The 'Shroom:Issue 190/Staff Notes

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Staff Notes

Written by: Waluigi Time (talk) and Roserade (talk)

Shroom2022 WT.png

Hello there, 'Shroom readers! It's 2023 now! I don't know about you guys, but I've got a good feeling about this one. I've got some announcements to announce, so listen up!

First of all, a new year brings new leadership for The 'Shroom! Hooded Pitohui (talk) is the winner of our Director Election, and will once again be taking over as 'Shroom Director for 2023! I'm not going too far myself though, as I'll be tagging along as Sub-Director. Rose re-re-painted my re-painting, so I guess I'll have to re-re-re-paint my old office. Maybe we should buy stock in paint. Anyway, be sure to read the Directorial Address for some of the plans this year.

Also, if you haven't already heard, in November we'll be celebrating the milestone of 200 'Shroom issues! 16 years and this community project is still going strong. I can already tell you that it's definitely going to be something to look forward to! It's never too early to start thinking about sections to write for the issue, either. Maybe you'd like to do a special feature, do a one-off in one of the teams, make a return to a section you used to write, or even start a brand new section! Your creativity's the limit, really. Starting in February, we'll be taking advance submissions for Issue 200 throughout the year to give you all plenty of time to make stuff! Why wait until November?

I'll leave the rest to Rose - who I once again have to thank for stepping into the Sub-Director position this year, I don't want to think about where I'd be without him. Thanks for putting up with me (in a professional setting (with this specific dynamic)) for these past five months!

Well, I have to go price out purple paint again. Enjoy the issue!

Waluigi Time, Director

Shroom 2021 Roserade.png

Greetings, beautiful 'Shroom readers! Boy howdy, are we in the bright year of 2023! Is this one really the year of our lord and savior? Stay tuned to find out!

Yeah, I'm moving out of these offices again. I made Waluigi Time swear that he would take care of the roses I've been cultivating, and I swear, if I see even one spoonful of his dreadful cereal in this room, I'm staging a coup.

With most of our other announcements out of the way, I have the opportunity to point your direction towards our 'Shroom Scavenger Hunt round-up! If you'd like to take a peek at some relevant game stats, and give a glance through the entire gallery of item artwork created by GBA (talk), now's your chance! Thank you so much again to GBA and Lakituthequick (talk) for making the event a resounding success. You can always trust on them to make something artistically engaging.

Though this is my last day in this leadership office (for now (help)), I remain excited to work with this 'Shroom staff and the greater community to craft The 'Shroom into the best paper it can be. My fullest thank you's extend to Waluigi Time for taking the helm on the remainder of this term, and for always being a creative, engaging, and, as I begrudgingly admit, funny guy besides. This community is better off with him in it, and it's hard to see better proof of that than with this term of The 'Shroom.

That's all for now. Until you see me next in the Fun Stuff offices, thank you for reading, and have fun out there!

Roserade, Sub-Director

The 'Shroom: Issue 190
Staff sections Staff NotesThe 'Shroom SpotlightThe 'Shroom Holiday ScavengerDirectorial Address
Features Fake NewsFun StuffPalette SwapPipe PlazaCritic CornerStrategy Wing