The Bug-Spray Gun is the weapon of choise for Stanley the Bugman.
In this game the Bug-Spray Gun (used by Stanley the Bugman) has no limit to the number of times it can be sprayed, and it is used to kill Worms and Spiders that're trying to destroy flowers.
Donkey Kong 3
In this game Stanley uses the weapon against Bees and Donkey Kong. It again has no limit to the number of times it can spray.
Donkey Kong 3 (Game & Watch)
This time not only Stanley has a Bug-Spray Gun, but so does Donkey Kong. The Bug-Spray Guns here do not have an unlimited capacity of spray and sprays water bubbles rather than bug spray. It constantly needs to be refilled by a dripping pipe near by.
Super Smash Bros. Melee
In this game the weapon blongs not to Stanley the Bugman but Mr.Game and Watch, who uses it as his standard attack. It returns to it's unlimted spray form.
Game & Watch Gallery Advance
In a remake of the G and W Donkey Kong 3, Mario uses the Bug-Spray Gun againts Donkey Kong. Once again it sprays bubbles and needs to be refilled with water.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
The Bug Spray Gun is used again by Mr. Game and Watch.