Diddy Kong Racing DS
Diddy Kong Racing DS is an enhanced Nintendo DS port of the game Diddy Kong Racing. Diddy Kong Racing DS is Rare's first Nintendo DS game.
When his parents go on vacation, Timber is left to care for the family island, Timber's Island. Unfortunatly, an evil, magic-weilding alien-pig named Wizpig invades the island and, brainwashing Tricky the Triceratops, Bluey the Walrus, Bubbler the Octopus and Smokey the Dragon, begins to take over the island and evicting people like Taj the Genie and Pipsy from their homes.
The island's fastest racer, Drumstick, challenges Wizpig to a race, only to dissapear without a trace after doing so. In desperation, Timber sends a letter to his friend Diddy Kong asking for help. Accepting Timber's plea, Diddy, calling several allies such as Dixie Kong, his girlfriend, Tiny Kong, Dixie's sister, Tiptup, a clumsy turtle, Bumper, down and dirty driver and Krunch, a Kremling Krew spy, sets-off to Timber's Island to take-down Wizpig....
With help from Taj and T.T.. Diddy manages to beat Tricky, Bluey, Bubbler and Smokey in races and snap them out-of Wizpig's brainwashing. Drumstick, who had been turned into a frog by Wizpig, is also returned to normal.
His reluctant minions defeated, Wizpig is next challenged by Diddy Kong and his friends. After a long and grueling race, Wizpig is defeated and a victory celebration is held. Unfortunatly, Wizpig crashes the party.
Following the evil alien to his home planet of Future Funland, a death-trap amusement park, Diddy Kong and his friends manage to get past all of Wizpig's challenges and get a rematch with the rocket-riding Wizpig. After a tough race, Wizpig is beaten and, his rocket malfunctioning, crashes into a deserted planet and becomes stranded.
Returning to Timber's Island, another celebration is held, Wizpig having been beaten for good and his hold-over on the island gone.
Differences Between Versions
Along with it's several new features Diddy Kong Racing DS has several notable differences between it and the original Nintendo 64 version. These differences include:
- Taj the Genie is now found in a tree surrounded tent, he also no longer has a face plate on Timber's Island due to the Nintendo DS limited texturing abilities.
- The in-game racing map has been simplified, also bananas are no longer in the game.
- Due to their ownership by Microsoft, Conker and Banjo have been replaced by Tiny Kong and Dixie Kong.
- This version features a cut-scene to the storyline unlike the other version.
- The voices of almost all the characters have changed to the point where it sounds like almost everyone has somewhat British-sounding accents. Also, Tiny Kong looks radically different in this game then she does in Donkey Kong 64, looking much older.
- Wizpig and Taj the Genie can be unlocked and played as in this game, whereas they were unplayable characters in Diddy Kong Racing.
- Jungle Falls, Snowball Valley, Pirate Lagoon, Treasure Caves, Windmill Plains, and Spaceport Alpha have new background music. Spacedust Alley now has the old Spaceport Alpha music. The old music from Jungle Falls was moved to the credits.
- Four new tracks, Thunder Cove, Meandering Mount, Splashdown Pass and Strangled Shrine were added to the game.
- Planes can no longer do barrel rolls or loops and cars can no longer be selected in Everfrost Peak. Also, Tricky the Triceratop's track is altered and muchj easier.
Aside from these differences the game remains relatively the same in gameplay, adventure mode and multiplayer mode also remain basically unchanged.
Playable Characters
- DixieKongDKRDS.jpg
- Tiny Kong.jpg
- Hoveringtimber.jpg
- Planepipsy.jpg
- Bumperman.jpg
- Bigkrunch.jpg
- Drumstick.jpg
- Taj3.JPG
Non-Playable Characters
- Trixy.JPG
- Bluie.jpg
- Bubbler.jpg
- Dragon.JPG