User talk:Cheep-Cheep
Welcome to the Cheep-Cheep Discussion Page!On this Discussion page, please comment on my contribs, say hi, ask me questions, or whatever you feel you need to do here! Although, keep in mind that before you post, I do have some rules:
ToadetteNo problem. Feel free to call me Toadette, it's actually my nickname here. SJ derp :P Hi Cheep Cheep!!! How are you!! well, check this, is my new personal image!!HiyaHiya, Cheepster (if I can call you that). The names MegaMario9910. How are you? Heh. It seems I'm not the only one that says things randomly. :P... Thanks. Yours is nice too. Your welcome! Heh. This wiki still needs work... a lot of work in a game article... HiHi again. Sorry about not putting a header above my last comment. I can be forgetful. How are you? SJ derp :P
Cool! nice to meet you Cheep-Cheep!!
You have Mario Strikers Charged?
Yeah! is cool!!, and what is your favorite Mario Party character?
Well, Luigi is funny in Super Smash Bros Brawl!
Talk to you soon! Cheep- Cheep!!
Hi, Cheepster! How are you?
Front door!That's another cool thing I say, although I obviously didn't invent it. Hey,you're the first person to randomly find my page and actually leave a, CONGOATULAIONS! Yep, I love the goat version of that word, it's sick? So, I checked your page to see what similarities we have...'re really new. I feel old now! To find out when any User joined, go to User Contributions on the left column of the website, while on a User page, and you'll see all their edits. Then, click on Oldest edits, and see the date of their first one. Yep. Hey, you've done a lot in such a short time! Now, your saying "what the fub" is interesting, but I wouldn't use it as a swear word, because the letter B isn't hard enough, know what I mean? Swear words end with P, T, K, and a few others. They all make a hard, tough-sounding word that helps release anger at a game which has stupid, cheating AI or something equally annoying (the most frustrating game I've played is Mario Hoops 3 0n 3 - my DS has permanent scratch marks on the Touch Screen from doing the final match). Now, as for Pokemon Pearl, you say you get criticised for having Pearl...because you're a guy. Are you saying that some Fudging Brickheads think Pearl is a feminine version or some crap? SUCH STUPIDITY...SUCH A LOW LEVEL OF SOCIETY! Oh wow, the box art has a slightly pinkish glow on it... wow, how girly. And Palkia has purple-ish stripes, OMG! What the hell are those sexist idiots thinking? Palkia is better than Dialga, I mean, Dialga is like a metallic dog or something. And Spacial Rend is much better than Roar of Time overall. So, whoever criticises you for that...GIVE 'EM A TASTE OF THIS MESSAGE!!! Thanks for inviting me to be random, I specialise in ultimate randomness. In fact, there's Grimace outside my window... you know that big purple monster that hangs out with Ronald McDonald? He's cool, I've got his number. Beat that randomness! Oh, and one of the best sources of random humour is a comic called Tobias and Jube (Google 'Tobias and Jube,' should be the top of the list) me, it's LOL funny. Abuse of Nintendo Character NamesMan, I ROFL'ed at those expressions you used (Wario's Arse, Son of a Birdo, What the Chipmunk - LOL!) Yes, people always follow me in dark places - that's normal, I guess. Anyway, keep up the good stuff on this Wiki - it's much more fun than Wikipedia. Oh, and I've never heard of people saying Pearl version is feminine - are you serious that people criticise you for that? That's absurd! HeyHeya, Cheepster. Scrolling down, I saw Dom say Pokemon. You a Pokemon fan?
Lol. I'm bored, cuz I can't play Brawl right now. Your SigantureOn your signature, you send a link to a user who's name is "Username". In your signature coding, put "User:Cheep-Cheep" OK? ;) SJ derp :P Cows Go Mooooo!!!Drinking red cordial makes people a bit wacko, so yeah. Me and MegaMario9910 talk about Pokemon a lot...if you have any questions about Pokemon Pearl... and I meanany, I'll know the answer. Don't abuse that statement... I bet you didn't know that if you get a Meowth to level 30, as long as you cancel its' attempts at Lv 28 and 29 to evolve (press B, as you know) learns a signature move called Pay Day. It gives you money after battle, the formula is Meowth's level x 5 x Number of Pay Day attacks = Money at end of battle, even wild battles! Make it hold an Amulet Coin for even more money! That's just a sample of my knowledge...
