User talk:3Dejong
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Sometimes people have a hidden 'third' emotional layer, below the first layer and the second layer. Like pie.
~Dr. Horrible,, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
Welcome, weary travelers, to my well-known and well-traversed talkpage. But don't get comfy just yet; first we have to lay down some rules:
- Please leave all messages at the bottom of the page.
- Please put all messages under a new header unless the current bottom header is your own. If the current header was made by another user, please make your own. This helps me to organize messages, to stop headers from getting too big, and to figure out whose message is whose. If someone made a header under your header, please move your header to the bottom of the page and go from there. Thx.
- Please do NOT leave:
- Random, short, spam messages
- Messages with swear words (not even with asterisks, like f*** or d***head)
- Messages with inappropriate content (no sexual references and all that).
- Messages to ask me to chat (I really dislike chat talks. I occasionaly may appear, though).
- Messages flaming others (OR ME!).
All content on this page and on my userpage is 100% copyright free. You can copy any of it; no credit needed. Just tell people you got it from me. ;) That about wraps it up, get posting!
I suppose I could do that "NO!!111! DON'T LEEAVE YOUR TEH AWESOME!!!!!!111" tirade everyone do when someone retires, but whatever. If you think it's best for you to retire from the wiki, do it! BTW, I'm kinda surprised you didn't react on my promotion to sysop... yet :P. Blitzwing (talk · gnome work)
Miss Click
Isn't it irritating when you do that? I once had a complete rewrite of the Banana article halfway done and I hit the back button... and then I couldn't het the x button soon enough! Arg! Anyway, thanks for writing the speech! Yeah, it's kind of wild that we don't know each other better... but that's how I am with a lot of the users here. I think it's because I don't really get in on the forum, userpedia, and the comics. Speaking of, I'm going to be sad to see the Wiki's comics go, but they'll be on userpedia or something still, right? Stumpers! 23:00, 27 March 2008 (EDT)
Hey! How'd you know? XD The Fake News is going pretty good. I've got Smiddle's section, and I've written my obits. I'm gonna send out notices this weekend. How're you doing? — Stooben Rooben Monty Python rawks!
- ...D: — Stooben Rooben I feel really bad for you.
Hey, Nega-Mario here. My sis doesn't like how you say that Miley Cyrus is the most annoying thing ever, and that's why I'm writing this. Please reply at talk if you care.Bye-Q!(That means goodbye in Ham-Chat, which Hamtaro speaks.)DarkMario Hamtaro PWNS|
Comic Add-in! plz
Hamha! Nega-Mario here! May I please be in your comic, cause you ROCK, dude! Also, you took the name for a comic I was gonna make, but I can't make comics, so I decided to join yours, if you will let me. You know my sprites. Please put me in, and reply at talk. Bye-Q!DarkMario Hamtaro PWNS|
Waster of Cyber-Paper
My Name Status is Dom
You are cutting down too many virtual, pixelated trees to make such a MASSIVE User page! Seriously, how much time do you spend on it? If you look at mine, you'll see how pathetic it is. Anyway, you seem like an important user. By the way, I like cheese, but I think it would be funny if started up a similar craze with JUICE instead of cheese! (got that from the Tobias and Jube comics)
Yeah, I love you colour choice of green, it's my favourite.
Family of 8...spooky. I'm in a group of just 3.
New and Awesome Template!
Hamha!DarkMario, previously known as Nega-Mario is here. I made a template after seeing your hilarious Shroomwarning. It's not nearly as funny as yours, but here goes:
So, whaddaya think? Reply at my talk page
Master Plan!!!!
Hey, 3D. DarkMario here. Hey, you know how you do your Shroomwarning when people are late? Well, how bout this:We use BOTH our Shroomwarnings at the same time! That would rock, and they wouldn't know what hit 'em! Reply at my talk.Also, tell me who and when to launch the strike.Bai. Also, have you checked out this? If you have seen it, what do you think? I personally think it's awesome.
You're a girl? And why are you changing your name? That's kinda weird... .
APRIL FOOLZORZ!!! Did you think I was serious for a second there? :P Anyway, what's up? I haven't heard from you in a while. . Woot for April Fool's!
- Hmmm... My comic is doing ok. I'm almost done with issue numero dos. I'm slow at making them. Or lazy. I don't really know. Anyhow, are you a sysop over at the Userpedia Forums? Do they even have Sysops over there? 0_o .
