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This is my sandbox, where I will work on projects of mine that are yet to be completed or pages that I am not ready to save yet. I am currently using this to do Mario and Luigi's quotes for Super Mario Adventures. See my notes section on my userpage for more projects I will be working on in the future.
Super Mario Adventures
Issue 32
- "We are the Mushroom Kingdom's plumbers extraordinare!"
- "The Super Mario brothers, what a pair!"
- "Do you have problems with your pipes?"
- "Are all the fittings screwed down tight?"
- "If they aren't, don't despair! The super plumbers will be there!"
- "And there's no pipe we can't repair!"
- "Ciao!"
- "Have wrench, will travel."
- "Mama mia, what a mess!"
- "Eh, no problemo!"
- "You just had breakfast! Now put down the pasta and pick up a wrench. We'll fasten these fittings in no time!"
- "C'mon, Weege. It's easy! Just match the colors."
- "The red pipe's connected to the red pipe..."
- "...and the blue pipe's connected to the blue pipe..."
- "...and the yellow pipe's connected to the..."
- "...yellow pipe!"
- "The T-joint's connected to the U-joint..."
- "...the elbow joint's connected to the arm bone."
- "Do the back stroke and get back to work!"
- "Remember the party! Without pipes, the princess will be in a pickle!"
- "We'll patch red to red to save the day..."
- "...and all the party guests will shout "Hip hip hooray!"
- And we'll patch green to..."
- ""
- "Where did that come from?"
- "That wasn't there a minute ago. What the...??"
- "It's huge! Maybe it's a direct line to the royal moat."
- "Let's see what's..."
- "Kkkkk..."
- "Forget the crushed canneloni! Let's beat feet!"
- "*whew!* That was close! Wha...?"
- "OH NO! It's PIPE-O-RAMA!"
- "Hold on, Weege! I'm on my way!"
- "Wait! I have a plan. Boot one over here, Luigi!"
- "Gaack!"
- "They don't even make wrenches for pipes that size!"
Issue 33
- "Wow! Get a load of that Koopa Copter!"
- "I feel kind of slap happy...where...?"
- "Where's Bowser? Let me at him!"
- "The princess in pursuit?" Let's get moving!"
- "C'mon, Weege! We have some pipes to clean!"
- "Every pipe has its fitting!"
- "Owwch! Rough landing!"
- "Where are we?"
- "Weege! Talk to me, bro!"
- "Quit fooling around!"
- "What's that? It looks like a giant egg!"
- "This is no time to talk about eating! The princess is..."
- "Maybe you're right. We have to keep our energy up!"
- "It's alive!"
Issue 34
- "What...?!!"
- "I don't like the way it's looking at us!"
- "Luigi! Over here!"
- "A king-size caterpillar!"
- "Hang on, Weege!"
- "Now it's really mad!"
- "Let's run for it!"
- "Oh, no!"
- "A centipede sandwich!"
- "Hey, Weege...I think we're still here."
- Let's get while the gettin's good."
- "Don't look now, but..."
- "Plumbers taste terrible, you know!"
- "Listen-- he sounds kind of friendly."
- "I think he likes us."
- "You want us to hop on?"
- "Who knows? Hold on!"
- "Chill out, Weege."
- "Who are you?"
- "Sorry, we're not here to shop, Floyd."
- "Where is "here", anyway?"
- "KOOPA?!"
- "What a brute!"
- "What we need is an interpreter!"
- "3,000! What a rip-off!"
- "That's better. We'll take it!"
- "Let's get started!'
- "Good idea! Let's see..."
- "Wait 'till I get my hands on that Friendly Floyd!!"
- "Look!"
- "The princess' guard!"
- "Princess! What happened?"
- "A plumber's work is never done!"
Issue 35
- "Look!"
- "So that's where they're holding her!"
- "Who needs a boat?"
- "On to plan B..."
- "Break a leg, Princess!"
Issue 36
- "We'll take a break soon."
- "Can it be?"
- "Let's just scram before he can pull another scam."
- "NO! Don't sit..."
- "This must be the Koopa Express!"
- "OH, NOOOO!"
- "You rotten Koopa brats!"
Issue 37
- "Yes, I do!"
- "Hmf m hefhuf! Himf if fu fee!" ("What a getup! Pink is you, Weege!")
- "GRRRR!"
Issue 38
- "Hmmff!"
- "To the rescue!"
- "Even chains can't hold mighty Mario!"
- "Princess! Are you all right?"
Issue 40
- "I can't believe they pulled it off without my direction..."
- "We won't be needing any more bombs now."
- "Amazing!"
- "Koopa's conquered! The kingdom is safe at last!"
- "Thanks to you, Princess."
- "WAIT! This adventure isn't a done deal yet!"
- "We didn't exactly drive here on the Koopa Expressway!"
- "...way up there. I think we need an alternate route."
- "Excellent idea, Toad! Go for it!"
- "The pipe! Look!"
- "Our rescue team!"
- "That makes two of us!"
- "Ouch! What's the big idea?"
- "Luigi! Something weird's going down!"
- "NOOOO!"
- "That creepy Koopa!"
- "Come back here!"
- "Take that!"
- "That'll teach you to mess with the Mario Bros!"
- "Hey! Wait for me!"
- "Follow that Koopa copter!"
- "Luigi, are you sure this is the right direction?"
- "Oh, brother! We're lost!"
- "Yoshi! Which way did he go?"
- 'Uh-oh..."
- "Luigi...did we make it? Where are we?"
- "Hole-y rigatoni!"
- "Look! I wonder if anybody's home..."
Issue 41
- "I don't see any lights on..."
- "Mama mia, what a peculiar pad!"
- "Wait! Don't go in!"
- "I'm telling you, Weege, I have a weird feeling about this..."
- "Wait, Luigi. We may be tired, lost, and worst of all, hungry, but we must keep our wits about us. There's something strange about this gut feeling is that it's a trap! C'mon-- let's get out of here!"
- "Hurry, Luigi! Let's!"
- "You don't understand. It's just like a mouse trap."
- "The inviting smell of cheese lures the mouse in, and BANG!"
- "Speaking of cheese, that smells like fine provolone!"
- "NO! Luigi, come back here!"
- "Luigi!"
- "OH NOOO!"
- "Yeowyeowyeowch!"
- "This is a fine mess-- now we're locked in!"
- "Luigi! Where are you?"
- "Are you following me?"
- "OWCH!"
- "What's the big idea?"
- "Cut that out!"
- "YEEOW!"
- "I'm outta here!"
- "LUIGI!"
- "Don't turn your back on them!"
- "Move, Luigi! Back up against the wall!"
- "Trust me. Keep sliding along the wall!"