Pokemans PaltnumzYep, as a matter of fact I knew both things you told me - Platinum version looks interesting, although I dunno what new features are being introduced. Maybe the graphics will be slightly improved? Do you know? And is my favourite Pokemon website, I visit it a lot. It's where my EV training knowledge comes from, as well as level-up movesets, etc. Oh, I didn't know about that statue thing in Backlot's Mansion - in fact, I'm not allowed to drink Coke! Yeah, my mum says I went psycho when I had some aged 3. Pfft, so what about back then?
Oh, and you CAN poison Steel types, but only with the Bug-type move Twineedle. Didja know that?
Lol. I'd expect some people to not know who I originally was :D. Hmm, not that I know of. I'd try asking a Sysop. --Palkia47 20:14, 28 July 2008 (EDT)
Seizures - Not as Bad as Pokemans!Remember that story about all the Japanese kids getting seizures from a Pokemon anime episode?! Man, that was funny/sad. I've never watched the Pokemon anime... Chipmunks...they bring back bad memories! Really bad. Once they tied me up and... Anyway, the fact that I temporarily forgot about thy presence on this virtual location is simply a factor of me having AMNESIA! I like saying that. AMNESIA! I forget everything to do with school - such as homework and stuff. I always remember that the Shiny encounter chance in Pokemon is 1 in 8,192, the Catch Rate is out of 255, Nidoking is Poison/Ground type, Arceus is cool, and Doom Desire is the coolest move ever. And it does 120 damage, is 85% accurate, Steel-type, Jirachi's signature move, etc.
SPAMPost your random SPAM here! Remember, your SPAM should not contain curse words, although it SHOULD contain insults about me! Also, don't delete this SPAM! SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAMMITY SPAM, WONDERFUL SPAM... Does This Count as SPAM!?I'll write a proper message next time, after reading your response to the survey. ROFLdelic ThanksFor doing the survey, I appreciate it greatly. Plus 10 Awesome Points for you! Man, I had an embarrassing LOL moment with the "Moby-Dictionary" thing! That's comedy gold! You're still being followed? Creepy!
3 minutes at this airport internet kioskNot enoguh time to write a reply to your awesomely kind rteply. I'll reply when I get to England - I mean IF I get there. I hope I do.
However - I got a huge thrill when reading your tribute to me - and for that, you gain a incredible 50 Awesome Points! CongOatulations!
Oh man, thanks for the LOL messageness. I may struggle to reply to all that, as I won't have japoota access other than my very limited chances of interwebs access.
There's a Wombat on my ToothbushROLF! That's randomnesse - beat that! Hey - the McDonald's in Adelaide have that Wi-Fi thing - I've never tried it - is it really crap? MAKE IT UP TO ME.... NOW!
ULTRA-RANDOM: "You know what she said!? I've gotta go to Mario's mushroom house MOO!"
Read My StatusSorry to keep you in suspense so long - I wish I could reply sooner. I'll include some major spam for you.
World Record: Most Random PersonThere's randomnesse, then there's you. I'm impressed with the sheer... well, randomness of your messages! Actually, last night I tried to come on but the internet wasn't working - maybe it was peacocks! :O Hey, I live in Australia - citizens here don't generally carry massive projectile weapons around. That's why it's safer here. Except for mutant kangaroos and radioactive wombats. Did you know that here Halloween is barely even noticed!? Seriously, it's considered too 'American' here, so few people do anything for the occasion. Our house has never been trick-or-treated in my lifetime! Yeah, them ads be spooky - like milk in the jungle. 1. That's Diddy Kong in Brawl. 2. Cream Cheese - at least it's cheese. Well, stuffed up cheese. 3. If it was Zero Suit Samus I wouldn't complain. 3. Now that IS spookeh. Hey, have you ever tried typing into Google "find chuck norris" and then clicking I'm Feeling Lucky ? You should, it's funny. 4. Ninjas PWN. Like Ninjask as a Baton Passer. Or me doing ninja-training for several months of my life (yes, I really did) - until the sensei (teacher) got injured and stopped training altogether ;_; .
The Teletubbies Need to Be Upgraded...Back in their day, TVs were pathetic - but now they're gonna have to redesign the Tubs and call them the Plasmatubbies (with HD and Blu-Ray disc playback, of course). They'd be like robot versions of them or something. LOL at teh randomness! ROFL in fact!
Regice Likes JuiceTotally awesome videos: The one with the red-haired kid is hilariously random, watch his other videos. User:Dom/sigI enjoyed your ultra-random reply. Maybe you should make an ultra-random YouTube video? |