Talk:Sei Young Animation Co., Ltd.
Does a logo even exist?[edit]
This is a very silly question, but we've been trying off-and-on to find the logo for these guys for... Well, we forget when our first try was, but it has to have been about a year ago, whenever it was we first landed here via the Random Page button. Every time, without fail, we come out the other end empty-handed and logo-less. Admittedly, we aren't that familiar with production companies, but like... Do these guys even have a logo? The closest we've seen is seeing their name, written out, in credits sequences of animations that they worked on. Not even the menagerie of logo wikis seem to have anything. The closest we can find is this YouTube video, but it feels like kind of a crapshoot as to if it's even authentic, or referring to the same Sei Young as the Animation Company, and go figure, it's watermarked.
So like... Is that the logo for Sei Young the Animation Company? Do they happen to have a logo? We've once again hit a dead end, so we would like some help if anyone has any pointers. ~Camwoodstock (talk) 01:57, January 25, 2025 (EST)