Alien (Club Nintendo)
The Aliens first appeared in the Club Nintendo comic Sag niemals Holerö.
The aliens planned to turn all the humans into food with the help of the Master Alien's plans. Discuised as a human, (a famous singer named Heini to persist) the Master Alien used a magical word in a song to turn all the humans into food. This word was Holerö. Once the humans were food he divised a plot to get them to all come to one place; one of his "concerts". As the music became popular it was played in different places turning the people who heard it into food. For example in the comic a women decides to listen to it on a jukebox but luckily Bomberman blows it up in time. After gathering the food people into one area the aliens would then devoure them. Luckily for the people transformed into food Mario, T.T., and Bomberman put a stop to this.
There were many types of aliens that showed up to the feast presumably from many other galaxies, the Master Alien being from planet Ualeh Zurük; the aliens include:
Bird Alien - These aliens resemble ostriches that walk upright with two arms. The bird alien has purple feathers on the back of it's head and shoulders. the bird alien bares a beak containing a long red tounge. The rest of the its body is yellow feathers with a red and yellow suit covering most of it's upper body and torso.
Chef Alien - These aliens seemed to only have one purpose and that was to prepare the food (food people that is). The chef alien was tall and green with two slits for a nose, under them what seemed to be whiskers. The chef alien was always seen wearing a white chef hat and white coat.
Ant Alien - The ant aliens resembled a big ant. The ant alien was relativly short presumably under three feet. The ant alien stood up on two feet and had two arms. The ant aliens were brown, had antennas, and a had a large mouth baring sharp teeth.
Blue Alien - The blue aliens have a hippo like appearence. The blue aliens were (obviously) blue and wore a purple and black suit that covered most of the body except for the face. The suit had tubes coming out of the back of it going into the head, perhaps a breathing mechanisim.
Brown Alien - The brown alien has large blue eyes and a long tube like mouth.
Green Alien - The green alien is a large buff alien bareing a mouth with large pink lips, many sharp teeth, and a long red tounge. The green alien also wears a dome shaped red and gold hard hat.
Cyclopyic Alien - The cycloptic alien obviously has one eye. This alien is blue bareing a face with light blue facial hair; a mustache and a beard that gose up to the top of its head. This alien also has a large mouth with many sharp teeth. The cycloptic alien's head also has golden bolts on both sides.
Iguana Alien - This alien is breifly seen and resembles an iguana with a suit on.
Squid Alien - This alien resembles a blooper or just a squid like animal. This alien probaly come from an aquatic planet. The alien's face however resembled a fish, the face also had fins on the cheeks and a spiky dorsal fin going down it's back.
The UFOs seen in the parking are presumably the way the aliens came to Earth (They are probably on Earth because there are only humans and no Mushroom People where the comic takes place). UFOs are high-tech vehicles that can travle large distances in space. There are also many different kinds according to the comic some shaped like saucers and others look like squares.