hello anyway even do i came to mario wiki i'm more of a luigi my b day was may 9 if u do something for my birthday i will give u a suprised L RULES people say this is the BEST song on SMG<youtube>EBnoYkX6G10</youtube> and I HIGHLY AGGRE with those people except I say ONE is Better can you guess what it is this one <youtube>9sgDSQvuB7w</youtube> but my TRUE favorite one is this<youtube>rXmeyxsZkL4</youtube>my second favorite is this<youtube>MLrht3vQgmc</youtube>both of my favorites sound good together
This is me as a character
9/18/09 sorry i was gone to long my computer would not let me through i have something to show you guys
(\_/) (o.o) This is a Pika. Copy and paste Pika ()() into your profile to help him gain world domination!
i also found my old NES ANND it STIIIL works OMG
10/20/09 listen if you want to see cool mario walkthrough go to skawo is awsome
tue dec 22 2009 Yesterday and the day before i could'nt get in OMG ANYWAY check out Stupid Mario Bros. at