User talk:FunkyK38
A few rules for this talk page: 1. Please, no swearing. 2. Leave a new comment at the bottom or add to yours if you already have one. 3. More than a few words, please. 4. Please use good grammar and spelling. 5. Leave your Username so I know who you are! Post away!
No CommentI mean how did you upload it. -M64fan Okay thanks a bunch It's not working. What type of computer you have? Oh I have a Dell but I'm using a different computer. Anyways if I need to send it to you can I have your email. Oh cool it's my friend's birthday today too. Okay I'll go give him a happy birthday. HelpHey FunkyK can you tell me how to make a subpage? I was planning to make a page called New Super Mario Kart and make possible ideas for the game. Thank You! also check it out!User:GalacticPetey/New Super Mario Kart. Hey I feel so sad (sob sob) I just saw a great movie with a very sad ending this is for you |- |ProposalI just made a proposal. It seems to make much more sense than my last one. €lectrobomber Actually, make that three, GalacticPetey likes it too. NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! My proposal just got flushed down the toilet!! Porple says it's not possible for him to do!! €lectrobomber Wow, in Mario64 fan's game I seem to be one of the major villains. €lectrobomber No not yet, but I'm about to. Oh, and I can take a hint, you and all of my friends want to see what I've come up with. I think I'll write it out on paper and then type it up. None really, but I can just feel the pressure. Mario64 fan's making me a photoshopped image! €lectrobomber You have got to be kidding me. YOU HAVE BIS TOOOOOOOOOOO!?!? I must be the only user who doesn't have that game yet. €lectrobomber Really? Have you played any of the other RPG's in this series, they're all pretty hard. There's nothing wrong with my sig, it's just that I made a link to the image 64Fan made for me without showing the actual image. Wait, I may have made a mistake. My parents have a tough love rule: "You can only have a video game if you pay for it yourself unless it's your birthday or Christmas. €lectrobomber You broke your TV?? I used to have the crappiest TV in the universe, and finally, after 14 years of dealing with it, It shorted out :D So now I have a 32 inch TV!!!! Well actually, it's not my TV, it's the family's. Woah! Buzzap... new background color! I just found the most awesome sprites!!!!! See them here: [1]. They make me want photoshop even more!!!!! I know... but Ny-quill was a little cruel (drug overdose) But anyway, I had a long day of n00b-helping since you weren't here. Whew... one heck of a scare there. At least my sig template was fine.€lectrobomber Well, I'm going to forget that event. I think you should use one of the spliced sprites for your next sig Pokemon...just a thought. It's okay... it's not your fault... you had no idea what he was going to do. Fake News Can now be Viewed!I am Zero! Hey FunkyK38, the new Fake News can be seen! On User Brawl you have to read it fast in order to get the feeling it really happened. I made an error on my section on reffering you as a "he" not a "she", sorry about that :(. Zero signing out. Zero777 (talk) PT PRANAHi, FunkyK38! PT PRANA here. The stuff you do on your userpage is awesome! Have you got Super Mario Sluggers? If so, is it any good? You see, I'm from England, so I can't buy it. See ya! PS:I fyou want to put this on your page: |- |
Wait for it...Just keeping checking to find out!!! An epilouge is coming. I'm not kidding!! check tommorow after school. (That depends because I get out of school around 3:30 and the typing takes up time.) GOTCHA!!!!! Keep Reading Wiki Adventure. It's not over!!!!!!! Good NewsDid you check out the epilouge of Wiki Adventure yet. :3 M64fan(me is to lazy to make link) Re: Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hey FunkyK38, can you help us save the Yoshi article? We need all the help we can get, and at least vote in the Unfeatured Yoshi article page in the keep it freatured. Can you please help me do this, I am really counting on keeping this. At least do it for Yoshi, or if not, at least for me. Please! Baby Mario Bloops Re:Well, I've got a few things going on. One of them is me being a Patroller on the Banjo-Kazooie Wiki. Also, I will add your userbox soon, and will make an easier way for you to get userboxes to me. Also, btw, when you are going to comment on my talk page, and there are new sections ahead of your's, could you hit the little + sign at the top of the page? It makes it easier and faster for me to get to your comment. Thank you. :) · SMB (Talk) · 21:37, 15 September 2009 (EDT) Blah Blah QuestionsYes im back in school, but I was sick today so I got to go on the wiki ALL day. :) Also I did check the Super User story and i'm 12. How old are you? I was not. Actually I was happy to be away from school. Well I still ended up getting homework for things I did not learn making it 10 times harder. Well at least I'm just in middle school. But i'll end up having to feel it one day. Anyways life always get's harder when your older and the elder one's seem to find the youthful one's lucky, but no one control's when they are born. -My dad LOLZ :D Me nethier I only know LOL means Laugh out Loud and OMG means Oh My Gosh I'm learning to play piano, but I suck. Right now I'm listening to video game music. Not really the same is it. No I don't think so. Oh then I guess it is the same, Do you know what theme? Anyways I got to go. Bye
