Hello, I am The Blue Boo. I am new to Wikis, but I will help however I can.
About me
I tend to be sort of shy and not very social, hence why I picked boo as what my name revolves around. That, and I like boo. And dry bones. And the color blue. Really, my favorite color is purple, but blue and boo just fit together... Oh, and if I have a topic to actually talk about, I tend to drone on and on about it... But I don't suppose that you made any notice of that. Could you maybe turn away, please? My arms are getting tired...
I have created the following pages: Elite Octoomba, Swaphopper
I have helped the making of the following pages: Um...
The Blue Boo's Userbox Tower
This user hopes you read each and every one of his userboxes! or else...
This user needs help putting his userbox the way he wants it.
This user would like a sprite recolor to use for an avatar.
This user is an advanced gamer.
This user listens to video game music.
game dev
This user is interested in video game development.
This user cannot program at all.
This user doesn't care what console a game is for as long as it's fun.
This user owns a Nintendo DS Lite.
This user loves the videogames Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2.
This user loves the Katamari videogame series.
This user's favorite Nintendo character is Kirby.
This user thinks the best Super Smash Bros. character is Kirby (Again).
This user thinks Luigi is better than Mario.
This user would rather be Luigi than Mario in Super Mario Bros. Games
This user is wondering how Luigi can live in the shadow of a man who's only half of his size.
This user likes Bullet Bill.
This user plays Animal Crossing.
This user likes to play the Spore series.
This users favorite SSB stage is Delfino Plaza.
This user has a YouTube account.
This user likes Chain Chomps.
This user plays with Legos.
This user loves ice cream.
This User thinks Shy Guys are just misunderstood.
This user likes Daisy's new look.
This user likes to spin in circles REALLY fast! Weeeeeeeee!!!
this user runs around like a maniac.
This user thinks that userboxes have gotten out of control.
File:Box open.png
This user needs more userboxes. MORE, I tell you, more!!! Muhahaha!