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Proposals can be new features (such as an extension), removal of a previously added feature that has tired out, or new policies that must be approved via consensus before any action(s) are done.
  • Any user can support or oppose, but must have a strong reason for doing so, not, e.g., "I like this idea!"
  • "Vote" periods last for one week.
  • All past proposals are archived.

A proposal section works like a discussion page: comments are brought up and replied to using indents (colons, such as : or ::::) and all edits are signed using the code {{User|User name}}.

This page observes the No-Signature Policy.

How To

  1. Actions that users feel are appropriate to have community approval first can be added by anyone, but they must have a strong argument.
  2. Users then start to discuss on the issue. 24 hours after posting the proposal (rounding up or down to the next or previous full hour, respectively, is allowed), the voting period begins. (The proposer is allowed to support their proposal right after posting.) Each proposal ends at the end of the day one week after voting start. (All times GMT).
  3. Every vote should have a reason accompanying it. Agreeing or seconding a previously mentioned reason given by another user is accepted.
  4. Users who feel that certain votes were cast in bad faith or which truly have no merit can address the votes in the Comments section. Users can ask a voter to clarify their position, point out mistakes or flaws in their arguments, or call for the outright removal of the vote if it lacks sufficient reasoning. Users may not remove or alter the content of anyone else's votes. The voter can remove or rewrite his/her own vote at any time, but the final decision to remove another User's vote lies solely with the Administrators.
  5. All proposals that end up in a tie will be extended for another week.
  6. If a proposal has more than ten votes, it can only pass or fail by a margin of three votes. If a proposal reaches the deadline and the total number of votes for each option differ by two or less votes, the deadline will be extended for another week.
  7. Any proposal that has three votes or less at deadline will automatically be listed as "NO QUORUM." The original proposer then has the option to relist said proposal to generate more discussion.
  8. No proposal can overturn the decision of a previous proposal that is less than 4 weeks (28 days) old.
  9. Proposals can only be rewritten or deleted by their proposer within the first three days of their creation. However, the proposer can request that their proposal be deleted by a Sysop at any time, provided they have a valid reason for it.
  10. All proposals are archived. The original proposer must take action accordingly if the outcome of the proposal dictates it. If it requires the help of a Sysop, the proposer can ask for that help.
  11. There shouldn't be proposals about creating articles on a underrepresented or completely absent subject, unless there is major disagreement about whether the content should be included. To organize efforts about completing articles on missing subjects, try creating a PipeProject.
  12. Proposals cannot be made about System Operator promotions and demotions. Sysops can only be promoted and demoted by the will of Bureaucrats.
  13. If the Sysops deem a proposal unnecessary or potentially detrimental to the upkeep of the Super Mario Wiki, they have the right to remove it at any time.
  14. No joke proposals. Proposals are serious wiki matters, and should be handled professionally. Joke proposals will be deleted on sight.

The times are in GMT, and are set so that the user is more likely to be online at those times (after work/school, weekend nights). If a proposal is added on Monday night at 23:59 GMT, the deadline is the night of the Tuesday of the next week at 23:59 PM. If it is posted a minute later, the deadline is 23:59 PM of the Wednesday of the next week, since midnight is considered to be part of the next day, as 00:00 AM.

Basic Proposal and Support/Oppose Format

This is an example how your proposal should look like, if you want it to be acknowledged. If you are inexperienced or unsure how to set up this format, simply copy the following and paste it into the fitting section. Then replace the [subject] - variables with information to customize your proposal, so it says what you wish. If you insert the information, be sure to replace the whole variable including the squared brackets, so "[insert info here]" becomes "This is the inserted information", not "[This is the inserted information]".

===[insert a title for your Proposal here]===
[describe what issue this Proposal is about and what changes you think should be made to improve how the Wiki handles that issue]

'''Proposer''': {{User|[enter your username here]}}<br>
'''Voting start''': [insert a voting start time here, f.e. "2 January, 2010, 14:00". Voting start times are 24 hours after the time at which the proposal was posted, as described in Rule 2 above.]<br>
'''Deadline''': [insert a deadline here, 7 days after the voting start, at 23:59 GMT.]

#{{User|[enter your username here]}} [make a statement indicating that you support your proposal]



Users will now be able to vote on your Proposal, until the set deadline is reached. Remember, you are a user as well, so you can vote on your own Proposal just like the others.

To support, or oppose, just insert "#{{User|[add your username here]}} at the bottom of the section of your choice. Just don't forget to add a valid reason for your vote behind that tag if you are voting on anoother user's Proposal. If you are voting on your own Proposal, you can just say "Per my Proposal".