Re: UserpageI requested it for deletion. It distracts me and others from making good edits. · SMB (Talk) · 17:07, 17 September 2009 (EDT)
Sorry...Ok the fake new messages box is gone. Sorry about that. Oh thanks for that. Hey, hey, hey!We did seats this week (you know, grade you by how well you play), and I did amazing! There are 11 flutes (5 1st flutes, 6 2nd flutes) and I was the only freshmen out of six to make it to the first flutes! I got 4th chair, and that is great! I am definitely going to Symphony band next year...yea! Do you have that at your school? Baby Mario Bloops
Hello...I'm just bored stiff!!! So i'm just talking to all my friends at once. I wouldn't be if I had money!!!!! Ugh!!! I want money so bad that I wANT YOU TO GIVE ME SSOME MONEY!!!!! (Not really, but you probobly knew that!" UGH!!!! Anyways... HI!!!!! Oops... I forgot this YOU GOT BOWSERS INSIDE STORY!!!!!!! THAT'S EXACTLY WHY I NEED MONEY!!!!!!! P.S IT WAS A JOKE!!! I'M GOING INSANE. No Sadly I have no money. I spent it all on a piano. (I told you i'm taking piano lessons.) Good news is that I babysit for money. Bad news the right amount will probobly be around Christmas. I'll have to get myself a LOT more jobs to get enough money. See if I had the game already I would'nt be bored. Hmmmmm. I'll still get it. P.S I LOVE Kirbopher Yeah, Brawl Taunts made my crack my head off laughing. I even have his Rawest Forest video on my page. I have a lot of youtube video's there. Hmmmmm Don't know why? I'm just love youtube and newgrounds. + Nin10doh What else... The Aura!!! and...!!!!!!!!! YOUR MOTHER!!!!!!
P.S Tiers R 4 Queers Yes I did... I was going to ask you about it. NO! Kid Icarus was a stupid game, and your an even stupider villain. "But I know I can help. I can turn people into EGGPLANTS!!!!" Ridley:Yep Real helpful! Yeah, that was my favorite part too! I also liked the part with all the 3rd Party characters coming out of no where and kirby is like... NO NO Enough is ENOUGH!! I mean i'm all about 3rd Parties and all but no th... this is way to much. GOSH......................I HAD IT!!!!!!! Yeah I know... also guess what's on T.V right now...[[2]] Click the 1 to find out :3 I saw my sister watching i dunno...did that little video joke GiftOh :O thanks for that :)! I'll add this to my userbox tower rite nao. Maybe do you want to add mine to your userbox too. |- |
Your friend
HelloOk, I'll Ask you if I have a question. And I wouldn't mind if we became friends User:Yoshiaga/sig 12:17, 20 September 2009 (EDT) Ok I added the Userbox and Sorry it was late. I had to take a shower. User:Yoshiaga/sig 12:40, 20 September 2009 (EDT)
R.I.P. GodzillaI saw Godzilla vs. Destroyah and I cried my eyes out at the climatic scene when Godzilla melted, but luckaly the dieing Godzilla Jr. absorbed the radiation and became the New Godzilla! = More Help ReplyYes, I need help to put a "contents" bar, so people can easily see the sub-catigories. Can you help me, please? Mariofan459 Nope, I'm good. Thanks! Mariofan459 Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Ih Hi HI hiCan we be friends!!! Your friends with my brother and I want to be friends with all his friends!!!!!!! Kirbyfan64 Re: PalkiasMe guy. He loses his passwords a lot. · SMB (Talk) · 19:33, 20 September 2009 (EDT) NOOOOOOOO!!!Wiki Adventure is schedueled for deletion. Help me!!!!!! From, WIKI ADVENTURE!!! CMON IT DOSEN'T TAKE SHERLOCK TO FIGURE IT OUT!!!!!!! Okay I guess your right. I'm just a little woozy right now so I might be overreacting. Takes deep-breath. Okay, thanks. Okay, then I'm cool your right. P.S Are you still stuck on Midbus Okay good, No more Kirbopher breakdown because you finally beat Metaboss(or Midbus, Whatever you want to call him!!!) AHHHH! BREAKDOWN AGAIN!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!! 2257 said something about moving it to Userpedia then all other stories will be qualified too!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't calm DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay sorry :( Okay I will. I'll be talking to porple about this. Re:HACKED!I blocked that user, who was putting that image into templates. Unfortunately, template vandalism can persist in the cache, so please tell me if you notice pages that are still affected (including main space pages) - 2257(Talk) 16:01, 21 September 2009 (EDT)
A page on your watchlist will be bolded in RecentChanges. - 2257(Talk) 16:43, 21 September 2009 (EDT) Yeesh...That idiot hacker is still on... blocked... but on €lectrobomber Yeah...o noes... why do I get the feeling that this wiki is being set up... or that that the guy is gonna sockpuppet... or that the server screwed up...? :P no more of this talk!!! I think you should use those sprites on the website that I showed you for your sig. It's pretty good, but I'm listening to the original now and (I mean no offense) the version that's on your page is a little watered down. sorry... I kinda like hard rock a lot. Anyway, I may get photoshop elements 7 for my computer because it's about 40$ less than photshop. hey what's upWhat happend while at I was at school? I am having floods near my place. User:Yoshiaga/sig 16:27, 21 September 2009 (EDT)
Never mind.
