List of Super Mario Bros. (film) quotes

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This is a list of some quotes from Mario movies. They are listed by character.

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Super Mario Bros.

Mario Mario

  • "A long, long time ago earth was ruled by dinosaurs. They were big, so not a lotta people went around hasslin' them. Actually, no people went around hasslin' them 'cuz there weren't any people yet. Basically, life was pretty good.
  • "Mario Brother's plumbing. No leak too small."
  • Luigi: "I'm gonna kill'em!"
    Mario: No, you're not gonna kill'em. Not if I get there first. I'm gonna break every bone in their bodies and then I'm gonna kill'em."
  • "How're we gonna get into Koopa's Tower? I've got two words for you-im possible."
  • Luigi: "Mario, did you see that? It's trying to communicate."
    Mario: "Luigi, it's a mushroom."

Luigi Mario

  • "Right now, on Miraculous World, this guy just found out he was in another dimension."
  • Luigi: "Well ya know, we got a van."
    Daisy: "It's nice!"
    Luigi: '""Yeah,, no--I'm asking you if you would want a ride? Oh, but, ah, it's broken now..."
  • "Your name's Daisy isn't it? I overheard your name was daisy--You know, I haven't heard that name around here, it's really nice, too--Well, I have heard it, 'cause it's the flower and everything. But not like I hang around flower shops or nothin' like that."
  • "It's a pleasure to meet me! I mean, it's a pleasure to meet you."
  • Luigi: "Do you eat?"
    Daisy: "Yeah..."
    Luigi: "Dinner?"
    Daisy: "Sure..." Luigi: "Tonight?" Daisy: "Oh...okay!"
  • "Mario, I got a feelin'. I got a feelin' we ain't in Brooklyn no more."
  • "You didn't save us, that tunnel just sneezed us out and that giant booer just caught us mid-air. That's what saved us."


  • "Yoshi...I guess we're both prisoners here."
  • "Listen! I know this is going to sound a little strange, but....I want you to meet my father."
  • "He used to be the leader here until...Koopa turned him into...all this fugus."
  • Daisy: "Oh, how's Daniella? Is she alright?"
    Mario: "Daniella, that's right! I promised to take her to Wrestlemania."
  • Daisy: "Mario! Luigi! We need your help. You're not gonna believe this..."
    Mario: "Oh, I believe it!"

King Koopa

  • "Perhaps if I could just make you idiots smarter, you won't screw-up this time."
  • "Here's what's logical to me... if you do not return with the plumbers and the rock... I shall personally kill you."
  • "After the merge, it will be nice to see the humans de-evolve, won't it? What is it they come from? I keep forgetting, its, uh, mice or something...
  • "Disgusting mammals."'
  • "Well, my, my, looks like you got up on the wrong side of the nest this morning."
  • "That I am, ruler of all you see. A few miserable streets and endless desert."
  • "My, my, you have let yourself go! See, I'm not such a bad guy, you always wanted to be everywhere, well now you are. And I wanna tell you something, you can go ahead and choke this little Mushroom Kingdom all you want, cuz', I'm out of here. I'm out into the bigger world! I gotta a couple a plumbers bringin' me the rest of the meteorite. Soon to be dead plumbers. And by the way, you really oughta pull yourself back together again... slime bucket!"
  • "King Koopa here. I'd like the Koopa Special. Yes, dino, lizard, hold the mammal, no worms and, uh, spicy."