Talk Page Proposals

All proposals dealing with a single article or a specific group of articles are held on the talk page of one of the articles in question. Proposals dealing with massive amounts of splits, merges or deletions across the Wiki should still be held on this page.

How To

  1. All active talk page proposals must be listed below in chronological order (new proposals go at the bottom). All pages effected must be mentioned in the brief description, with the talk page housing the discussion linked to directly via "(Template:Fakelink)". If the proposal involved a page that is not yet made, use {{fakelink}} to communicate its title. The Deadline must also be included in the entry. Linking to pages not directly involved in the talk page proposal is not recommended, as it clutters the list with unnecessary links. Place {{TPP}} under the heading.
  2. All rules for talk page proposals are the same as mainspace proposals (see the "How To" section above), with the exceptions made by Rules 3 and 4 as follows:
  3. Voting in talk page proposals will be open for two weeks, not one. There is no 24 hour delay between the posting of a talk page proposal and the commencement of voting.
  4. Talk page proposals may closed by the proposer if both the support and the oppose sides each have fewer than five votes.
  5. The talk page proposal must pertain to the article it is posted on.

List of Talk Page Proposals

New Features


Back when we knew nothing english about M&L:BIS, we had japanese names. Now, this kind of thing should be implanted: a Translator. Namely, a copy of the wiki in another language. Also, I'm proposing that if the user got the welcome message the user who sent it is from the same country. This way, the user would understand everything about the wiki without learning english. Also arn't we an INTERNATIONAL wiki?

Proposer: LuigiMania (talk)
Voting Start: 6:00, 3 August, 2010
Deadline: 24:00, 10 August, 2010

Implant Translator & Country-only Welcomes

  1. LuigiMania (talk) Per....above and ME!

Implant Country-only Welcomes

Implant Translator

Don't implant anything

  1. MrConcreteDonkey (talk) Most of our users are English or speak it, and if someone doesn't understand something then they can look it up on a translator.
  2. Edofenrir (talk) - See my comment.
  3. Mario4Ever (talk) Per Edofenrir. I draw the line at "Mario is the Mario series...."
  4. LeftyGreenMario (talk) There are mostly native English speakers. Per the comments below.
  5. Bowser's luma (talk) If someone who doesn't speak English (I originally wrote that speek inglish by accident) were to visit the site and want to translate it that badly, they could translate the specific articles they want to with something like Google Translator, not us doing it.
  6. Emperor Yoshi (talk) Well, if we were to implant a translator, most versions of this Wiki's grammar would be incorrect. That could cause some countries to think we are a Wiki that is run by Trolls, and a few might think we are mocking them.
  7. Walkazo (talk) - Per all (except for MrConcreteDonkey's opinion on the welcome template: I'm against that as well as the overall wiki translation thing).
  8. Glowsquid (talk) - Automatic translations are complete gibberish and useless, and I doubt there'd be anyone dedicated enough to translate our entire content in another language. This is really short-sighted.
  9. Fawfulfury65 (talk) The wiki is written in English, and if you don't know it, you can't edit it. This may be an international wiki, but most users here are from English speaking countries. And anyway, those translations are sometimes so messed up that you can hardly understand them. Per all.
  10. BabyLuigiOnFire (talk) I don't trust automatic translators anyway. Sure I don't speak fluently any other language, but I've heard that a stupid automatic thing does a worse job than a person who speaks the language.
  11. Morgomir96 (talk) Websites who use this method are really bad. Trust me, things like Google Translator are horrible. But if someone who actually speaks the language want to rewrite all the wiki, then I'm okay.
  12. T.c.w7468 (talk) Per all, computer translators do not have the capacity to translate well at all.


OK, I don't get the welcome-country thing but I really think you should talk this over with Porple... Marioguy1 (talk)

Hello, can someone change the time into GMT instead of AM? LeftyGreenMario (talk)

"AM" was indicating that it was 5 in the morning, not what timezone the time pertained to. Anyway, the times were still wrong, so I fixed them. - Walkazo (talk)
Er...what I had was -10 hours from my time zone (+10:00, if that wasn't obvious) but I MAY have thought wrong...but I need it at 4 PM my 3 PM is when I'm on....but my perspective of time is...backfiring... LuigiMania (talk)

Mario ist die Hauptfigur der Serie Mario und der legendäre Maskottchen von Nintendo. Mario ist in der Regel einen Klempner, aber in Spielen, nutzt er seine legendären Sprung und Kampffähigkeiten, um die Bewohner des Mushroom meist friedliche Welt von machthungrigen Schurken verteidigen wie Bowser. Wenn nicht Abenteuern, nimmt Mario in einer Vielzahl von sportlichen Veranstaltungen und arbeitet sogar als eines seiner Alter-Egos, Dr. Mario.

