The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!: Mario Meets Koopzilla
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Pirates of the Koopa is a VHS release of The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! It was released by Kids Klassics in September 1989. The VHS is 30 minutes long, and it contains the animated segment "Mario Meets Koop-zilla" alongside two live-action segments, "Fortune Teller" and "Heart Throb."
The artwork showcases the enlarged Koop-zilla smashing down a house in a countryside setting with a wooden house nearby, while clinging on to a helpless Mario.
King Koopa has eaten Dr. T. Garden's secret weapon—Super Sushi—and has been transformed into the huge monster "Koopzilla". Koopzilla is terrorizing the city of Sayonara, squashing buildings, swatting planes, and causing tidal waves until Mario scarfs down some Super Sushi and grows to match Koopzilla's giant size. The two gigantic combatants then clash in an earth-shattering battle.