- Userpedia Forum sysop? Kewl. I think it's about time I told you something though. I don't have any friends because my skin is made from onion peels; and every time I shake hands with someone, radioactively-transmutated fleas attack people. XD It's a terrible sight. — Stooben Rooben I can never see what I'm doing though because my onion-peel skin makes my eyes water. I CAN'T WAIT TO DRIVE! XD
- Yeah, I've been to the forums. And posted, too. Once. XD I should go there more often. And I heard about the Uniju thing... He sure gets angry sometimes. But it's rather funny to watch. :P And yeah, Ohio. No clue why I chose there... I don't even live there. 0_o .
I saw my old image, and thaught, "Hey. I could do better that that now" File:Graveyard222.PNG
Happy B-day :)
What the title says. :) Happy B-day (duh)! PaperStriker
- Happy Birthday, 3D! :D I hope it was a great one! — Stooben Rooben I baked you a cake, but my dad ate it, the pig! XD
Happy Birthday 3D :P To the most funniest guy I know :) --Super-Yoshi
File:Cake.PNG Happy Birthday 3D!!!!! (Enjoy your specail day today!!!!) Grapes
Lol, yeah the Sig War Wiki does suck; it's nothing but a diaper for the MW and UP; just to catch all the "sig spam" or whatever. But, that was a Uniju smiley on your status? I didn't know what it was.
...How come you're upset? Did you have a sucky birthday? Lord knows I've had my fair share of those... >_> — Stooben Rooben Shipping out the Fake News today.
- LOL! XD That's a funny video! I'll have to show that to my dad when he gets home tonight. And, thanks for cheering me up; I'm not lonely on the wiki though; mom's in the hospital. She's okay though. :) — Stooben Rooben *smacks head with boot* ...Oh, now I got a concussion! *Where am I?!*
The Epic Comment
November 16th :D --Super-Yoshi
...That just sounds wrong! :P
Thanks for fixing the Fake News; I couldn't figure out what was wrong. Now I'll know what to do; so, thanks. ;) And, mom has epilepsy; she had a really bad cluster of seizures, so she's in the hospital getting nonstop tests. ;_; I feel bad for her, but she should be getting out of the hospital on Thursday. Thanks for asking; I'm glad you care. :) — Stooben Rooben Lol, laughing dogs! When I roughhouse with my Maltese, sometimes it sounds like she says "don't hurt me!" Seriously. :o
Friend Sprite Request
Hey, 3dejong. DarkMario here. My friend, who is not on this wiki, wants some sprites. Can you make them? Take a Link sprite, and turn his clothes black, and change the eyes to red. Reply at my yelling page. Bai!
- Template:Fakelink
Glitchman (talk · contribs)
Check out my PWN'some new sig :D
Lol! 'Tis very funny. I'll have to show you a funny video someday. ;) — Stooben Rooben I've got one, if you wanna see it. :D
Hey,3D.DarkMario here. I was playing at Round Table on a shooting game.I picked Idaho, and during a game, you had to shoot targets. Insteadof a a target,and I thought I saw you!OMG!DarkMario Hamtaro PWNS|
- Longest singular status word evar. IT'S A NEW WORLD RECORD!!!111!!!oneone!!!one!!!11!! — Stooben Rooben I'll miss you on hiatus. Take care. :)
I KNOW we're not doing the comic,(In fact I KNEW sort of a long time ago)so ,forget it.Ninja Yoshi
P.S.Put me on your "Registered Users" thing!
O. MY.
Yeah, 16 will be FTW I hope. I'm hoping I'll get my license soon thereafter. Family of eight, huh? That's a lot of mouths to feed! :O (And a lot of tattling siblings.) But, hey! Don't feel lonely! You're one of the coolest users here! I mean, hello: You have 30 talk archives! That means a lot of people enjoy having you around and talking to you. ;) I have to say: I'm surprised you're not a Sysop yet with as many edits you have and as many people you help.
Oh, and BTW: Xzelion has come back and is un-un-un-retired! :D — Stooben Rooben What does "emo" mean?