This is what an automatic translator throws at me when I attempt to translate the first paragraph of the Mario article into German. This is also what would make me leave the site if I found this text anywhere. The translation is totally inaccurate and ridden with grammar errors. Translators just cannot handle complex material, especially when fictional names are involved. I'd much rather have an english-only wiki with readable texts, instead of that soulless piece of auto-translated nonsense that will get native speakers of a language to laugh at us. - Edofenrir (talk)

I translated it back into English with Google Translate, for everyone who doesn't speak German - it reads:

Mario is the protagonist of the series and the legendary Mario mascot of Nintendo. Mario is usually a plumber, but in games, he uses his legendary jump and combat skills to defend the inhabitants of the Mushroom usually peaceful world of power-hungry villains like Bowser. If not adventure, Mario takes in a variety of sporting events and works even when one of his alter ego, Dr. Mario.

This proves it indeed was inaccurate. MrConcreteDonkey (talk)

As opposed to...

Mario is the main protagonist of the Mario series and the legendary mascot of Nintendo. Mario is normally a plumber, but in games, he uses his legendary jump and combat abilities to defend the inhabitants of the usually peaceful Mushroom World from power-hungry villains such as Bowser. When not adventuring, Mario participates in a variety of sporting events and even works as one of his alter-egos, Dr. Mario.

This!Blue Toad (Talk)

Mario is the main protagonist of the Mario series and the legendary mascot of Nintendo. Mario is a plumber normally, but in games, he uses his legendary jump and combat capabilities to defend the inhabitants of the peaceful world of fungi usually power-hungry villains such as Bowser. When not in the adventure, Mario is involved in a variety of sporting events and even works as one of his alter ego, Dr. Mario.

And that is it translated into French and back. Blue Toad (Talk)

Mario is the mascot of Nintendo and the legendary hero of the Mario series. Mario is a plumber, but usually in the game, his ability to fight and use his legendary jump to protect the inhabitants of a peaceful world of fungi usually villainous Bowser power. When not in the adventure, even one's ego involvement in various Mario sports events, operates as an alter ego Dr. Mario.

That's Japanese...

and this is Greek! "...?"

Mario is the main protagonist of the series of Mario and the legendary mascot of Nintendo. Mario is usually a plumber, but in games, using the legendary jump and capabilities to defend the residents of the usually peaceful Mushroom World from power-hungry villains such as Bowser. When not adventuring, Mario participating in various sporting events and still works as one, alter egos, Dr. Mario.

Blue Toad (Talk)

Mario is the main protagonist of the Mario series and the legendary mascot of Nintendo. Mario is a plumber normally, but in games, it uses a legendary jump and combat abilities to protect the residents of the normally peaceful Mushroom World of Villains power-hungry like Bowser. When not adventuring, Mario participated in a variety of sporting events and even as one of the works to alter-egos, Dr. Mario.

The above quote is Irish... It calls "Mario" an "it"!Blue Toad (Talk)

Okay, we get it! Now stop spamming the comments, please. Gamefreak75 (talk)
Did we really need all of these examples? Mario4Ever (talk)

Well, we do not need all these examples to prove a point. Emperor Yoshi (talk)

Gamefreak75 just told that person to stop spamming the comments with examples. Now please don't continue to spam the comments with a further discussion about their notability. - Edofenrir (talk) 18:04, 4 August 2010 (UTC)

Not only are automatic translations ridden with grammar mistakes, but it won't localize names as well (it will get directly translated). It may cause confusion for some people. English is not my first language, I speak Dutch. Sadly, only manuals get translated to Dutch and the game remains UK English (except Mario & Sonic at the Winter Games). So I am more used to an English Mario and English names. Translators will only mess it up. However, when I translated the name クッパ (Kuppa, Bowser’s Japanese name) to English, I was a bit surprised the result was not Kuppa or Koopa, but Bowser. Arend (talk)

As far as I'm aware, Google Translator has a feature to suggest better translations nowadays; that has probably been used to suggest "Bowser" as a translation for "クッパ". Various other names of fictional character or works are also "translated" by now, but obviously, it's far from recognising every name.--Vellidragon (talk)
I didn't use the Google Translator, so multiple translators know how to translate Bowser's name. But I guess your right about those translators can't recognize every name. Arend (talk)
Yeah, I've found that the translators get the Japanese enemy names wrong a lot (even the basic romanizations get screwed up sometimes). - Walkazo (talk)

This proposal has came up every now and then, but why no change? I believe that our new logo shouldn't be Mario but mushrooms. There would be several pictures of different types of mushrooms,(this includes bee mushroom,green mushrooms,etc)through out the ages of Mario games. Each picture would be randomly picked for each page every time users visit the page. That way seeing the same old picture, every time you visit the homepage and any other page, is the thing of the past.Its the mushrooms the fans want and without it,Mario will be like any other platformer.

