User talk:Dom
Two Archives:Look, I've made another archive of old messages! Do NOT read them! It's under Dom's TOP SECRET archives...
Re:InterviewWell sure Dom, I already have done the interview for July's 'Shroom, but I can interview you for the August issue! Glitchman (talk · contribs) I know, Red Axem Ranger PWNs! XD And once, I've known every last thing you just said... except the berry codeWhat the title says. What's da berry code? That's actually the code I was talking about earlier (the one that you can obtain Pokemon at Level 100... and then that mistake with Tyranitar came). If you don't know, press select before heading out in the grass, and there's the Pokemon at Level 100. And now, if you may, head over to my usertalk on Userpedia (a link is on my page), and head to the bottom. Paper Jorge gave me the whole story of what happened on Chat. Wait, is Blitzwing talkin to me?R u talkin to me? (Yeah, I guess so...) Well...I have no idea how to do any of that stuff. I'm still a complete NOOB when it comes to computers (WTC is that thing everyone calls the "Control Panel" or the "Start Menu", or "My Computer"? As a matter of fact, what's this thing called a "Power Button"? lol...) Where was I? oh yes, well, I could use some help on this, so if anybody is kind enough, please give me some tips. And I would like to become a writer on the Shroom if someone helped me. BTW Dom, the random funny stuff section is definitely the funniest. In favor of Mr. L ruling the world, Negative Squad Image talkDom, I need to tell you of putting a license tag to the images you are uploading - is simple, select the licensing when you are in the upload file page, located at the bottom of the page. ¢oincoll€ctor ok, I put the license to your images (but remember...), so, are you gonna replace the blurred ones with these? ¢oincoll€ctor