- Heh heh, fifty cents :P Yet another music-related pun that I failed to come up with first ... and I wouldn't be so sure you won't become a sysop sometime, you're more likely to become one than I am ;)
Glitchman (talk · contribs)
- LOLROFL!!!11!! Never doubt yourself, though. You're one of the greatest users ever and you always will be. ;) — Stooben Rooben Uniju should make a smiley of me on fire! XD
Ugh, I hate moving. All the lifting and pushing and pulling and sweating and loss of sleep. D: Good luck. But, I'll definitely miss you. And, when you come back, I'll have made you some animated gifs! :D So, try to make the most of your trip. If you're going through the mountains, it'll be gorgeous. :) — Stooben Rooben See ya soon!
- Tomorrow! Wow! At least you're moving in spring when the weather's nice. :) So, here's some retarded tips:
- Eat lots of fast food! It's the moving food!
- Don't stay at a Family Inn – they're just...horrible. R Rated. XP
- Don't get a hernia lifting boxes and furniture; but, if you want to impress girls, you're on your own.
- Don't stop to get gas in the middle of nowhere; the gas is $6.00 a gallon, and is 85% tumbleweeds.
- Ignore your siblings; they'll be annoying and get you into trouble. If possible, knock 'em out with chloroform before you leave. Keep a bottle of it and a washrag in your pocket to keep them subdued throughout the trip.
- Ask "Are we there yet?" as many times as possible; this will likely make your parents drive twice as fast to get to their destination so you'll quit asking.
- If your siblings become immune to the chloroform, don't take a shower and knock 'em out with your stench.
- If your siblings breathe through gas masks, tie them to the roof of your moving vehicle.
- Drink lots of soda; it keeps you going...and going, and going...
- Act like you've hurt yourself moving boxes and furniture, so your parents will pity you and baby you. (optional)
- Hum loudly; it will most likely work more effectively than tip number 6.
- Think of head asplosions and other retarded, yet amusing things to keep you semi-entertained on the trip.
- I hope you can have a little bit of fun. Be careful, and tell me as soon as you're back. ;) — Stooben Rooben
New Graveyard Flavors
I came up with some new Graveyard flavors last night they are; Graveyard Energy: Cranberry Lime flavored Selzer Water with 6 Nintendo Power Mints, and Graveyard Energy Extreme: Diet Pepsi with 6 Nintendo Power Mints
— The preceding unsigned comment was added by KP Blue (talk).
Hey 3D, just to let you know...DON'T EVER LEAVE THIS WIKI!!!!If you do Mario's head will explode!Ninja Yoshi
Oh, and hope you're moving goes well.
Hey 3D, I'm working on a better 3D model of you- seeing my skills have gone up a lot since I made yours, and now I have Super Mario Galaxy's models. Girrrtacos
Well, I went ahead and made you a gif; I hope you don't mind that I used your sprites.
Lame, I know. :P But, I wanted to make you something, so there. :D — Stooben Rooben 14:48, 2 June 2008 (EDT)
I just made a version of graveyard: Orange ade Diet Mountain dew (tastes yucky normally) Pepsi Diet pepsi
It was oddly delicious. GreenKoopa - Comments or questions?
Try this!
I made a fruity graveyard! 5%Cold Hawaiian Punch, 4%Orangeade, and 1% pepsi.--you are all cheaters! next time Weird waluigi cheats! 14:44, 8 June 2008 (EDT)
Yo, 3D
Yo, 3D! Welcome back! Palkia47
- Yay! Finally! I hate hiatus's too. BTW, Stooben says he'll be back, but no one's sure, he left rather quickly and with barely a word to anyone. Otherwise... No Bob Hoskins- size proposals lately, and no new users... Well, none that stand out or anything. Oh, yeah, Murzon was gonna attack Userpedia, but we got him. There's not much else... I'm glad you're back! .
- Its been goin' good, but nothing has been happening on there. You hear the news about Rudnicki?
- Yeah. No problem. And you might have missed him anyway, he wasn't replying very much. :O .
- After FINALLY being banned on the Forums forever, he came here... *glares at Blitzwing's Usertalk*. After the event on that talkpage, he called blocked forever from the Mariowiki. Then he joined Uesrpedia & the Userpedia Forums. After making an inappropiate topic on the Forums, he was banned for two years from the Forums (lol). Check Blitzwing's talkpage here, then Xzelion's on Userpedia.
- After FINALLY being banned on the Forums forever, he came here... *glares at Blitzwing's Usertalk*. After the event on that talkpage, he called blocked forever from the Mariowiki. Then he joined Uesrpedia & the Userpedia Forums. After making an inappropiate topic on the Forums, he was banned for two years from the Forums (lol). Check Blitzwing's talkpage here, then Xzelion's on Userpedia.
