- “Got fury?”
- —User: Fawfulfury65, Super Smash Bros. Brawl
- I became a member here on May 22, 2009 as Megamariofan65
- After I forgot my password I became Fawfulfury65 on May 27, 2009
Hey everyone! Read away!(I know, its a looooong userpage) Also, Check out my Contributions!!!
Hi! You are now reading the userpage of Fawfulfury65! I've been here since May 2009, but I know how to do quite a lot on the wiki. As you can see by my user name I am a big Fawful fan and a huge fan of the Marioverse! I have quite a few friends now but I'd love some new ones!!! I am also on Wikipedia and and I have the same usernames there. Anytime you see fawfulfury65 on any website, it's me!
Who the heck is online? <whosonline></whosonline> Thou shall talk to me!
Fawfulfury65's Userbox Tower | ||
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About me and Video Games!
Hi! I hope you enjoy my user page. OK so I am a girl that lives in the United States. I am 12 years old and I LOVE Mario. In fact, I've been playing him my whole life! Yep my brother said that when I was like... 2 he gave me the Super Nintendo controller and I just kept on playing! Therefore, even though I'm a girl, do NOT underestimate me at video games! If you need any help on Mario games I am the one to ask. I'll also answer questions about The legend of Zelda The Windwaker because I love that game. And yes, Fawful is my favorite video game character. HE HAS FURY! Check out my userboxes to learn more about me! So far, I have 68 Mario games!
Hey all! I am an admin of another wiki called "". It's basically like Mariowiki, but is only about the Mario and Luigi Series. So if you have played that series and have time, please contribute to that wiki. It needs a LOT of help! Thanx 4 readin!
Random Fawful Stuff
I made this when I was bored...
- September 18th is Fawful Day! Why? I don't know, Fawful said so when he got the Dark Star when I was playing Bowser's Inside Story on September 18, 2009!
- Fawful's favorite movie is "Balls of Fury"!!!
Video game systems I own
Super Nintendo(It broke.)
Nintendo Entertainment System(It doesn't work well)
FC Twin (A replacement for my broken Super Nintendo)
Gameboy(Probably doesn't work)
Favorite Characters!
Fawful OF COURSE!!!!!!!!
Mario(Of course)
The Shake King
I probably forgot some...
Least Favorite Characters
Wario(Only in the Mario series, not the Wario series)
Hmm... I can't think of anymore!
Favorite Games
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga
Mario and Luigi Partners in Time
The Legend of Zelda The Windwaker
Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door
Mario and Luigi Bowser's Inside Story!
YAY! I can't wait for this game! If you don't buy it I WILL HAVE FURY and Nintendo might not make another game in the series if it doesn't get enough sales. You can play as Bowser in this game AND Fawful is the final boss which two are reasons why I want it so much- and now I am of having it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This boxart is as lame as a cow running down the road to Nerdsville! Nintendo shall taste my FURY like a Portable Toilet blown down by the stupid wind of stupidness! I HAVE FURY!!!
File:Artwork of most characters.jpg
Who's the awesomest guy in the picture?(Look at the second dude on the left)
Gallery of cool pics
- NTR MarioLuigi3 07char E3.jpg
- MetabossML3.jpg
Now you sleep!
- HereIcome.png
Luigi, what have you been eating?!
- Fawful.jpg
The more fury, the better!
- Cackletta.jpg
Eya ha ha ha!
- Copy.jpg
- Possessedchomp.png
It's a Chain ChawFUL! How creative!!!
- NsmbMario.jpg
Best Mario artwork EVER!
- Subspace kirby.PNG
Fawfulfury65's Userbox Tower | ||
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Games I can't wait for!
Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games
Articles I started
Come check them all out sometime!
Wiki Goals
Create 10 new articles- Create 20 articles
- Create 30 articles (Like that would ever happen)
Make 500 edits- Make 1,000 edits
- Make 10,000 edits 0_0
- Work on BiS related articles
- Become a Patroller
- Complete the Fawful article
Complete the Diddy Kong Racing article- Fill in all redlinks for the Wario Land Shake It! articles
Friendz- Or at least people I've talked to a lot
- =Person I often talk to...
- =Friend
- =Best Friend
1) Ratfink43 (My best friend on the wiki) ***
2) Pie Shroom **
3) Koopalmier **
4) Hyper Guy *
5) Electrobomber **
6) Platitudinous **
7) Cmario17 **
8) Vini64 *
9) Galactic Petey **
10) Mario64Fanatic **
11) Monteyaga**
12) DiddyKing**
Please remind me if I forgot you.
You can help expand this list! TALK TO ME SOMETIME!!!(:
Cool videos on Youtube!
File:Petey PirahnaBanana.gif LOL!
NOTE: The captions are under the videos
<youtube>xkreaWxL224</youtube> GO MARIO GO! <youtube>ZV0vQjtNRC0</youtube> This video is EPIC! (SPOILERS) <youtube>_3oCEi66DKQ</youtube> Luigi is just like me! <youtube>ZTpd0szCgH0</youtube> I HAVE THAT DARN FURY AGAIN!!! <youtube>XivhwO_zWWg</youtube> If you don't live in the US, you probably won't understand this video. <youtube>3q9wzVcziwA</youtube> When I'm in college, Mario will be my roommate! <youtube>CNP5erCmYcQ</youtube> Best utube video EVER! <youtube>MTYWLASlzeA</youtube> I WANT A YOSHI!!! <youtube>sVD3fCbMX7Q</youtube> Hit "A" Mario! You'll get really big!