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A female nimbi (left) and a male nimbi (right)
Nimbis are the cloudlike citizens of The Overthere in Super Paper Mario. They speak in pseudo-Elizabethan English and look mostly identical to each other, save for a difference between male and female (the females have hairstyles.) Among them are four sages: Blubi, Yebbi, Rebbi, and Whibbi. Each one has a unique mustache, and the colors of their robes correspond to their names (e.g Blubi-blue, Rebbi-red, etc.)
Many Nimbis' names resemble days, seasons, or months.
Notable Nimbis
- Blubi
- Rebbi
- Yebbi
- Whibbi
- Luvbi (Nimbi form)
- Grambi
- Bonechill (Possibly once was a Nimbi)
- Novbi
- Fallbi
- Sumbi
- Janbi
- Nimbis have heart shaped hands/wings.
- Once, playing the game, you will later on find an unidentified Nimbi which fakes his injuries and stays quiet until Bonechill is defeated and you revisit the chapter at the excat same location.
- The is a hiden Nimbi in a large treasure chest just at the edge of the long fall to cross toward Rebbi for the first time.