- Yeah. No problem. And you might have missed him anyway, he wasn't replying very much. :O .
- Its been goin' good, but nothing has been happening on there. You hear the news about Rudnicki?
Phear Not!
Cause Im a Yoshi too :P uper-Yoshi
ZOMG Ur Back
For news about what happend on ze wiki, Go thaR.
About the Fake News, you can reclaim it as soon as next month, just tell Xzelion. Blitzwing (talk · gnome work)
Actually, I wrote most of the stuff on the event Log.
Stooben handed over the Fake News to Xzelion, that's why I told you to ask him.
About the promotion thing... Yeah. It's kinda amusing to think that I stayed a normal user for a year, only to eventually become the only guy beside Porple to have power over all component of zat wiki. [/vanity] Blitzwing (talk · gnome work)
- Hell no. I meant that I'm the only guy beside Porple to be a Wiki sysop, forum moderator and chat op. --Blitzwing 07:02, 13 June 2008 (EDT)
hello, I was just wonderin who is 4Dejong SmartyGuy11, tat 3D picture of you a few sections up looks kinda like Woody from Toy Story
hi i'm hemu i just wanted to ask you if you can make me a gif one that is mario doing the luigidance dance User:Hemu/sig
Hey you
Are you alive? I made the 3D like you asked. D: Girrrtacos
GhostYoshi came back (kind off), but it has been pretty quite lately. --Blitzwing 17:23, 17 June 2008 (EDT)
Hiya, 3D. So... what was your reaction when I told you 'bout Rudnicki? Palkia47
Erm, Stooben didn't enter his email, apparently. Sorry. --Blitzwing 19:25, 17 June 2008 (EDT)
1.I've got the best scores in my school and I thought prodigy is spelled protegy
2. this is luigidance
3.User:Hemu/sig like it now
Dr. Mario 64 screenshot
Hello, 3Djong, in 2006, you uploaded a screenshot (Rd2.jpg) from Dr. Mario 64 for the article Rudy the Clown. However, the image had been deleted after the article was rewritten and the image became unused. I think it's very useful for the article since it's show the character's appearance in another game. Could you upload it again or tell me where you found it? Thanks in advance! --Grandy02 12:13, 18 June 2008 (EDT)
British Columbia :( uper-Yoshi
lol wat uper-Yoshi
Yes, I have the time to do it, one moment. RAP...
Life is funny that way, huh? XP Glad you're back. :D It's been odd without you here. — Stooben Rooben 23:41, 4 July 2008 (EDT)
weird game thingie
what is this? <youtube>IWtv0ts_OpQ</youtube> and how do I play it? SmartyGuy11, khlav kalash pizza for sale (don't buy it)
Chain Chomp Userbox and sig
Could you give me the code for the Chain Chomp userbox on your userbox page?
AND could you make me a sig? At far left is a thumbnail of the Original U Phail gif, followed by my name(Which links to my userpage) and YOU PHAIL (Which links to my talk page).
Just post both of them on my talk page. Thanks! Phailure (Yapbox) (Contributions)
Me too, except my sig will be: goldenyoshi144 in gold letters (Make it link to my userpage), and a small golden yoshi sprite. Goldenyoshi144
If you can't make the sigs, tell us on our talk pages. We're bros :) Phailure (Yapbox) (Contributions)
UPDATE: Found a sprite. It's really a yellow Yoshi, but oh well. We made temporary sigs for now.
Where the heck've you been? Are you just a hit & run message-leaver now? Was I just a one-edit stand? :P — Stooben Rooben No, srsly: Wassup? 23:38, 27 July 2008 (EDT)
- Welcome back 3D :D Are you going to be taking over the fake news again?
Glitchman (talk · contribs)
15:29, 30 July 2008 (EDT)
Holy crap, you're back.
Naow, it's time to unscramble the Fake New director situation. Are you taking the Fake News back? --Blitzwing 16:23, 30 July 2008 (EDT)
Yay! Cool to knwo that.
BTW, My Brain Slug is forcing me to share with you the best acting ever know to man. --Blitzwing 17:33, 30 July 2008 (EDT)
Thanks for the support; I somehow interventionized my parents, and talked them out of's all working out now. :)
A new comic? I'd be happy to be in it. (I think that's what you asked...I'm a little brain-dead today. XP) I would be happy to help too.