Make what? a info box? Ok. Can you use a montey mole image? I want it to say "Name:Can't tell ya. Species:50% Montey mole 50% Human. Gender:Boy Attack:OVER 9,000 (LOL Yugo-oh refernce. Don't put this parathese thing in there.) Fav music: Star man. Rainbow road. Chill (Dr.mario)" That's all I can think of for now.
hey funky it me bjn1 guess what i found a new mario and sonic trailer showing all the dream events bowser jr throwing snowballs at rosy the rascal/amy rose i cant wait YUCKI was all disgusted by that hacker. He really had me though. I thought it was only me. Today is starting to be one of those really bad days. XP Do you know the guys username anyway. Oh I'll never know what sick things go on in his head. Brrrr Let me guess Mildrath I thought it was only me so i'm like, Oh God hopefully no one see's it and blames it on me. Wow, easy!I just finished the game, Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story, and I got say, Amazing! When I get a new game, I constantly play forever. Just to note, the final boss is actually not that final, it's pretty easy. I got to level 36 with Mario & Luigi, and level 31 with Bowser. You really need to get the game, it's great and hilarious (underexplaining funny (ex - As bowser is trying to stop the train from running over him, his right foot hits a pebble, and trips, making the train from him into a giant rock.)! See you later, bye! Baby Mario Bloops
Re: We just got hackedYup, I viewed the block log, 2257's talk page, AND yours as well, right before telling me (self-education for the win :3). By the way, if you want to save your fanfictions, go to Userpedia, which is initially a website containing stories and the such (most of the users are from MarioWiki, to let you know). Hope that helps. · SMB (Talk) · 16:41, 21 September 2009 (EDT) RE: HiWhy, my politest thanks for your nice words :3 And I am glad to hear that someone read my userpage-thingy. I'm trying to do my best to help this wiki improve. And you got a nice picture of Metaknight there. Metaknight is one of my fav charas of the Kirby series. -
Re: Obvious sentence...Not that it is obvious, but that it is redundant. · SMB (Talk) · 16:24, 22 September 2009 (EDT) Hey thereIt is me again. Good luck at your competition and marchign band on saturday. How are you? User:Yoshiaga/sig 18:56, 22 September 2009 (EDT) I get really bored sometimes.... How do I do that?
Helpim new to the mario wiki and i need help with my page can u help me Kirbyfan64 hELP MY SISTER!!! i GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SHES A MAJOR N00B She wanted to put some kirby images up and she sees all this stuff and deletes almost all the writing on it and edited it like it was her userpage!!! I even told her to use the prr\eview button then show it to me!!! GOSH!!!!!!!!!! Anyway did you guys do good?
I don't know. What? YEAH!!!!!!!!! (Go's on a party train and has party all night long.) No one looks up to things they really don't like. I'm trying to trade in my piano for money to get BIS but my parents won't let me and I have only about 12 dollors. That was extreme the vid. Anyway I won't trade it. sure, I'm logging off now to get up for school. RE: ThrillerYeah, Thriller is the best MJ music, I hear it 10 times per day xD. Looks like you like Funky Kong, huh? He is a awesome character in Mario Kart Wii. His Flame Runner is one of the best bikes from the game, the best is Mach Bike. Anyway, wanna be friends? Here's my userbox: |- |
They are the same user -- Re: suspicious (on Tucayo's page)Yeah he did block him but he decided against it and realized he shouldn't have blocked him. the guy made a sockpuppet to ask why he was blocked. its just a big misunderstanding (but don't give tucayo too much grief). Yep. I totally that I think of it, we've never met. I'm MC Hammer Bro. Ben a user for a year and a half. How about you? Hahah thank's. I've worked on copying his "U Can't Touch This" music video (and I don't mean to brag but I'm pretty good at it.) I've also been playing Mario since I was about 2. My strong points are N64 games and other old games. Also take a look at User: Marioguy1's talk page. |