Proposer: Hyper1025595 (talk)
Voting start: 19:00, August 1, 2010
Deadline: 19:00, August 8, 2010

I agree

  1. BobombFuses (talk) I like the cutesy-eyed mushrooms. Oh, and Booderdash, mushrooms sound PERFECT.
  2. Shadow1567 (talk) BobombFuses sorry your idea is not that good but we need a new logo i'm sick of this logo. Oh and all you guys saying it's bad idea YOU ARE WRONG this is a great idea.

I disagree

  1. Booderdash (talk) Absolutely not! That is the dumbest thing I ever heard! Seriously, mushrooms? The logo is fine as is. Plus, there was already 3 of these awhile ago, they all failed and I think this proposal should be deleted.
  2. Fawfulfury65 (talk) What? Are we going to die if we don't have a new logo or something (not to be mean)? This is completely unneeded, and you can just change it for yourself on the monobook thing (however you do that X_x).
  3. Zero777 (talk) I am Zero! NO! Even though I agree we should change the logo, I had a better idea then this, Per all. Zero signing out.
  4. T.c.w7468 (talk) I agree with changing the logo, but this changing-mushroom idea is overkill.
  5. Emperor Yoshi (talk) Well, the current logo is only a year or two old, and Mushrooms do not describe this wiki very well. Also, mushrooms are not major enough to be used as the logo of the wiki, we also were not made by Nintendo.
  6. Mario4Ever (talk) I voted on this when I first saw it two days ago, and my vote must have gotten deleted, so I'll just repeat what I said. This is the Super Mario Wiki, not the Super Mushroom Wiki. Therefore, the logo should have Mario in it. Besides, mushrooms are not what make the games memorable, and even if they did, we're here to provide information, not create logos just to appeal to a supposed fan-base. Per all, specifically Booderdash.
  7. Morgomir96 (talk) I'm okay changing the logo to anything but mushrooms *-*. Per all.
  8. LeftyGreenMario (talk) If you really hate the boring square, use a monobook. It's simpler than it looks.
  9. Walkazo (talk) - Unless someone comes up with something absolutely stupendous, I'm fine with the current logo. Also, per LeftyGreenMario.
  10. Blue Toad (Talk) - MONOBOOK! There have been so many proposals to change the logo recently... Just use your Monobook, if you have a problem with the current logo!
  11. MrConcreteDonkey (talk) May I refer you to the Super Mushroom Wiki? Per all. This deserves a place in BJAODN. Even more than pie.
  12. Frostyfireyoshi (talk) That is not fail. That is EPIC FAIL! Per all.
  13. Bowser's luma (talk) Per all.
  14. Commander Code-8 (talk) This proposal has been repeated far too much and I'm sick of it. Per all.


Well, wasn't there a proposal like this one, two, or three weeks ago, so if I am correct in my assumptions, this proposal can not exist yet. Emperor Yoshi (talk)

Didn't someone propose changing the logo to Mario's head, and it resembled Starship Mario and was made out of puzzle pieces? Mario4Ever (talk)
Baby Mario Bloops (talk) - Did you guys know that there is a code for your monobooks that allows you to change the logo on the top left? We also can't start copying everyone's logos even if they look cool, that is not right.
You want a new logo, then make one and change it yourself. Mario4Ever: Yes. I proposed it too, but using a monobook instead was a much better idea. LeftyGreenMario (talk)

Its the mushrooms the fans want and without it,Mario will be like any other platformer. Any proof? I like Mario more than mushrooms. LeftyGreenMario (talk)

I don't recall ever wanting to play a Mario game based on the mushrooms it had, even Galaxy 2. If mushrooms were what defined the series, I don't think this wiki would exist. Mario tops mushrooms any day. :D Mario4Ever (talk)
If I got to pick a logo, I would pick the Paper Mario TTYD Super shroom. Once I make my monobook, that's what it's gonna be. The monobook page is great because you get to choose! It can stay the same and still be changed, you know. LGM was right.Blue Toad (Talk)

Set a day for the DYK section to be updated

The original proposer got his account banned and his proposal deleted because of that privilege. However, this proposal brings up a good point, that's why I'm reproposing this. It's just as exactly the same as the last one, just that I'm proposing this. What day shall we update the DYK?