Well, now that we're both back, things might be normal again. (W00t!) I also wanted to ask if you were taking over the Fake News again? I went on hiatus and dumped it on Xze, who in turn did the same thing to me. :O So, I'm not trying to do the same thing to you TOO, but I'd be very happy to hand it over to you. :)
It's great to have you back. — Stooben Rooben ORLY? 19:34, 30 July 2008 (EDT)
But... (Fanboy mode: Activated) outside of those horrible live-action sequence, it's actually a pretty darn good cartoon, with great Animation, solid acting and it was very mature for being basically a toy commercial.
About the Youtube Poop stuff... Well, If I ever get my hadn on a video-maker thingie, I would probably makes something called Rampage will turn you into a living bomb (2:50 to 3:00), Lul. --Blitzwing 21:07, 30 July 2008 (EDT)
PWNsome!! I've owned the game since February, but the best I've done on Classic Intense was when I cleared it with two continues XO When you get it, we'll have to fight so I can study your technique XD Glitchman (talk · contribs)
I would gladly check that video out, but I see it last 43 minutes, ugh.
Also, I'll give you a link to some awesome place. The "Random Action Hour" part is especially interesting, what's up with covering cheesy late 80's and 90's cartoon. --Blitzwing 15:21, 31 July 2008 (EDT)
*insert sarcastic remark here*
"YAY" is one of my favorite words, so that works. :O
Maybe I should watch that show? You seem to like it, which is cool.
Awesome; glad you're taking it over! :D Image Composer and Interviewer (I think) are empty positions. As for the Travel Guide, I had Stumpers take it over while you were gone; hope you don't mind. *nervous* I'm sure he won't mind you taking it back over; he's been pretty busy lately. I can't WAIT to hear your hilarious version. :)
o_o Wow, now THAT'S inventive! XD I liek it. It sounds cool. TAWP SEACRET info FTW, FYI. (Lol, to abbreviations at once. XD) Rudnicki is appearing as...something ugly? =3
Really? Wow, I didn't know things would turn dull without me. o_o So much has happened while I was gone. I'm glad you like that gif I made you. It was one of the last ones I made since my computer crashed. DX
Have fun! — Stooben Rooben Subliminal message inside! 16:09, 1 August 2008 (EDT)
Dear 3D I'm Joseph363 I saw u in wiki's end and plenty of other comics then I realised how popular u are so I couldn't help saying HI!!! Joseph363 11:52, 5 August 2008 (EDT)
Do you know a site where they sell mario plushies?F g
If u loave Usepedia y do u have an account Joseph363 17:52, 5 August 2008 (EDT)
Okay, I'll try to find some time to ask Stumpers if he'll hand off the job to you. :) I'll probably do it sometime around 1:00am. o_o
LOL, that sounds like Rudnicki! XD
Cool, I'll check out those episodes; from what I seen of the first one, it's cool. :O
BTW, I'm thinking of changing my sig; whaddaya thinx?
— Stooben Rooben :O :D :) :P (OMG, smiley overload!) 20:00, 5 August 2008 (EDT)
Have you finished my new sig? Goldenyoshi144
Remember when I said I wanted to retire? well you said "oh come off it" :P F g
I'm glad you're happy about the Travel Guide. :) ...WHAT? Man, that does suck. :'(
Can do. :O
Okay; I'll keep it the same. :)
My current favorite song? ...Either "Across the Universe" by the Beatles, or "Bittersweet Symphony" by the Verve. o:
BTW, did you hear I'm a Userpedia Sysop? :D
Random Hi
Hi 3D! Yup this is a random hi. Yup, mmm-hmm, yes. Uhhh, hi. So, cool userpage, and a quick question, are you the fake news director? Cuz I thought Xze was but he's on hiatus, then I asked Stooby and he said you were! *out of breath* Uhh so are you? And uhh, hi, err bye. Z3r0 Tw0
- OK, awesome! Your page isn't terrible, but
boring, dull, and pointlessfine! So, I meant to ask this to the user who was the fake news director: (which I do think would be a hard job) is there any position fit for a noob? Yes, I may have 2 archives of talk, but I'm still in the noobish-user stage :P OoOoOoOh, I almost forgot!! This is random hi version 2!Z3r0 Tw0
The Shroom
Ok..I would like to know if I could have the Position as Image Composer in the Fake News Section...also which User gives me the image to make?(User Page
Talk Page)
Ok,I'll do the Picture-It'll be done by Tomorow :D(User Page
Talk Page)
I finally finished the picture,and just to be safe-I say I only take credit for putting it to together,placing the background peices(not the orginal),and my edited sprites.The Picture tis here(User Page
Talk Page)
The shroom too
since i resigned from the Shroom as the sports guy sdince i had no ideas i thougt of some positions that im capable of doing for a long time here r my ideas i could do something like Shocking Mario Wiki celeberty news (SMWCN for short) or advertise fake mario merchindise. if you have any better ideas tell me man tell me tell meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! i really want to be a part of the fake news team again but this time with a better job!
