File:Geno SMRPG.gif
Nintendudes page.
welcome to the page.
I`m new to super mario wiki. keep trying to make some helpfull suggestions to other peoples pages but they all end up getting deleted. one thing I don`t know to do is put those user towers (you lik this user lies tons of muic, this user lik goombas etc. If you can.I`m currently talking about a flash animation on Newgrounds called Super Mario Bros Z (like dragon ball Z) I will also use this page to post samples and test for music and pictures so far I have recieved a few warning emails so if anyone needs help on a page ask me.I am taking a tutoral on how to make a userbox tower so here it goes. It actually turned out better then I ecspected. I am new here so I geuss it`s considered ametuer to you better people out there. So anyway I will try to get some music samples in to if I can. I am faithfully towards geno Geno and Yoshi are my favorite characters if he was in brawl that would be awesome.File:Geno in brawl.GIF By the way when I`m done discussing Super mario bros Z I`m going to try and make it it in to a page on this site it will be the biggest thing i`ve done so far, after that my next discussion will be geno in brawl. I tried to put supr mario bros Z on a page but as KS3 (talk) pointed out, there can be no fan made articles. I would like 2 thank KS3 for pointing out there are no fan made articles, as for the reversinator (talk) I kindly ask you to stop leaving notices about registering fake characters on the shroom, I have stopped edditing it.