User talk:Henry Tucayo Clay
welcome to my page!
18:15, 20 May 2008 (EDT)
If by "Game", you mean the "Fun Stuff" section, yeah, those sections goes in there. --Blitzwing 18:09, 20 May 2008 (EDT)
ok, thanks --
18:15, 20 May 2008 (EDT)
help with the css
can anyone help me setting up my css in my page, i didnt understand very well its help section -- 17:52, 21 May 2008 (EDT)
Just PM me the sections on the forum. --Blitzwing 19:04, 27 May 2008 (EDT)
Paper Mario Beta Images
Uh... hi. This is just out of personal curiosity, but would you happen to have the action replay code to get into the debug rooms you added? Or a source?
Twentytwofiftyseven 20:22, 12 June 2008 (EDT)
the source, -- 16:58, 13 June 2008 (EDT)
Twentytwofiftyseven 21:25, 13 June 2008 (EDT)