Shroom section on the forums (our forums, which one did you think?) by no later than March 14th. Please remember to save a copy in your outbox. If you can't, be sure to tell us soon and we'll be sure to punish you cruelly work something out.

'Shroomingly yours,

Super Mario Bros. and Gabumon


I thank thee for choosing my poll... I thought the noobs had won, but you proved that wrong, yay.

Oh, and long time, no... uh, see?

th_DimentioSigLeft.png Dom »» McTalk I have observed something amusing about this Wiki... th_SMKDimentiobyStooben.png

Wow, it's really nice to see you, Dom. :) Yeah, your poll was really great. And the wiki isn't so noob-filled anymore. — Stooben Rooben 22:15, 8 June 2009 (EDT)


Thanks, it's nice to be back. :) Redirecting about a thousand pages wasn't that fun, but the new games they announced are very interesting. - Cobold (talk · contribs) 16:39, 3 June 2009 (EDT)

Two Things...

Number one, congratulations for becoming a Steward on Userpedia!

Number two, could you help me with something? You are a Bureaucrat with Sysop rights, right? That means you can edit protected pages. Could you add on the Pipe Plaza that the Loophole proposal has been completely reworded? · SMB (Talk) · Thanks! And, er, is that really large enough of a deal to add to that page? — Stooben Rooben 22:15, 8 June 2009 (EDT)


Hello Stooben. As i saw you didnt send the shroomwarnings, ill send them --tucayosz9.png 19:12, 6 June 2009 (EDT)

Oh, sorry. It totally slipped my mind. XP — Stooben Rooben 22:15, 8 June 2009 (EDT)


What is it all about, anyway? · SMB (Talk) ·

The users here. — Stooben Rooben 22:15, 8 June 2009 (EDT)
Cool, now the name makes sense. Can I make an account there? · SMB (Talk) ·
Well, I am going to anyway. It looks cool. · SMB (Talk) ·
Your account has been approved. Have fun! — Stooben Rooben 00:27, 9 June 2009 (EDT)
Thank you. Also, I have a question. Can you be in my story? You will probably be in chapter four or five, in a guest appearance. I will try to add you into the story line completely (if you want) along with Walkazo. · SMB (Talk) ·
That's fine. Thanks. — Stooben Rooben 19:28, 9 June 2009 (EDT)

Shroom time!

wel, this is how things will be done. Can you please archive and update the single page? Thanks TucayoSig.png :)

Do you know much about the Poll?

Hey Stooby, just wondering if you know anything about the MarioWiki Poll? Because I wanna put one on my site, and though you might know how to do it (like how to make it and all). Okay, thanks レシイラムtalk 02:22, 10 June 2009 (EDT)

Shroom #2

I am signed up to do the "Top Ten" for the 'shroom. Since I am already writing the Classic Review, Don't be surprized if, in the futor, I quit this. leftcenterEGG Yoshileftcenter

Re Poll

Thanks for the advice! レシイラムtalk 02:05, 13 June 2009 (EDT)


Gah! I hope you don't log off yet! I've tried contacting you 3 times (it's my fault for you not getting my messages, I deleted them). Could you add links of Pipe Plaza and the Shroom to the Welcoming template? · SMB (Talk) ·

Never mind, Walkazo got it for me. · SMB (Talk) ·

Re: Patroller Again!

Thanks! Ill do my best so i can remain as patroller TucayoSig.png IM BAAACK!!

Single Page

HI STOOBY! can you please add Entertainment Section and Mario, non-Mario to The 'Shroom single page??? i would, but im on my dsi and i cant edit “long” pages TucayoSig.png Thanks :)

I tried to last night, but when I was in the middle of editing, my DSL connection got dropped. >_> Sorry. — Stooben Rooben 02:03, 18 June 2009 (EDT)


Hey Stooben, just wanted to let you know I joined the 'Shroom again as the writer for upcoming games! Pikachu SSB artwork.pngPaper PikachuPikachu SSB artwork.png

ignore that... ihave a better idea

wait... what? P. Trainer

Possible absent 'shroom articles

I am going on vacation for the next 3 weeks. I am unsure if the place we are staying at has wifi. If it dosn't have wifi, I will not be able to write my articles for this months issue of the 'shroom. If there is wifi, I will be able to turn them in. I might be able to type one of the articles before I leave on the day after tomorrow. Sorry if I can't get them in. Template:Fakelink long hours in the car, here I come! :|

Yes, I also have to go on a long trip across the states. I might miss in the turn in date with all my buisiness, mind if I pm it to you early? Luigifreak (talk)

Feedback Survey

Would you like me to do a feedback survey for the Shroom?? TucayoSig.png It would be really useful

Sure. That might help us out. — Stooben Rooben 19:22, 30 June 2009 (EDT)

And when will we give the shroomwarnings ?? TucayoSig.png IM OUTTA SCHOOOL!!!!!

One week before the due date. :) — Stooben Rooben 15:13, 3 July 2009 (EDT)

It's been a long time...

Since we have last spoken to each other. How are you Stooben? Super Mario Bros. (talk)

I'm doing good. I finally figured out what the problem was with my internet connection — the browser I was using wasn't working too well. So, now I'll be able to be more active. Plus, I get Sunday and Monday off of work this week, so I'm looking forward to that. How're you? — Stooben Rooben 15:43, 4 July 2009 (EDT)
I'm doing good myself, thank you. I have to do community service (my school requires it) every Tuesday and Thursday from about 1:30-3:30., and I have to hook my Wii and N64 back up (I took it to a friends house). So, what do you do (your job)? Super Mario Bros. (talk)

Take One... FREE

Tadaa!2.gifHi, Stooben Rooben!Tadaaa!.gif

Please PM Super Mario Bros. and Gabumon your 'Shroom section on the forums (our forums, which one did you think?) by no later than March 14th. Please remember to save a copy in your outbox. If you can't, be sure to tell us soon and we'll be sure to punish you cruelly work something out.

'Shroomingly yours,

Super Mario Bros. and Gabumon


Hi, I've just signed up for the 'Shroom, for Good Game, Bad Game, but I have a few questions:

a) How do I get a sandbox for the 'Shroom?

b) How do I, Where do I, When do I, submit my work?

c) Who should I submit my work to?

--Clyde1998.png Clyde {{{1}}} Edits Vids! Clyde1998.png 11:18, 7 July 2009 (EDT)


Hi, glad you joined!

A) Sandbox? What do you mean?
B) You can see each month's due date on The 'Shroom's front page. Whenever you finish writing your section -- please try to finish it before the deadline -- send it to either me or Tucayo on our forums. (You must have an account on the forums to do so.)
C) As said above, just send your sections to me and/or Tucayo in a Private Message on the forums.

Hope that helps. — Stooben Rooben 00:55, 9 July 2009 (EDT)

For A, I think Stoobens answer would be:The Shroom Doesn't provide sandboxes, your best hope would be User:Clyde1998/sandbox!

P.S. You should use # instead of a), it puts a number automatically which I think is easier. Marioguy1 (talk)


Hey Stooben, this is SMB, I'm just letting you know that I convinced my sister, Zeldagirl, to join the 'Shroom as the writer of User of the Month, although she joined early for the August issue and the following issues, not for the July issue. Super Mario Bros. (talk) 12:38, 9 July 2009 (EDT)

Never mind about the next issue part, she will try to submit her work in time for the July issue. Super Mario Bros. (talk) 19:17, 10 July 2009 (EDT)