The 'Shroom:Issue XXXVIII/Director's Notes

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Director's Notes

Sub-Director Notes (By Tucayo)

Hello readers, I am your out-of-adjectives sub-director, Tucayo, and welcome to this month’s Sub-Director Notes!! There is not much to talk about this issue, so they will be brief…

First and most importantly, WE NEED WRITERS. If you read The ’Shroom, please sign up. We have few writers, and some of them don’t even care for The ’Shroom, so please sign up. It is not a big load, there are some very simple sections, and it is something you have to do just ONCE each month.

Also, there are some surprises waiting for you, the first one will be appearing really soon… It will be a surprise for the writers… And the second one is a SPECIAL weekly section I will be writing from June 6th to Awards Night, so be sure to read it, I hope you will like it.

And, last AND least, I am selling cacti, yeah, cacti, you see, they don't need much water or special care, so they make a great pet. Err… flower.

That is all from me, see you June 6th!