Yoshi64 Please Watch my
You Tube Channel
What's Up
Hey 3D, what's up? It has been forever since we've talked. -- Aipom
Yeah I have Brawl, do you have wifi? Hmmmm..... the best pokemon game..... I'm really not quite sure what the best one is. They're all pretty awesome. I'm currently playing Pokemon Pearl so I guess try that. -- Aipom
[Insert something witty here]
Thanks. :o
Awesome. I haven't had the time to make any comics. I only get 30 minutes a night on the computer. (Although, I do sneak on at 2:00am occasionally. XD)
ROFLCOPTER. xD Miley Cyrus sucks, but it's not a bad song.
Good, I'm glad you're director again. ;D
Cool. Also, check out this site called "Hulu". They have movies and TV shows for free! :D
No you don't.
I do. XP
ZOMG, already leaving! D: Bai.
i'll take that marioverse news!
Yoshi64 Please Watch my
You Tube Channel
please join my wiki[[3]]
Can you please make me a (yes) Mametchi GIF ?
Please???? Mametchi-LoverTalk 03:30, 25 August 2008 (EDT)
I understand. Sorry for wasting your time Mametchi-LoverTalk

Please PM Super Mario Bros. and Gabumon your 'Shroom section on the forums (our forums, which one did you think?) by no later than March 14th. Please remember to save a copy in your outbox. If you can't, be sure to tell us soon and we'll be sure to punish you cruelly work something out.
'Shroomingly yours,
IS YOUR JOKE RUNNING? Caps Lock LORD 11:28, 5 September 2008 (EDT)
- :( HOPE YOU GET BETTER. Caps Lock LORD 04:12, 6 September 2008 (EDT)
- I PMed you my Obits. You haven't got them? =| — Stooben Rooben 18:30, 5 September 2008 (EDT)
- Oh, man; and I don't have them anymore! D: Thanks; college is pretty cool. Hey, don't feel that way; I know you're not as active as you used to be, but I'd ALWAYS be happy to talk to you. :) — Stooben Rooben Cool song. 18:37, 5 September 2008 (EDT)
Aw, sux. Blitzwing (talk · gnome work)
RE:No Fake News
I PMed you my section... but oh well. Just use it next month. Phailure (Yapbox) (Contributions)
- Like I said, take the one i was sending you for the September issue, and use it in November.
Phailure (Yapbox) (Contributions)
RE: Groan.
I understand. Sorry for wasting your time (if I did) Mametchi-LoverTalk
RE:Fake News
aw crap. I think I should have kept Stooben in place. --Blitzwing 06:44, 21 September 2008 (EDT)
HEY!! 3D its Joseph363 (See I can ryhme) I have a question who did your sprites???
Yours sinceely Joseph363
Thanks! :) I'm still in shock.
See? :O
Anyway, that sounds good. I remember what happened with my September obits: I didn't PM them to you, I had them saved in Notepad. When I transferred my files over to my new computer, I accidentally deleted them (thinking that they were obits from an older issue XD). I'll be sure to PM you my new obits by your set deadline. ;)
So, how are you? The wiki seems a little less fun with you inactive. D: — Stooben Rooben 16:22, 26 September 2008 (EDT)
Art:Beach Party
I already posted the pic up a while ago just check where I asked to join above,It's under 'The Shroom' i think,
Fake News....
I'm not allowed on the Mario Wiki forums, so can I send you my page via talk etc.?
Ohai II: Return of the Moron
Yup, that's me. ^^^
ROMs sound pretty cool. I assume you have an emulator? 200 library books! :O Holy crap, I won't read that much in my life. :P You don't have high-speed wireless? D: That sucks. Really bad...
