I Spy With My Hairy Eye

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Template:DKCbox I Spy with My Hairy Eye is the 19th episode of the Donkey Kong Country television series, and it aired on August 15, 1998. During the episode, King K. Rool uses a robot double of Candy Kong, whom he calls the "Candy Clone," to attempt to steal the Crystal Coconut and take over the island.

Plot Synopsis

The episode begins with Donkey and Diddy Kong watching over the Crystal Coconut. Diddy complains about his job, as both he and Donkey Kong are starved. Donkey Kong looks through the refrigerator, only to find an empty banana peel. After he wishes he had just one banana, the Crystal Coconut grants his wish and places a new banana in his hand. Diddy encourages Donkey to wish for more, even though the ape is not content with fooling around with the Coconut. Once he is persuaded enough, Donkey Kong wishes for a whole bunch of bananas, causing a pile of bananas to drop on top of him. Just then, Diddy notices Cranky Kong coming, and the two Kongs have no way of hiding all the bananas to keep him from knowing that they were using the Coconut. Diddy Kong, in his panic, accidentally wishes that he was invisible, and quickly disappears. Donkey Kong is stunned by this, and has no idea where Diddy is, until he starts tickling him. Cranky enters the room, angry at the sight of all the bananas. He commands Donkey Kong the clean it up, but Diddy continues to tickle the ape. As Donkey Kong attempts to clean the mess, the invisible Diddy picks up a ping-pong paddle and tries the whack Cranky with it. Donkey Kong pushes Cranky out of the way before he is hit, but then Diddy escapes. Donkey Kong chases him, leaving the mess at Cranky's Cabin.