World 3 (New Super Mario Bros. Wii)

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File:World3 NSMBWii.png
The snow swept World 3

World 3 of New Super Mario Bros. Wii is an ice-themed world conquered by Lemmy Koopa. The Penguin Suit is introduced in this world. This is also the first world in the game that has a switch that can change the obstacles slightly in levels, similar to Switch Palaces. On the map is an area with ice that has two Ice Bros. on it. If Mario and the gang are hit by them, they will endure a battle game where they will have to complete the Enemy Course.




Enemy Course

The Ice Bros. will throw ice balls that will freeze and damage Mario and crew. To quickly escape an ice entrapment, simply shake the Wii remote.


World 3 Ghost House

This is the first Ghost House in the game, Big Boos, little boos, and possessed furniture are the main obstacles in this level.

World 3 Tower



World 3 Castle

Lemmy's Castle is riddled with giant falling icicles and frozen floors making timed jumps difficult, there are also some segments with bottomless cliffs which are traversed by a moving raft similar to the ones seen in Roy Koopa and Larry Koopa's castles in Super Mario World however this one is frozen.

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Template:NSMB Wii