Oh, that sounds pretty neat-o! :D You're waaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)yy more inventive with the Fake News than me. o: Yes, I would like PM plz, with a side of fries. =3
That's a great song; I love REM. :D
I don't have as much as I used to now that I'm in college, but I still manage to come on here everyday. :)
I hope you become active again to. I miss you on the wiki and the forums. Userpedia is down, so I don't know if you'll be able to go there though. D:
Don't feel out of touch. Everyone here still likes and misses you. :)
You LOL'd? :D Cool, well here's another retarded pic:
Oh, and I just wanted to say: o: — Stooben Rooben 14:27, 27 September 2008 (EDT)
RE: Fake News
I have made a sub-page for November.
Hey 3D! Uhhhh, how are you fairing without Userpedia? I'm ready to rip a waffle in half! (OH NOEZ, THAT'S AGAINST THE LAW!) Hm, soo, hi! Z3r0 Tw0
I Hope You're a Cake, So I Know You're Lying To Me
Wow, I'm honored! :') Out of all the people you could've talked to...thanks. :)
Gah. D: Retiring from the Fake News? :( That sucks. It is getting inundated with n00bies though; that's kinda annoying.
I want you to be active too! :(
I don't blame you. It's a stupid rule.
Hey, you've got an emulator? Awesome. Those are a great way to pass time. I just got SMBDX on a rom. :D I'll be sure to tell Blitz. Sadly, besides taking care of the 'Shroom, he's retired too. ;_; — Stooben Rooben Maybe I'll catch you in chat one night. :) 00:52, 18 October 2008 (EDT)
I Like Pai
Heyo, 3D! :D I was just thinking about you.
Well, not so much retired, but he's gonna be very inactive. (That's his words.) :(
I need to play the Pokemon series. It sounds like a lot of fun. I got an emulator, so I might get a Pogeymanz game finally.
That's okay. :O
Well, ScribbleWiki crashed, so UP is dead there. We moved to Wikia, but no one liked it there, so then we moved to a new editthis location. (Which sucks too.) I'm trying to make a Userpedia powered by MediaWiki, and I'm about halfway there. I just need to publicate the site. The UP forums are still extremely active though. :D
Cool; I still miss having you around, so I'll be thrilled when you become active again. :D — Stooben Rooben 17:59, 24 October 2008 (EDT)
- Wtf, you in chat...and I missed you! D: Damn my homework. — Stooben Rooben 21:31, 24 October 2008 (EDT)
I know about how you completely lack internet access where you live. So, here's three (hilariously) awful fanfiction to cheer you up. --Blitzwing 18:37, 24 October 2008 (EDT)
Btw, UI have discovered new radoactive isatope but it is so vollatile that it does not have a half-life but quarter-life so we must observe with hasty. --Blitzwing 19:05, 24 October 2008 (EDT)
Are you back? :D uper-Yoshi
Who is the mysterious boss behind the robotic empire? --Blitzwing 19:22, 24 October 2008 (EDT)
- The Final Boss is a Lexus Sedan flying in space. It attacks by throwing Kanji symbols.
Stop looking at me like that, I'm not making this up!
This Section Is. Delicious! Yes! Yes! --Blitzwing 19:35, 24 October 2008 (EDT)
- YO WOMAN CINDY BE BETTA OFF WID OUT YOU MON --Blitzwing 19:47, 24 October 2008 (EDT)
- Yeah. I don't get it either. Now excuse me, but I'm off tracking the English version of an awesome, AWESOME arcade game, Goodbye! --Blitzwing 20:05, 24 October 2008 (EDT)
Ello moto
$3nd /\ /\/\3$$/\g3 8/\ck
Ninja Hamsters are Taking Over The World Refrigerator!
I always liked going to work with my dad. He always made me work my butt off, but it was fun just to be there. Dunno when that'll happen again. o_0
Rofl, that's an awesome motto. It makes me feel special. ^^;
Sweetness, I downloaded a VBA a few weeks ago. I've been playing the heck out of Super Mario Bros. Deluxe. I'll download the Pogeymanz games ASAP. They look really fun, and I'm in need of fun.
