User talk:Z3r0 Tw0

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Revision as of 17:12, November 3, 2008 by Mario304 (talk | contribs) (Hi)
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Hello to:<whosonline></whosonline>

Luigi001's History of Talk.
  1. I Finally Join This Awesome Wiki!
  2. New Friends, and the Wiki Turns 3!
  3. Userpedia ends, but it opens a whole new window of possibilities!

Hello people of this galaxy! Welcome to my new talk! Here are the rules:

  • No cursing or flaming
  • Start a new topic with 2 ='s, or continue an old one.
  • Don't ask for sprites or artwork, I'm totally inexperienced!
  • You may ask me tips on any games I have beaten (on my userpage,) excluding NSMB. I may not know everything you need to know though...SMG is my best

Well, come on now, do what you came here for, talk!

Holy Croup! (That's What Doctors Say When a Patient Has...)

... "inflammation of the larynx and trachea in children, associated with infection and causing breathing difficulties."

It's true. Should that be added to my Random Funny Stuff things... have you read them all? If so, would you like me to add more stuff?

Ooooooooooookay then, this 'five hour meet' thing sounds suspicious... but all the more reason for me to be interested! Please tell me the story!

Well, if you've been called a nice kid in real life, then you're going better than me. I've never, ever been called nice in the non-virtual world, from what I can remember (although amnesia doesn't help...). Maybe I would be if I was capable of existing at school without being followed by a trail of verbal abuse and physical harassment, of which I am always the target. Because I have to absorb so much crap from all the w****rs at school, it hands about me and therefore makes me a less pleasant person. Why should I act all nice if I only get treated like s**t? That's one of my major issues. I told Stooben in much more detail. At least the teachers like you - all of mine think I'm a bit weird - but the whole school does >_>.

Now, that moment certainly was... exciting, yep. You should have heard how she said it. Hey - I learned a cultural fact from you - thanks! You seem to have weird subject names there. Oh, and now I know 'LA' doesn't stand for Los Angeles! Thanks for telling me that! Yeah, it's called English here. No, we don't call it Australian - although our language has quite a few different words to your American dialect. ("I was walking down the sidewalk on my way to the drugstore, eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich...") - that would sound so funny to us if an American came here and said that! Can you think of an ultra-Australian sentence!? I challenge you.

Ahh, I'd do anything to go back to that awesome topic in Health lessons. Wait - are you saying the "hands-on" lessons involved nudity? :O ZOMG! Last year I missed a hands-on lesson due to sickness, and I can just tell you it involved test tubes, bananas, and certain things being used on them. Is that what you had to do?

Wow - you really say such awesome things like that behind my back!? Awesome - I'm going to eavesdrop on you :P. Seriously, that's really cool.

I also have no YouTube account since I don't yet have the essential requirement - broadband >_>

OK, that story is very spooky - wowser! That's ROFLarious and insane... XD. Seriously, what do they teach you at schools these days... - it scares me.

I found the word 'pee-pee' in my Dictionary program on my japoota! Heh, the dictionary even has 'WTF', 'LOL', and more!

The original Yoshi's Island PWNs YIDS. The sequel just doesn't have the same awesome level design - and it feels less fun and too easy. The original was famous for its difficulty to obtain 100% in every level - that's an ULTIMATE challenge. Hey, have you ever won Endless World of Yoshis with 100%? It's the Secret level of World 6. I won it yesterday - with 100%! I challenge you to match my achievement... if you need help, just ask.

OK, here's a funny story:

In a Maths lesson this year (BTW, in Australia it's called maths - as though a plural... dunno why that's different 0_o), my teacher thought he could outsmart us with a really clever trick question. However, being in the smartest class (our Maths and English classes are sorted by level of intelligence... I'm in the smartest for both :O), we have many ultra-nerds who know everything. So yeah, his trick question got busted by our brainiest guy, and then the teacher said (brace yourself...), he said "OK then, do you wanna get hard!?" And the whole class went psycho with laughter. The funny thing is, me and Hess were blank for 2 seconds then we got what was funny and we ROFLed! (by then everyone was looking at us since we were so slow to react!)

Oh yeah, I also have a few stories of my humorous clumsiness - would you like to hear some? Here's a sample to let you decide:

Very recently I was walking to the dirty-clothes basket, holding my "dirty" clothes to put away. So I walked past the cat's food and water bowls (we have 2 cats, 3 wombats and a dog, BTW). And somehow I tripped on thin air and fell forwards into the wall, while dropping my clothes into the cat's food and water! Lucky no-one saw that - it was mbarrazin! And even funnier, my cat heard the crash (and the swearing, I guess) and came up to me, giving me a "WTF are you doing!?" expression!

Oh, and as for something cool - well, I've started a hobby of recolouring Pokemon sprites - but you don't play Pokemans, do you? So, would you like me to recolour some other sprites? Please choose which. (I could change Luigi to make him into you - if you gave design details)

th_DimentioSigLeft.png Dom »» McTalk I'd like more of your stories - especially if they're naughty! th_SMKDimentiobyStooben.png

Oh yeah - and I read the new section on your page and I was like "............................ :O .......... 0_o ......."

Mmm yep.

I'll gleefully await your reply!

Wii Friends

Please add me in your MKWii and Brawl Friend Rosters. Here are my codes:

  • Mario Kart Wii: 3394-4916-4548 - Mateus (Spain)
  • Brawl: 5112-5377-8625 - MATT

If you want to add my Wii Address, here it is: 3162-1613-6372-7492

I already added you, so just add me and we'll be able to play against each other.

Post a message in my Talk Page when you're done doing that, ok?

P Y Sig image.png Paper Yoshi Talk - oops... I had forgotten signing my message...

I wish I could read it, but it's blocked for some reason :( Ah well. Anyways, have a good Halloween? Glitchmansig.PNG Glitchman (talk · contribs) Glitchmansig.PNG 12:56, 1 November 2008 (EDT)

I Know How You Feel...

Er, that header didn't sound creepy did it!? I hope not.

I know how frustrating it is when you can't get online for long periods of time - I always wish I knew what was happening on the Wiki. Hey - you have to keep it a sceret :O ? Wow, that must be hard. Why is that so?

th_DimentioSigLeft.png Dom »» McTalk Waiting is always worth it for dirty stories! th_SMKDimentiobyStooben.png


Hi! I'm Mario304 and I'm a very active user on this wiki! I like Mario and you like Luigi so do you want to be friends?
