yo yo im Mrsdaisyluigi im just an ordinary mariowiki user. but i am considerd a bit nuts by the losers i call my friends(im joking you lot know i am) and sometimes even by my teachers. i think that they have a cheek to judge me, they dont know me so how dare they!lol. i told you im nuts. dont try to chase me with a camera. ask some of mi m8s they'll tell yooh wat the conciquences are and they aint pleasent. trust me. dont provoke princess daisys anger. want a reason? look at the video entiteld daisy's fury. i enjoy video games and i reli fink tht mario and luigi shuld rap cos tht would be the funniest thing ever!!!!!!!!!! OMG imagine PEACH AND DAISY RAPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg tht would be JOKES!!!!! oh wat about waluigi and wario rapping? thts sorta funny slash sad lol toadette and toad would look plain silly rapping birdo and yoshi? hmmmmmmm............... rosalina????? maby bowser or bowser jr......... huh ? what ? oh i seem to have gone off on a rant about nothing oops what was gunna say oh yess i remember! ARG HARG ALRIGHTY THEN!!!!!!!! Lets Look At My Page!!!!!! (Was tht it? im so not sure...... oh well!) me myself and i
and mario strikers crarged football. and mario super sluggers.when/if it comes out. and i also have a crazy guenia pig. mi brethern ennit!mi super mario bretheren =daisy baby daisy luigi baby luigi peach baby peach birdo toadette toad yoshi baby yoshi baby mario mario mi real world brethernkim sandy miwi sam.m sam.b sherrie steph.h steph.k mikala gareth megan grace soibhan daisy maggie tiffany sophie katy chocolate!
quiz<A HREF="">
<IMG SRC=" how i found mario wikii grew up around a mario obsessed best friend but i didnt take it in a few years later i found mario kart ds. i played it and thought, this looks fimiliar....... i typed in mario on google and found all the info bout a load of the characters and a load that wernt even on the game. i typed in mario on wiki pedia then found myself on mariowiki. ive been sufing the site ever since.
videosbowser's daisy website <youtube>4510i1PRe_Q&NR=1</youtube> daisy's animations <youtube>pFNAyDJX7B4&NR=1</youtube> away entrances <youtube>1JO3XNqp-R4&NR=1</youtube> daisy's fury <youtube>vMEErjBkt8U&feature=related</youtube> home entrances <youtube>1rj34RSTqBE&NR=1</youtube> mega strikes <youtube>_un7fv8JW04&NR=1</youtube> daisy vs wario <youtube>pX1o9bwOK-w&NR=1</youtube> mariokartds end credits <youtube>Ot1Nv_xr2T0</youtube> user box