Proposer: BabyLuigiOnFire (talk)
Voting start: 23:29, 29 July 2010 (UTC)
Deadline: 24:00, 4 August 2010 (UTC)

Set day for DYK section to be updated

  1. Booderdash (talk) Start of the week, perfect. Besides whats so "groggy" about it? Its just a DYK.
  2. GalacticPetey (talk) per Booderdash. it just seems right.
  3. Zero777 (talk) I am Zero! Per Booderdash, I was going to say Tuesday because of the same reason as the other proposal but your right it's just DYK, just a small section, it's not like the whole main page. Zero signing out.
  4. Ralphfan (talk) – Per all.
  5. Mario4Ever (talk) How long does it take to do it anyway? Per all.
  1. Fawfulfury65 (talk) Weekdays are too busy with school, most users can edit more on this day.
  2. Fuzzipede27 (talk) i agree with fawfulfury65. That or sunday is good.
  3. Emperor Yoshi (talk) Well, since weekdays have school, and most of our users are children, we should should use a day where they have the most time available to them.
  4. LuigiMania (talk) Per EY.
  5. MrConcreteDonkey (talk) Per all.
  6. Baby Mario Bloops (talk) - Easiest day as it is the day we are mostly free on.
  7. Morgomir96 (talk) Per all.
  8. Blue Toad (talk) per BMB
  9. Frostyfireyoshi (talk) Yay! No edit conflict by <cough>Fuzzipede27,</cough>! Anyway, per all!

Keep upgrading DYK section randomly


BLOF, you still have to describe it in the descriptions, so people who haven't read the old one can understand this. Booderdash (talk)

Saturday, the school-free day. Definitely the best choice for most users when summer is over. Fawfulfury65 (talk)

Not for everyone, I heard alot of people have school on Saturday too. How about Sunday? Or do people go to church too much on that day? Booderdash (talk)

I'm usually busy on Sundays. Also, I've never heard of anyone who goes to school on weekends. Fawfulfury65 (talk)

Are you serious? Most european people do, and asian people do too. Plus American people who want to be really successful in life do too, but those are like 4% of America. Booderdash (talk)

In America, you don't even get a choice as to what days you go to school until after high school (12th grade), so you cannot assume that Americans are unsuccessful just because they do not go on weekends. It also depends on how you define successful.Mario4Ever (talk)
To go in a top 10 college is my definition. But alot of americans are successful, I never mentioned that they weren't. Booderdash (talk)
Ok, sorry, but you did imply that 96% of Americans have no desire to be successful. Even if one does end up going to a top 10 college, there's not much one can do with a degree if factoring in the present state of the economy. I'm just saying that it's incorrect to classify a mere 4% of America of wanting to be really successful. I'm done being off-topic now. Mario4Ever (talk)
Here in England no-one goes to school on Saturday/Sunday. In France they definitely do, but only for half a day. Not sure about the rest of the UK and the rest of Europe. MrConcreteDonkey (talk)

I've never heard of that, I'm not European or Asian. But I did hear of very few schools that have classes on weekends. Most of the users here are from North America, though, so most of us don't have school on weekends. Fawfulfury65 (talk)

Still, though its a international wiki and some of our own sysops came from places other than North America. (Grandy02} Booderdash (talk)

Yeah, I heard Europeans don't go to school on Wednesdays or Sundays, but go there every other day, but then again, I could be wrong. People that have school on Saturday (in USA) are usually (not ALWAYS!) failing students. BabyLuigiOnFire (talk)

Not those people who are "nerdy" and work their buttocks off 7 hours a day. Booderdash (talk)

Why do we care who edits more? This is the DYK. As far as I know, its Steve who does it.Anyways, for Monday we get the pleasure if looking at it for a real week, Saturday is awkward and new users might get confused. Booderdash (talk)

"Not those people who are "nerdy" and work their buttocks off 7 hours a day." -_-' ReallY?

Saturday school is for those people who failed classes and are trying to earn credits in order to not have to retake the class again. Anyways, let's get back on topic, please. Gamefreak75 (talk)

What about those ace people who do extra work on weekends for extra credit to get a good scholorship to get into harvard or one of the top 10 colleges? But I think we can go back on topic. I mean its just a DYK.Booderdash (talk)


None at the moment.


