The 'Shroom:Issue XXXVI/Director's Notes

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Director's Notes

Well, another month has already gone by. A few changes have been made this month, but mostly it's been a matter of narrowing down stuff to do for The 'Shroom between the staff. If you read this, this, this, and this, you'll notice that they all have logos at the top. Those logos were made by Tucayo (talk) to add a little flair to our sub-teams sections. We also have our new spring background in use, made by Super Mario Bros. (talk). That's just a small part of all the redesigns to be made this year.

Not much else to say than that. In closing, I want to urge you all to sign up for The 'Shroom if you see an intriguing position. We're really low on good writers at the moment, so we look forward to seeing some of you sign up to help. — Stooben Rooben 20:59, 18 March 2010 (EDT)