4:00am? :O Wow, that's something. Though, I've been seen on here as late as that on occasion. Video games are addicting
Crap, I missed you in chat again! D: Stupid homework. Well, one of these days I'll catch you on chat, and we can be emo together. ...Wait, that sounded creepy. o.o — Stooben Rooben Rhinos? Good God, your room is dirty. :P 01:25, 31 October 2008 (EDT)
I saw your edit summary that said you can't edit my talk page. If you want, you can talk to me here. :) — Stooben Rooben 16:10, 12 November 2008 (EST)
- ^Wut Stooben said.
I've created A "Write awful fanfictions" thread on Userpedia. If you could contribute, it'd be nice. --Blitzwing 17:10, 12 November 2008 (EST)
YAY! Thanks, guys. Sorry I was off for awhile. :(
Stooben: Still on? What d'ya wanna talk about?
Blitzwing: Hokey dokey. For now, can you send me some more awfully (funny) links? :D
3D, it's good to have friends.
- NO NO NOT INSAIN --Blitzwing 17:25, 12 November 2008 (EST)
- Still on? I'm always on. I'm a psycho with
a knifeno life.So, how've you been? Are you excited about the holidays? I know I can't wait for my mom's turkey. :) I also got a Pogeymanz ROM; it's really awesome. Thanks for suggesting them to me. I can't wait for you to return to full activity again; I've become more active on the MW Forums, so odds are that I would run into you. Also, have you gotten the chance to play Brawl lately? I know your parents don't let you play games, but I thought you may have played it at a friend's house or something. ...Anyway, I just unlocked Sonic, and he is pretty cool! He's not worth the hype he got though. — Stooben Rooben 17:31, 12 November 2008 (EST)
- Still on? I'm always on. I'm a psycho with
Time for me to reply!
To Stooben Rooben: About your DS being reserviced; I once dropped... my DS Lite... in a toilet.
It broke from water damage, and we sent it back to "P"intendo. It took a month to get it back... gar.
I've completed Pokemon FireRed, Crystal, and Emerald... now I'm waiting for Platinum to come out so I can play that as a ROM. I could download Pearl or Diamond, but I'd rather wait for Platinum so I can catch the Legendary Birds. :) (Yes, it's possible to get DS ROMs... I wanna play Pokemon Ranger! D:) Which ROM are you playing?
Lawl yes I have played Brawl. My cousins came over two months ago and brought a Wii; I bashed the crap out of Subspace Emmisary's Very Hard mode. WHEEE!
Sonic is way ovverated. Pit and Meta Knight are mah mains; they can fly (always good to have) and have amazing, super quick, incredibly damaging moves. When I get to my cousin's in two weeks maybe we can Wi-Fi... whaddya say?!
To Blitzwing: WHOA. Those are some CRAPPY fanfictions. I don't really think that I even think of anything that crappy. I can make a parody... but not a crap-ody.
I'll try to knock out a parody of like the Lost Adventures or something and send it to ya.
By the way, can you give me a rough list of all the users that are still active?
Is Paper Jorge still around? WarioLof? Uniju? SnackServ? Knife? LilBoo? TheBooKid? Madame Boo-Anne? WHERE IS EVERYONE?!
Oh, and is the Forum still active? I wanna get into that spammy stuff again... :) I miss Uniju... I miss Snack... I miss everyone...
Aw crap I'm emo! :o
And send me more dumb links! I am in need of hilarity!
3D, ninja cyborg zombie mongooses weilding cucumbers have kidnapped the president! Will you, Mr. GenericAnimeCoolGuyWithASpikyHairdo save him?! YOU DECIDE!
Uniju and Snack: Still here.
Jorge: Got back in the Groove recently.
Lil'Boo and his obvious sockpuppets: Retired after DP gave him a warning on the old Userpedia.
Knife: He popped in chat here once to say that he was almost killed by Hurricane Ike. We never saw him again.
WarioLoaf: Came on chat and decicded he would retire just yesterday :(. --Blitzwing 17:46, 12 November 2008 (EST)
Um... WTH?! Lil'Boo, TheBooKid and Boo-Anne were all sockpuppets?
Crap. I kinda liked them.
Yay, Uniju and Snack. Are they on the Phorum?
Hope Knife's OK. :o
Good for Jorge. I'll send him a message once I get on mah Lappy. This office computer I'm using sucks.
WarioLoaf is gone? Doh. I wonder if he's still on Wookiepedia...
Also, is DP still here? I need to ask him some PokeQuestions. :D
SEND MORE LINKS, PLZ. Any dumb fanfictions appreciated. :)
3D, Stooby Stooby Doo, where are you?