Merge all sport moves for each character to their respective articles.

People have been asking this for a long time so I'll just put it here. All individual sport moves each character has like Iron Hammer should be merged into their respective article that the sport move is, which in this case is Offensive Power Shot. This will help make navigating alot easier.

Proposer: Booderdash (talk)
Voting start: : 7/30/2010 1:00 GMT
Deadline: 8/6/2010 23:59 GMT


  1. Booderdash (talk) Per proposal
  2. Emperor Yoshi (talk) Well, the sport moves do not deserve pages because they are not notable enough.
  3. LeftyGreenMario (talk) Duh, I made a talk page proposal about this.
  4. Zero777 (talk) I am Zero! Per proposal and per all. Zero signing out.
  5. Ralphfan (talk) – Per all.
  6. Mario4Ever (talk) Per all.
  7. Morgomir96 (talk) Per all exept Emperor Yoshi.
  8. Iamthedude (talk) per Booderdash.
  9. Blue Toad (talk) – per Zero777, and Booderdash


  1. BluePikminKong497 (talk) Per Knife in the TPP. It would affect much too many articles. also, if we already have a TPP, can this be deleted? I don't see any reason to merge them since none are stubs.
  2. Fawfulfury65 (talk) A great deal can be added to those articles. What does the character do when using it? What does it do? How do you use it? All that can be added to not make a stub and also make it long enough to have its own article. They work absolutely fine how they are now, in fact, hardly any one of them seem to be stubs at all.
  3. Walkazo (talk) - Per all. Besides, if a stub can't be expanded, the way I see it, it's not really a stub - just a short article that says everything it possibly can about a minor subject, and there's no shame in that. The recent push to merge what seems like every last stub is getting out of hand: as long as the page has a picture and some information that was worth the click of the mouse, I say there's nothing wrong with it at all: stubs are not evil! Also, while I'm not a fan of having to read many articles for only a little information, I prefer that over having my poor old computer crash every time I try to view the sort of large pages these merges will create.
  4. Tucayo (talk) - Per all
  5. RAP (talk) - Per all.
  6. Frostyfireyoshi (talk) Per all.
  7. Edofenrir (talk) - Per Walkazo.
  8. Gamefreak75 (talk) Per all.
  9. MrConcreteDonkey (talk) Horrible idea, we haven't merged any other sports moves so merging these would break the trend and hurt the professionality of the Wiki. In other words that probably exist, it would be a damaging step to the improvement. Per all.
  10. FireBabyLuigi11 (talk) Per All


BPK, yes, it affects too many articles hence why its now a MAIN PAGE PROPOSAL! It was bad in a talk page proposal because it affected too many but its perfectly fine for a main page proposal. Booderdash (talk)

It can make navigating alot easier. Booderdash (talk)

65: It's not only the matter of stubs; it's also the matter of how convenient this is. I find it very inconvenient because I have to keep on clicking on links. LeftyGreenMario (talk)

LGM: Oh yeah? Well I like clicking on links!!! Or do I? Frostyfireyoshi (talk)

LGM: Yes, but I find some of them to be long enough to have their own article. Fawfulfury65 (talk)

Those articles aren't very long, though. Frostyfireyoshi, you might like clicking on links, but it's very inconvenient to click constantly through related articles. LeftyGreenMario (talk)
Walkazo has a great point. Some computers can't handle long pages very well. I'm sure that page would take a while to load up on my DSi brower if all those abilities were merged into it. Fawfulfury65 (talk)

@LGM: Yeah, I know it's inconvenient. That comment was just a piece of crazy sarcasm that I think failed. Seriously though, FF65 & Walkazo have very great points. Frostyfireyoshi (talk)

I don't think putting all sports moves for a certain game in one article would really make navigating easier. It would just turn it into that old glitch page we had, where all the glitches were put into one article. The article was so long, it took forever to find the right thing. Fawfulfury65 (talk)

FA Archiving Policy

OK, there's been some confusion over the archiving policy of articles...anyways, I want to get a system down. I think we had one before but then there were several people doing the system differently and now I have three seperate versions of how to archive. In all three versions when a proposal passes it is moved to MarioWiki:Featured Articles/A/Article but when it fails one of these three options happen...

  1. Move them to MarioWiki:Featured Articles/N1/Article and then, after one month, delete them.
  2. Move them to MarioWiki:Featured Articles/A/Article and never delete them.
  3. Same thing as #2 but instead of MarioWiki:Featured Articles/A/Article, move them to MarioWiki:Featured Articles/N1/Article and then /N2/Article and then /N3/Article and so on...

