MarioWiki:Proposals/Archive Template Siblings TemplateCOMBINE 13-0 I've noticed that the Siblings template, though useful, is in need of a change, notably, the fact that, on looking, one cannot actually tell which characters are, in fact, siblings. For example, Mario has two characters between him and Luigi, or on a much more dramatic scale, Dixie Kong and Tiny Kong are on complete opposite ends of the template. Some characters, like Kat and Ana, have this remedied with the word "and" in some form. My proposal, in order to clean this template up, is to do that with all characters with an unlinked 'and' between them, for example, Mario and Luigi. Naturally, this wouldn't apply to, say, the Jellyfish Sisters, as they don't have an and in their name, or to, say, Kat and Ana, who already have an and which is a part of the page name. They would be arranged alphabetically by first character's name, so it would be, say, Mario and Luigi after Baby Mario and Baby Luigi, but before Punio and Petuni. Proposer: Shrikeswind (talk) Combine
Leave SeperateCommentsJeez, I hope I did this right. My first proposal and I feel like an idiot doing it. Any help would be much appreciated. - Shrikeswind (talk)
Er... Could you link to the template, please? :') I'll go find it myself, but it would be nice for people who newly see the proposal. InfectedShroom (talk) As I said in my vote, I already did the research and came up with divisions for the siblings a while ago. I saved my work, and just went through and converted it to this idea, and this is the result. If you like it, Shrikeswind, perhaps we can use it as the new Sibling's Template if (or rather, when) this proposal passes? If there's anything amiss, please tell me. - Walkazo (talk)
L BlockDON'T MERGE 1-8 I was stopping by to check on blocks recently, and I saw that L Block had almost no info. I have a feeling L Block should be merged with M Block. Proposer: Pink Boozooka (talk) Merge
Don't Merge
CommentsI don't like blocks. Dom (talk)
Well, Dom, blocks happen to be a major part of the Mario series. Deleting these articles would get you immediately stripped of your powers if you had them. Blocks are awesome. No questions asked. We're done here. *closes briefcase and walks out the door* R.O.B 128 (talk) Hey, ROB128 - I've noticed that everyone on the Wiki hates my opinions no matter what I say. I feel even more worthless now. But seriously, BLOCKS. What could be less interesting? I wouldn't truly consider deleting the block articles - but maybe merging them all into a Blocks article - but since everyone hates my ideas - there was no point in saying that. Oh, and Super-Yoshi - are you calling me ugly? Oh yeah, and ROB - I don't exactly have any powers to be stripped of - I'm a useless contributor with no special rank like Sysop or anything. I probably never will be due to life circumstances. Dom (talk) Mame Block and BagubagutchiSPLIT 6-5
Proposer: BeeBop! (talk) Split
Keep it Merged
CommentsUmm I think they have a proposal to merge all those items together since they're stubish. Princess Grapes Butterfly (talk)
I was looking over the archived proposals and there is no one up there about these two items but i know there was a proposal but to your point InfectedShroom it did not pass i know that for a fact because i lead the charge ageinst it i belive win it dissaberd the tally was 11-8. iggykoopa (talk)
So that means somebody merged the items together after the propasal falied. iggykoopa (talk)
Oh my god you guys are such hypocrites manily you super yoshi you dont souporte the merge of minor paper mario items but you do support the merge of these items why is that? is because they are not in america and the stubish thing all minor items are stubish Iggykoopa (talk)