Talk:Castle Bleck Key

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Revision as of 01:37, September 3, 2010 by CosmicBlueToad (talk | contribs)
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There are more than just two keys! -- Dragonfree

Merge Castle Bleck Key into Castle Bleck

Proposal.svg This talk page section contains an unresolved talk page proposal. Please try to help and resolve the issue by voting or leaving a comment.

Current time: Monday, July 1, 2024, 04:14 GMT

Proposer: CosmicBlueToad (talk)
Deadline: September 16, 2010, 23:59

I've never seen an article about any other keys. Why this one?

"Let's MERGE this thing!"

  1. CosmicBlueToad (talk)

"Of course not!"

"I think I want to leave a comment!"