And then of course there's the leave as is option.

Proposer: Marioguy1 (talk)
Voting Start: August 3rd, 2010 (19:43)
Deadline: August 10th, 2010 (24:00)

Use Option 1

  1. Baby Mario Bloops (talk) - I'll be the one to break the ice. For one, we won't really need these once they fail. Two, it will be very cluttered if we have F1, F2, and so on. Three - The A won't work because it would be like reason 2 I gave. Four - If someone wants to re-nominate or re-unfeature, then it is best to have a clean record on it.
  2. Mario4Ever (talk) - Per BMB.

Use Option 2

Use Option 3

  1. MrConcreteDonkey (talk) Per Tucayo's comment below. And mine as well.
  2. Blue Toad (talk) – the pros for this sound like a logical reason

Leave as is


Right now even I'm indecisive. All the options look good to me (except #2)...anyways, I'll probably vote soon but right now I'm leaning towards #1. Marioguy1 (talk)

I'm more or less new to being involved in the wiki. What's the current procedure? Mario4Ever (talk)
Try seeing here for the stuff you want. It might not have everything, though. LeftyGreenMario (talk)
@Mario4Ever: That's the problem, we don't seem to have one. We definitely have no written policy and I have seen several users archiving with different methods. That's what I'm trying to change. @LGM: Trust me, I've read that page over and over and it has nothing on archiving at all. If this proposal passes, I'm probably going to add a paragraph on archiving to that thing. Marioguy1 (talk)
I agree we should have one of those 3, but I'm sure that not many fails will be appearing anytime soon. KS3 has been blocked for 3 months, so I bet it will be calm with the FA stuff. Baby Mario Bloops (talk)
Even if it's unlikely that many articles nominated for Featured status will fail, we should still have a system in place. @Marioguy1, what are the pros and cons of the above proposed methods? I'm just asking since I can't vote on any of these until I understand them. Mario4Ever (talk)

We use #3 now and it works fine. Tucayo (talk)

Well, if that is so, we should remove option number 3 from the option choices. Emperor Yoshi (talk)
Tucayo: Some people use #3, this will help combine together all of the options. Mario4ever: Well, pros for #1 are having the articles moved to the tentative title for the one month that they have to be, and then removing them so that people know they can nominate again. Cons however are losing the past information. #2: Pros: It will have a definite article set in history and easily accesible to find people's past arguments. Cons: There can only be one at a time... #3: Pros: Basically all of the pros of number 2 except for "easily accessible" and there can be multiple at once. Cons: It would be pretty hard to 1. Know where to search for the information and 2. Know what number we're at to archive it. Marioguy1 (talk)

Well, I think we should keep the failed nominations so if anyone else wants to nominate them they can look at that and perhaps see why it wasn't such a good idea. Also, people could keep voting to unfeature the same article, for example, if a unfeature nomination failed due to the nominator not seeing something, someone could try to unfeature it for the same reason again and again. MrConcreteDonkey (talk)


Revamp PAIR system

Not really sure where to put this... Anyways, some of you old users might know that we used to have a way to review articles known as PAIR. However, it was put on hiatus for some reason. It was a really great way to review articles for FA, and, due to the lack of good FA nominees latley, I am proposing we restart the PAIR system with a whole new team of users.

Proposer: BluePikminKong497 (talk)
Voting Start: 21:36, 29 July 2010
Deadline: 23:59, August 5, 2010


  1. BluePikminKong497 (talk) Per proposal.
  2. New Super Mario (talk) Sounds great even though I haven't done it before.
  3. Mario4Ever (talk) Per New Super Mario. Revamping the PAIR system would ensure that only the best articles (quality-wise) get nominated, resulting in fewer objections.
  4. Ralphfan (talk) – Per all.
  5. LuigiMania (talk) Per all.


