MarioWiki:Proposals/Archive Template Poll Selection PageREORGANIZE 7-0 I looked at the Poll selection page, and I have to admit something: It is a disaster. So here is what I am proposing: We clean it up. To get more into detail:
If this is passed, and it works, we can make suggesting and voting on new polls easier, quicker, and more efficient. Also, this plan can reduce loading time for the pages. Proposer: Super Mario Bros. (talk) Reorganize Poll Selection Page
Leave It the Way It Is (Messy and Destroyed)CommentsPaper Yoshi, I'm sorry to say I can't have your help in reorganizing the page right now, but in helping to observe the rules and help keeping it cleaned after I finish reorganizing it will help me a whole lot, as we might as well not do the proposal if the page is going to get messed up again. So, once again, to help me, all you need to do is keep the page clean once I'm finished. Thank you for your wanting to help me though. Super Mario Bros. (talk) Zafum (talk) - How are you going to be able to get rid of the signatures that cover most of the polls already? I'm sure your not going to delete all those polls?
Enforce No-Signature PolicyADD NEW RULES 3-0 I feel that the "No-Signature Policy" on many of the pages around the wiki have been utterly violated. Many of the users like to use the "letter of the law" technique as opposed to the "spirit of the law", which, in other scenarios, is okay, but is not good to this policy. Due to many pages that feature the "No-Signature Policy" having limited space, they cannot touch upon the many ideas that were originally expressed when this "policy" went into enactment. As of such, as I stated earlier, many users dodge the rules (see the second bullet in my above proposal about the Poll Selection page). As of such, I would like to create one page that has detailed rules on the subject, and that could be linked to pages that share these many ideas. The page, if created, would most likely be titled MarioWiki:No-Signature Policy. A rough draft of my proposed page can be located here. Proposer: Super Mario Bros. (talk) (With great advice from Walkazo (talk)) Make the New Page
Leave It the Way It IsCommentsOn what pages exactly has this rule been violated? What pages are under this rule, anyway? - Cobold (talk) 17:36, 29 June 2009 (EDT)
I made changes on the page that is linked to. Walkazo gave me some great suggestions, and I incorporated them into the rules list. Super Mario Bros. (talk)
I find it ridiculous and annoying that almost all proposals these days are about signature rules. Dom (talk)
Article censorshipNO CENSORING 12-0 I want to settle this once and for all. Do we want to censor the Bob Hoskins article or not? Proposer: Clear Discoherency (talk) Don't censor it
Censor itCommentsClear Discoherency (talk) I think this younger person stuff is bullcrap because if we all know what a swear is then how is exposing us to a swear gonna hurt us? Explain that smb.
I wouldn't think it would by true to the quote by changing quotes however. Why would anyone care about a quote with the f-word in it? Yknow I used to not swear at all but when I realized it was pointless to not swear I swear all the time now.Clear Discoherency (talk)
This whole edit war is pointless anyway. Its only going on because Max2 acted immature about a little swearClear Discoherency (talk) Enough of the flamey remarks, already. We have no mandate to be a "kid-friendly" Wiki, all we are obligated to do is tell the truth. Every time someone goes on the Internet, they run the risk of running into profanity, or worse, and heck, you take the same exact risk everything you go outside. It's not our responsibility to shield little kids from words they are gonna learn sooner or later, and if it interferes with our abilities to communicate all the Mario-centric information at our disposal, we shouldn't even be trying. In the case of Bob Hoskins we can preserve most of that quote without profanity; it was a compromise many agreed on, and it still stands. - Walkazo (talk)
I'm done arguing and wasting my breath about this even though it was pointless in the first place. Go ahead and go eat each other if you want I'm setting this one out. Clear Discoherency (talk)
In response to SMB's earlier comment: A) I said "flamey", not "flaming". B) I wasn't talking about the proposal itself, I was talking about the comments: "So why do you want your bullsh*t so bad, huh?" "Well, the young shouldn't have to be subject to your bullcrap, ok?" "Explain that smb." - that's all egging each-other on, which is "flamey" - you're In response to Walkazo: Ok. Directed towards CD: Please delete this proposal. If the edit war is pointless, please just delete it. You should have dealt with Max2 yourself or had another user, perhaps sysop or bureaucrat, deal with him. Super Mario Bros. (talk) It is not mine, CD created it. Super Mario Bros. (talk)
Just to be clear, is this only for Bob Hoskins? Because Princess_Toadstool_for_President has the word "fuck" in it, and it'd be nice to have it set in stone somewhere what happens when this inevitably comes up again. Twentytwofiftyseven (talk) Per twenty of two seven, walka please look at his points then tell me if we shouldn't have the word "fuck" in the Bob Hoskins article.--Clear Discoherency 01:03, 5 July 2009 (EDT) The deadline is up now anyway too bad we havn't reached a verdict besides walka's answerClear Discoherency (talk)
Well, it's 4-0 against censorship, which is a pretty clear verdict. But, if it only applies to Bob Hoskins, then that's not so much of an accomplishment of policy making. Now, I'm not sure why exactly there would be a need for a proposal so specific, but that's what the text seems to imply. After all, we can't really say "no lol it meant this," and expect it not to raise issues. Or, at least, I see it that way. Twentytwofiftyseven (talk) 01:24, 5 July 2009 (EDT) "walka" is me, right? Pertaining to 2257's example, "jävla" has to be included in order to properly explain Bowser's "Din jäv-" quotation, and if we have the Swedish swear, why not the English equivalent? Still, like the Bob Hoskins quote, I suppose it would be possible to just leave the whole Trivia point as this, and still cover all the bases:
Personally, I think the whole "jävla" exposition is interesting, but it's not essential, so I can see why removing it (and the full Bob Hoskins quote) is a reasonable compromise in the face of these sort of heated debate. "Fuck" is simply not worth the trouble. - Walkazo (talk)
YourBuddyBill (talk)Couldnt we just replace the word with F*** or sonething along those lines? This has been blown out of proportion. Update One After AnotherDO NOT UPDATE ONE AFTER ANOTHER 4-8 I propose that everything on the main page like featured article, featured image, poll, and did you know sections should all be updated between one hour to one day after another, it doesn't really matter in what order they should be in, just as long as they are updated, and there time limit should be one week of staying in the main page, Mario news and proposal section should be the only exceptions. I said this because one time the "did you know" section, it had the same three trivias stayed there for about three months and like six months ago on the poll section it didn't work on some computers. The main page is sometimes confusing to keep track of even if your'e a user or just a visitor to the site, so that is why I came up with this idea. Proposer: Zero777 (talk) Support
CommentNot to be rude, but that would screw up the Featured Article and/or Featured Images schedule, each one is only supposed to be up on the Main Page for a week, it's not that simple, even though it seems minor, this would require a lot of work during a day. Super Mario Bros. (talk) 18:47, 6 July 2009 (EDT)