Cosmic Cove Galaxy

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Cosmic Cove Galaxy is a galaxy in World 2 in the game Super Mario Galaxy 2. Penguins and Skeeters inhabit this galaxy. Coach and Penguru can also be found here.


Cosmic Cove

This planet consists of a vast lake with lots of corals in it, and a few enemies as well. There are several penguins here. There is also a rock tower with a switch that freezes the lake when ground pounded on.

Twin Falls Planets

These are small grassy planets that can only be accessed after freezing the waterfalls between them. A Star is found in one of them.

Cosmic Cavern

This part of the galaxy consists of an underwater sidescroller section with a few penguins and enemies in it.

Space Planets

This group of planetoids consists on some platforms and also some floating water. There is a key and a penguin in here.

Star Bunny Planet

After feeding the Hungry Luma in the first planet fifteen coins, it'll transform into this planet and some Skeeters. It has a Star Bunny that challanges Mario to catch it. It also has a blue ! Switch that freezes the water if Mario pounds it.


Twin Falls Hideaway

To complete this mission, Mario has to dive underwater and swim until he reachs a couple of stairs. Then, he must climb them to get to the top of the stone tower where a switch is located. After pounding it, the water in this area will freeze making Mario able to reach the twin falls' tops. To do so, he has to make a Wall Jump on each one of them. The Power Star is in a crystal on the left area. After breaking the crystal, the Star will go to the other side. Mario must jump there and get it.

Exploring the Cosmic Cavern

Upon entering the galaxy for the second time, Mario will find a Luma trapped in a glass cage. And, since he activated the switch in the first mission, the water in this one is also frozen. To get the Key and free the Luma, Mario has to run across the frozen water until he reaches a green Warp Pipe. He must use it to get into an underwater cavern. Here, he has to make his way to its bottom and use another Warp Pipe. This one will lead him to the last area. Here, he has to dive in the globes of water. He should make his way through them until he finds the area with the key.

After getting the key, the plumber must go through the last warp pipe which takes him back to the galaxy's entrance. The Luma will thank Mario and transform into a Launch Star.

When using it, he'll find himself on a mushroom-like planet, he'll find the captain of the Toad Brigade on it. He'll say that there is a Power Star on the other planet. To reach it, Mario must use the Launch Star found on this planet.

In the next planet, Mario has to use the Spin Drill on the right spot to get to the other side. Here, he has to defeat all of the enemies using the drill. When done so, the shield protecting a dust patch will be disabeled. When using the drill on it, water will come out and cover all the planet. Mario has to swim in it to reach the Power Star.

Catch that Star Bunny

To complete this mission, Mario first needs to collect fifteen coins in the first area. Then, dive underwater and progress until he gets to the area with the Hungry Luma. After feeding it fifteen coins, it'll transform into a new planet leaving a Launch Star behind it. When Mario gets to this new planet, a Star Bunny will challange him to catch it. To go faster, Mario has to freeze the water on this planet by using the blue ! Switch. If the plumber manages to catch it, he'll be granted with a Power Star.

Green Star 1

Played in the mission Twin Falls Hideaway. After the Player wall jumps the twin falls, it will be located behind the star encased in the crystal. You will have to jump off the falls to reach it.


In the mission Catch that Star Bunny, the planet Mario chases the Star Bunny on is a smaller version of a planet in Super Mario Galaxy at the Bonefin Galaxy where the plumber fights Kingfin.

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