  1. Booderdash (talk) Old, not needed, fas are doing fine without it, and its too complicated to get it up and going. Way too hard to do, mainly only sysops will be working on this
  2. Super Mario Bros. (talk) – You say that you're going to revamp the system. How, exactly? Also, it didn't really work the first time, and we had editors just as dedicated to the wiki as the current ones. I just don't see it working.
  3. Baby Mario Bloops (talk) - May I just ask why we would need them right now? I have not seen many FA's that were not meant to be an FA. Sure a user is going left and right and nomination pages as if they were bunnies, but that is not a reason for PAIR reviews. And Booderdash is correct that it is way to sophisticated to do.
  4. Morgomir96 (talk) Per all.
  5. Lu-igi board per all
  6. Edofenrir (talk) - Your proposal about revamping that system is much too vague. What are your plans about it? How will you revamp it? How will you expell it of the flaws that caused it to collapse originally? As long as you don't have solutions for these issues drafted out and presentable, the systemn will not be revamped.
  7. Fawfulfury65 (talk) Per Edo.
  8. Tucayo (talk) - Per Edo.
  9. BabyLuigiOnFire (talk) Though it does sound a lot like fun, there's a reason the PAIR went on hiatus and I don't know exactly. If we are going to bring it back without making any major changes, chances are, it will go on hiatus again.
  10. LeftyGreenMario (talk) I basically said, "What are we going to revamp?" and I don't have any answers yet.
  11. Walkazo (talk) - Per all.
  12. Gamefreak75 (talk) It is pointless. Per all.
  13. Blue Toad (talk) per all


What are we going to revamp? (P.S. If this proposal passes, make sure the list thingy follows the No-signature policy. LeftyGreenMario (talk)

We're revamping PAIR. BluePikminKong497 (talk)
I know we are revamping it, but WHAT part of PAIR is needing a revamp? LeftyGreenMario (talk)
Pretty much all of it. You guys know how many articles KS# nominated.... BluePikminKong497 (talk)

...This is incredibly old. Saudy is there and hes been banned for more than 2 years. Booderdash (talk)

Thats cause its OLD. If you will do something as big as this, then you have to say what you will do to improve it. Tucayo (talk)

What about new users like me? What is the PAIR system? New Super Mario (talk)

Read this to find out. BluePikminKong497 (talk)

@Booderdash: Too complicated? I said i would start it all up myself. BluePikminKong497 (talk)

No offense BPK, but you're 11, you were complaining that you didn't know the rules on Tucayo's page that you were just 11, yet you can all of a sudden want to do this huge task? Booderdash (talk)
It's not that huge, and besides, your only 12, and age doesnt matter. i'm very smart for my age. BluePikminKong497 (talk)
I'm sure you are and as am I, but since you were complaining on how young you were on his page, I thought you wouldn't be up for this. -_-. Booderdash (talk)

Um, try not to pass judgements on people based upon their ages. It's not nice to say "You're too young" - if he's up for the task, let him do it. Marioguy1 (talk)

I know, I'm not stopping him, just wondering. Booderdash (talk)

I think this is like the third time there's a proposal to ressurect PAIR: Our current policy is "Do it if you want" - but you just can't force people to do it. --Glowsquid 14:54, 31 July 2010 (UTC)

Didn't it go on hiatus because nobody was interested in it? Fawfulfury65 (talk)

And it isn't needed. Our Fas are fine as it is. This is just like Narce's make Fa rules stricter thing. We'll have to unfeature most of our fas. Booderdash (talk)

Or we can just fix them so they don't need to be unfeatured. Blue Toad (talk)
@Blue Toad: Or we can't do it just like Wikipedia since we don't have millions of people viewing it everyday, thousands upon thousands of users, and that anyone can edit!!!!! Also, not all nom's are bad, yes the KS3 (no offense KS3) nominated are not prepared, but not ALL of them. NARCE was just used to Wikipedia, and if we followed NARCE, then we would be all blocked for a year. I just saying, you can't call all nom's bad. Baby Mario Bloops (talk)
I'm not calling all nom's bad, I'd just like a chance to try it. I think it's worth a shot, and it doesn't seem too sophisticated or complicated to me. But then again, it's only my opinion. Blue Toad (talk)

Guys, the PAIR system isn't here to criticize the FAs, nor is it to make stricter rules. It's here for people to review how they are before they are nominated. Then we wouldn't have so many terrible nominations. Fawfulfury65 (talk)

I still don't see the need for this. For instance, if we had had this, many articles like Dry Bones, Sir grodus, and Shadow Queen wouldn't be nomianted in the first place, but since its already featured, when someone nominates it for unfeaturing people would say there's no need for unfeaturing, there's problems but it can be fixed, but when its in the PROCESS of nominating, people would oppose it for problems that can be fixed. Besides most votes are fan votes anyways. Booderdash (talk)

I don't understand your reasoning. I don't know why... This is just a way to review articles, and the review is optional for articles. Fawfulfury65 (talk)

I think this proposal is to make it nonoptional. Booderdash (talk)
No, the proposal is simply revamping it, bringing it back as it was before. Fawfulfury65 (talk)