Jimmy's Folks
The Thang family (with their last name often abbreviated to T.) is the family of Jimmy T. who live in Diamond City, and appear in the WarioWare series of games. Not much is known about the family, except that, not unlike family member Jimmy T., they enjoy dancing, and have even done choreographed dances all together. All members of the Thang family also have large colorful afros, red noses, and sunglasses.
Also, a close relative of the Thang family is Jimmy P. His family is yet to be revealed.
Family Members
- Jimmy T. is the main member. The oldest child and the one with the most attention.
- James T. is the brother of Jimmy. He is shorter and chubbier than his brother. He is the one with a large orange afro. James is a self-proclaimed "chick magnet".
- Jamie T. is Jimmy's sister. She has a dark pink afro in pigtails.
- Papa T. is the father of the Thangs. He has a tall yellow afro, similar in appearance to Marge Simpson's hair.
- Mama T. is the Thang family's mother. It is likely that James gets his looks from his mother, as she is also short and chubby. She has a light pink afro.
All of these characters ,along with Jimmy P., would have been playable in "WarioWare: Thang Edition" and would have made their debut long before the DS or Wii. Also, the bears would have appeared. 2 new characters would have appeared as well, named Unca T. and Granny T.