Hi, welcome to my page...if you can even call it a page yet...
I only recently became a member...trying to figure out how to answer friend requests...
Until then, here is a list of requests I have recieved and accept.
Cmario17's Userbox Tower
This user is an expert gamer.
This user is an intermediate programmer.
This user loves dinosaurs.
This user plays Animal Crossing.
This user plays the The Legend of Zelda series.
This user is a Super Mario Wiki contributor.
This user loves CHEESE!.
This user thinks Waluigi should appear in more than just sports games.
This user is a math genius
This user thinks Yoshis are cute.
Yoshi Here
This user's favorite Color yoshi is is the Blue Yoshi.
This textbox formatting could be hard to get used to.
This page is still under construction!!!